# ANSIBLE MANAGED FILE - DO NOT EDIT # [Match] Name={{ item.key }} [Network] DHCP={{ "Yes" if item.value.dhcp | default(false) else "No" }} IPv6AcceptRA=No {% if item.value.dns is defined %} {% for server in item.value.dns %} DNS={{ server }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if item.value.bond is defined %} Bond={{ item.value.bond }} {% endif %} {% if not item.value.dhcp | default(false) %} {% if item.value.gateway is defined %} Gateway={{ item.value.gateway | ansible.netcommon.ipaddr('address') }} {% endif %} {% for address in item.value.addresses | default([]) %} Address={{ address | ansible.netcommon.ipaddr('host/prefix') }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% for interface in skylab_networking.keys() %} {% if interface.startswith(item.key) and interface.partition('.')[2] | regex_search('^[0-9]{1,4}$') and interface != item.key %} VLAN={{ interface }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} # EOF