#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o pipefail declare FMT_RESET declare FMT_BOLD declare FMT_GREEN declare FMT_RED declare NL FMT_RESET=$(printf "\\e[0m") FMT_BOLD=$(printf "\\e[1m") FMT_GREEN=$(printf "\\e[32m") FMT_RED=$(printf "\\e[31m") NL=$'\n' readonly FMT_RESET readonly FMT_BOLD readonly FMT_GREEN readonly FMT_RED readonly NL function usage() { cat << __EOF__ ${FMT_GREEN}$(basename "$0")${FMT_RESET}: \ Ping hosts and print status ${FMT_BOLD}Usage:${FMT_RESET} $(basename "$0") [-h] [--service|--network] ${FMT_GREEN}-h --help${FMT_RESET} Print this message and exit. ${FMT_GREEN}--services${FMT_RESET} Report service status ${FMT_GREEN}--network${FMT_RESET} Report network status __EOF__ } function _fmt_online() { echo "${FMT_BOLD}${FMT_GREEN}ONLINE${FMT_RESET}"; } function _fmt_offline() { echo "${FMT_BOLD}${FMT_RED}OFFLINE${FMT_RESET}"; } function _test_cmd() { if eval "$1" &>/dev/null ; then echo "${2}~$(_fmt_online)"; else echo "${2}~$(_fmt_offline)"; fi } function _test_ping() { _test_cmd "ping -W 2 -c 1 ${1}" "${2}"; } function _test_curl_head() { _test_cmd "curl --fail --head ${1}" "${2}"; } function _test_curl_get() { _test_cmd "curl --fail --get ${1}" "${2}"; } function _test_curl_insecure() { _test_cmd "curl --fail --head --insecure ${1}" "${2}"; } function _test_netcat() { _test_cmd "nc -z ${1} ${2}" "${3}"; } function network() { local uplink_address="" declare -a infra=("core.en1.local" "switch.en1.local" "wap-1.en1.local" "wap-2.en1.local" "wap-3.en1.local" "printer.en1.local") declare -a infra_names=("Core Router" "Core Switch" "Wireless AP 1" "Wireless AP 2" "Wireless AP 3" "Printer") declare -a lab=("cluster.skylab.enp.one" "pegasus.skylab.enp.one" "saturn.skylab.enp.one" "orion.skylab.enp.one" "iridium.skylab.enp.one" "en2.enp.one") declare -a lab_names=("Cluster" "Pegasus" "Saturn" "Orion" "Iridium" "Hubble") local output=$(_test_ping "$uplink_address" "UPLINK") output+="${NL}"; output+="${NL}INFRASTRUCTURE~STATE${NL}" for (( index=0; index<"${#infra[@]}"; index++ )); do output+=$(_test_ping "${infra[$index]}" "${infra_names[$index]}") output+="${NL}" done output+="${NL}HOMELAB~STATE${NL}" for (( index=0; index<"${#lab[@]}"; index++ )); do output+=$(_test_ping "${lab[$index]}" "${lab_names[$index]}") output+="${NL}" done column -e -t -s '~' <<<"$output" } function services() { local output="INTERNAL~STATE${NL}" output+=$(_test_netcat "cluster.skylab.enp.one" "53" "AdGuard DNS") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_netcat "core.en1.local" "53" "Fallback DNS") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_curl_insecure "https://cluster.skylab.enp.one:8443/status" "Ubiquiti WLC") output+="${NL}" output+="${NL}PUBLIC~STATE${NL}" output+=$(_test_curl_head "https://pms.enp.one/web/index.html" "Plex Media Server") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_netcat "cluster.skylab.enp.one" "25565" "Minecraft Server") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_curl_get "https://vcs.enp.one/api/v1/version" "Version Control") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_curl_get "https://ssv.enp.one/api/alive" "Bitwarden") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_curl_head "https://cdn.enp.one/heartbeat" "Digital Ocean CDN") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_curl_head "https://doc.enp.one/" "Documentation") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_curl_head "https://enpaul.net/" "enpaul.net") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_curl_head "https://allaroundhere.org/" "allaroundhere.org") output+="${NL}" output+=$(_test_curl_head "https://enp.one/" "enp.one") output+="${NL}" column -e -t -s'~' <<<"$output" } function main() { if [[ "$1" =~ ^(-h|--help)$ ]]; then usage; return 0 fi if [[ "$1" = "--network" ]]; then network; return 0 fi if [[ "$1" = "--services" ]]; then services; return 0 fi } if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "$0" ]]; then main "${@}" fi