--- - name: Disable sudo password for WHEEL group when: ansible_distribution == "Rocky" or ansible_distribution == "CentOS" become: true ansible.builtin.copy: content: "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" dest: /etc/sudoers.d/30-wheel owner: root group: "{{ ansible_user }}" mode: 0644 # Note that the cleanup tasks need to be after the new installation tasks # since one or more files being cleaned up might be being relied on to # allow ansible access - name: Fetch content of sudoers config directory become: true changed_when: false ansible.builtin.command: cmd: /usr/bin/ls /etc/sudoers.d/ register: _sudoers_files_raw - name: Remove legacy sudoers config files when: item.strip() not in ["30-wheel"] become: true ansible.builtin.file: path: /etc/sudoers.d/{{ item.strip() }} state: absent loop: "{{ _sudoers_files_raw.stdout.split(' ') }}" loop_control: label: "/etc/sudoers.d/{{ item.strip() }}"