--- - name: Install repositories on Fedora become: true when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" block: - name: Install RPMFusion repositories ansible.builtin.dnf: name: - https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm - https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm state: present disable_gpg_check: true - name: Install Docker CE repository ansible.builtin.yum_repository: name: docker-ce-stable description: Docker CE Stable - $basearch baseurl: https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/$releasever/$basearch/stable enabled: true gpgcheck: true gpgkey: https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/gpg - name: Install VSCode repository ansible.builtin.yum_repository: name: vscode description: Visual Studio Code baseurl: https://packages.microsoft.com/yumrepos/vscode enabled: true gpgcheck: true gpgkey: https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc - name: Enable Signal-Desktop COPR repository community.general.copr: name: luminoso/Signal-Desktop state: enabled - name: Install packages on Fedora become: true when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" ansible.builtin.dnf: name: - arc-theme - cmake - code # visual studio code - deluge - docker-ce - gcc - gcc-c++ - gnome-tweaks - gnome-shell-extension-material-shell - gnome-shell-extension-openweather - gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor-applet - gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview - gnupg2 - guvcview - java-17-openjdk - jq - libffi-devel - libvirt - libvirt-devel - libxml2-devel - mediawriter - ncurses-devel - NetworkManager-tui - pinta - powerline - python27 - python36 - python37 - python38 - python39 - python310 - ShellCheck - signal-desktop - steam - systemd-devel - texlive-fontawesome5 - texlive-roboto - texlive-scheme-tetex - texlive-sourcesanspro - virt-manager - vlc - xclip - yarnpkg state: present - name: Install unsigned packages on Fedora when: ansible_distribution == "Fedora" become: true ansible.builtin.dnf: name: # draw.io/diagrams.net - https://github.com/jgraph/drawio-desktop/releases/download/v17.4.2/drawio-x86_64-17.4.2.rpm # zoom - https://zoom.us/client/latest/zoom_x86_64.rpm state: present disable_gpg_check: true - ansible.builtin.import_tasks: install_mpw.yml - ansible.builtin.import_tasks: install_nvm.yml - ansible.builtin.import_tasks: install_pipx.yml - ansible.builtin.import_tasks: install_poetry.yml - ansible.builtin.import_tasks: install_postman.yml - ansible.builtin.import_tasks: install_rustup.yml - ansible.builtin.import_tasks: install_typora.yml # It is now day eight hundred and thirty nine of begging the ansible devs to let # me loop over blocks. pls bcoca i have a family - name: Install Tor Browser ansible.builtin.include_tasks: file: install_tor_browser.yml loop: "{{ _local_human_users }}" loop_control: loop_var: local_username - name: Install MultiMC ansible.builtin.include_tasks: file: install_multimc.yml loop: "{{ _local_human_users }}" loop_control: loop_var: local_username