Maarten Billemont 5e7b6ed60e Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+
[FIXED]     Font of navbar.
[FIXED]     A few compile fixes.
[IMPROVED]  Made properties nonatomic.
[ADDED]     Support for facebook, twitter and google+ sharing.
2012-08-25 12:55:07 +02:00
lib Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 2012-08-25 12:55:07 +02:00
OpenSource Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 2012-08-25 12:55:07 +02:00
Resources Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 2012-08-25 12:55:07 +02:00
SampleCode Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 2012-08-25 12:55:07 +02:00
Changelog Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 2012-08-25 12:55:07 +02:00
README Sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 2012-08-25 12:55:07 +02:00

This Google+ iOS SDK allows users to sign in with Google+, share with Google+,
and write moments to Google+ history from third-party apps. The SDK contains the
following files:

README  -- This file.

Changelog  -- The versions and changes of the SDK.

lib/  -- Header files and libraries.
  GooglePlusShare.h -- Header file to include for sharing with Google+.
  GooglePlusSignIn.h -- Header file to include for signing into Google+.
  GooglePlusSignInButton.h -- Header file to include for showing a button to
                              sign in with Google+.
  libGooglePlus.a -- Static library built for iOS device to link into your app.
  libGooglePlusUniversal.a -- Static library built for both iOS device and
                              simulator to link into your app.

OpenSource/  -- Google open source files used by the SDK. Add all files in this
                directory into your project if you're not already using them.
                Also see comments for the subdirectory below.
  GTL/ -- Google open source files only used by the sample app. Include them
          into your project if you're going to use the same functionality,
          e.g. Add Moments.

Resources/  -- Resources that can be used in your app.
               For |GooglePlusSignInButton|, the google_plus_sign_in*.png images
               are required.
  google_plus_share.png -- 82x24 Google+ share button image.
  google_plus_share_large.png -- 112x32 Google+ share button image.
  google_plus_share@2x.png -- 164x48 Google+ share button image.
  google_plus_share_large@2x.png -- 224x64 Google+ share button image.
  google_plus_sign_in.png -- 120x32 Google+ sign-in button image.
  google_plus_sign_in_wide.png --220x32 Wide Google+ sign-in button image.
  google_plus_sign_in@2x.png -- 240x64 Google+ sign-in button image.
  google_plus_sign_in_wide@2x.png -- 440x64 Wide Google+ sign-in button image.

SampleCode/  -- Sample code for your reference only.
                Do not include this in your project.
   GooglePlusSample.xcodeproj/  -- The Xcode project.