569 lines
23 KiB
569 lines
23 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#if defined(READLINE)
#include <readline/readline.h>
#elif defined(EDITLINE)
#include <histedit.h>
#include "mpw-algorithm.h"
#include "mpw-util.h"
#include "mpw-marshall.h"
#ifndef MP_VERSION
#define MP_VERSION ?
#define MP_ENV_fullName "MP_FULLNAME"
#define MP_ENV_algorithm "MP_ALGORITHM"
static void usage() {
inf( ""
" Master Password v%s\n"
" https://masterpasswordapp.com\n\n", stringify_def( MP_VERSION ) );
inf( ""
" mpw [-u|-U full-name] [-t pw-type] [-c counter] [-a algorithm] [-s value]\n"
" [-p purpose] [-C context] [-f|-F format] [-R 0|1] [-v|-q] [-h] site-name\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -u full-name Specify the full name of the user.\n"
" -u checks the master password against the config,\n"
" -U allows updating to a new master password.\n"
" Defaults to %s in env or prompts.\n\n", MP_ENV_fullName );
inf( ""
" -t pw-type Specify the password's template.\n"
" Defaults to 'long' (-p a), 'name' (-p i) or 'phrase' (-p r).\n"
" x, maximum | 20 characters, contains symbols.\n"
" l, long | Copy-friendly, 14 characters, symbols.\n"
" m, medium | Copy-friendly, 8 characters, symbols.\n"
" b, basic | 8 characters, no symbols.\n"
" s, short | Copy-friendly, 4 characters, no symbols.\n"
" i, pin | 4 numbers.\n"
" n, name | 9 letter name.\n"
" p, phrase | 20 character sentence.\n"
" K, key | encryption key (set key size -s bits).\n"
" P, personal | saved personal password (save with -s pw).\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -c counter The value of the counter.\n"
" Defaults to 1.\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -a version The algorithm version to use, %d - %d.\n"
" Defaults to %s in env or %d.\n\n",
MPAlgorithmVersionFirst, MPAlgorithmVersionLast, MP_ENV_algorithm, MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent );
inf( ""
" -s value The value to save for -t P or -p i.\n"
" The size of they key to generate for -t K, in bits (eg. 256).\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -p purpose The purpose of the generated token.\n"
" Defaults to 'auth'.\n"
" a, auth | An authentication token such as a password.\n"
" i, ident | An identification token such as a username.\n"
" r, rec | A recovery token such as a security answer.\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -C context A purpose-specific context.\n"
" Defaults to empty.\n"
" -p a | -\n"
" -p i | -\n"
" -p r | Most significant word in security question.\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -f|F format The mpsites format to use for reading/writing site parameters.\n"
" -F forces the use of the given format,\n"
" -f allows fallback/migration.\n"
" Defaults to json, falls back to plain.\n"
" f, flat | ~/.mpw.d/Full Name.%s\n"
" j, json | ~/.mpw.d/Full Name.%s\n\n",
mpw_marshall_format_extension( MPMarshallFormatFlat ), mpw_marshall_format_extension( MPMarshallFormatJSON ) );
inf( ""
" -R redacted Whether to save the mpsites in redacted format or not.\n"
" Defaults to 1, redacted.\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -v Increase output verbosity (can be repeated).\n"
" -q Decrease output verbosity (can be repeated).\n\n" );
inf( ""
" %-14s | The full name of the user (see -u).\n"
" %-14s | The default algorithm version (see -a).\n\n",
MP_ENV_fullName, MP_ENV_algorithm );
exit( 0 );
static const char *mpw_getenv(const char *variableName) {
char *envBuf = getenv( variableName );
return envBuf? strdup( envBuf ): NULL;
static const char *mpw_getline(const char *prompt) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s ", prompt );
char *buf = NULL;
size_t bufSize = 0;
ssize_t lineSize = getline( &buf, &bufSize, stdin );
if (lineSize <= 1) {
free( buf );
return NULL;
// Remove the newline.
buf[lineSize - 1] = '\0';
return buf;
static const char *mpw_getpass(const char *prompt) {
char *passBuf = getpass( prompt );
if (!passBuf)
return NULL;
char *buf = strdup( passBuf );
bzero( passBuf, strlen( passBuf ) );
return buf;
static char *mpw_path(const char *prefix, const char *extension) {
char *homedir = NULL;
struct passwd *passwd = getpwuid( getuid() );
if (passwd)
homedir = passwd->pw_dir;
if (!homedir)
homedir = getenv( "HOME" );
if (!homedir)
homedir = getcwd( NULL, 0 );
char *mpwPath = NULL;
asprintf( &mpwPath, "%s.%s", prefix, extension );
char *slash = strstr( mpwPath, "/" );
if (slash)
*slash = '\0';
asprintf( &mpwPath, "%s/.mpw.d/%s", homedir, mpwPath );
return mpwPath;
int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
// Master Password defaults.
const char *fullName = NULL, *masterPassword = NULL, *siteName = NULL, *resultParam = NULL, *keyContext = NULL;
MPCounterValue siteCounter = MPCounterValueDefault;
MPResultType resultType = MPResultTypeDefault;
MPKeyPurpose keyPurpose = MPKeyPurposeAuthentication;
MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion = MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent;
MPMarshallFormat sitesFormat = MPMarshallFormatDefault;
bool allowPasswordUpdate = false, sitesFormatFixed = false, sitesRedacted = true;
// Read the environment.
const char *fullNameArg = NULL, *masterPasswordArg = NULL, *siteNameArg = NULL;
const char *resultTypeArg = NULL, *resultParamArg = NULL, *siteCounterArg = NULL, *algorithmVersionArg = NULL;
const char *keyPurposeArg = NULL, *keyContextArg = NULL, *sitesFormatArg = NULL, *sitesRedactedArg = NULL;
fullNameArg = mpw_getenv( MP_ENV_fullName );
algorithmVersionArg = mpw_getenv( MP_ENV_algorithm );
// Read the command-line options.
for (int opt; (opt = getopt( argc, argv, "u:U:M:t:P:c:a:s:p:C:f:F:R:vqh" )) != EOF;)
switch (opt) {
case 'u':
fullNameArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
allowPasswordUpdate = false;
case 'U':
fullNameArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
allowPasswordUpdate = true;
case 'M':
// Passing your master password via the command-line is insecure. Testing purposes only.
masterPasswordArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
case 't':
resultTypeArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
case 'P':
resultParamArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
case 'c':
siteCounterArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
case 'a':
algorithmVersionArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
case 'p':
keyPurposeArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
case 'C':
keyContextArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
case 'f':
sitesFormatArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
sitesFormatFixed = false;
case 'F':
sitesFormatArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
sitesFormatFixed = true;
case 'R':
sitesRedactedArg = optarg && strlen( optarg )? strdup( optarg ): NULL;
case 'v':
case 'q':
case 'h':
case '?':
switch (optopt) {
case 'u':
ftl( "Missing full name to option: -%c\n", optopt );
return EX_USAGE;
case 't':
ftl( "Missing type name to option: -%c\n", optopt );
return EX_USAGE;
case 'c':
ftl( "Missing counter value to option: -%c\n", optopt );
return EX_USAGE;
ftl( "Unknown option: -%c\n", optopt );
return EX_USAGE;
ftl( "Unexpected option: %c\n", opt );
return EX_USAGE;
if (optind < argc)
siteNameArg = strdup( argv[optind] );
// Determine fullName, siteName & masterPassword.
if (!(fullNameArg && (fullName = strdup( fullNameArg ))) &&
!(fullName = mpw_getline( "Your full name:" ))) {
ftl( "Missing full name.\n" );
return EX_DATAERR;
if (!(siteNameArg && (siteName = strdup( siteNameArg ))) &&
!(siteName = mpw_getline( "Site name:" ))) {
ftl( "Missing site name.\n" );
return EX_DATAERR;
if (!(masterPasswordArg && (masterPassword = strdup( masterPasswordArg ))))
while (!masterPassword || !strlen( masterPassword ))
masterPassword = mpw_getpass( "Your master password: " );
if (sitesFormatArg) {
sitesFormat = mpw_formatWithName( sitesFormatArg );
if (ERR == (int)sitesFormat) {
ftl( "Invalid sites format: %s\n", sitesFormatArg );
return EX_USAGE;
// Find the user's sites file.
FILE *sitesFile = NULL;
char *sitesPath = mpw_path( fullName, mpw_marshall_format_extension( sitesFormat ) );
if (!sitesPath || !(sitesFile = fopen( sitesPath, "r" ))) {
dbg( "Couldn't open configuration file:\n %s: %s\n", sitesPath, strerror( errno ) );
free( sitesPath );
// Try to fall back to the flat format.
if (!sitesFormatFixed) {
sitesFormat = MPMarshallFormatFlat;
sitesPath = mpw_path( fullName, mpw_marshall_format_extension( sitesFormat ) );
if (!sitesPath || !(sitesFile = fopen( sitesPath, "r" )))
dbg( "Couldn't open configuration file:\n %s: %s\n", sitesPath, strerror( errno ) );
// Read the user's sites file.
MPMarshalledUser *user = NULL;
MPMarshalledSite *site = NULL;
if (!sitesFile) {
free( sitesPath );
sitesPath = NULL;
else {
// Read file.
size_t readAmount = 4096, bufSize = 0, bufOffset = 0, readSize = 0;
char *buf = NULL;
while ((mpw_realloc( &buf, &bufSize, readAmount )) &&
(bufOffset += (readSize = fread( buf + bufOffset, 1, readAmount, sitesFile ))) &&
(readSize == readAmount));
if (ferror( sitesFile ))
wrn( "Error while reading configuration file:\n %s: %d\n", sitesPath, ferror( sitesFile ) );
fclose( sitesFile );
// Parse file.
MPMarshallError marshallError = { .type = MPMarshallSuccess };
user = mpw_marshall_read( buf, sitesFormat, masterPassword, &marshallError );
if (marshallError.type == MPMarshallErrorMasterPassword) {
// Incorrect master password.
if (!allowPasswordUpdate) {
ftl( "Incorrect master password according to configuration:\n %s: %s\n", sitesPath, marshallError.description );
mpw_marshal_free( user );
mpw_free( buf, bufSize );
free( sitesPath );
return EX_DATAERR;
// Update user's master password.
while (marshallError.type == MPMarshallErrorMasterPassword) {
inf( "Given master password does not match configuration.\n" );
inf( "To update the configuration with this new master password, first confirm the old master password.\n" );
const char *importMasterPassword = NULL;
while (!importMasterPassword || !strlen( importMasterPassword ))
importMasterPassword = mpw_getpass( "Old master password: " );
mpw_marshal_free( user );
user = mpw_marshall_read( buf, sitesFormat, importMasterPassword, &marshallError );
if (user) {
mpw_free_string( user->masterPassword );
user->masterPassword = strdup( masterPassword );
mpw_free( buf, bufSize );
if (!user || marshallError.type != MPMarshallSuccess) {
err( "Couldn't parse configuration file:\n %s: %s\n", sitesPath, marshallError.description );
mpw_marshal_free( user );
user = NULL;
free( sitesPath );
sitesPath = NULL;
if (user) {
// Load defaults.
mpw_free_string( fullName );
mpw_free_string( masterPassword );
fullName = strdup( user->fullName );
masterPassword = strdup( user->masterPassword );
algorithmVersion = user->algorithm;
resultType = user->defaultType;
sitesRedacted = user->redacted;
if (!sitesRedacted && !sitesRedactedArg)
wrn( "Sites configuration is not redacted. Use -R 1 to change this.\n" );
for (size_t s = 0; s < user->sites_count; ++s) {
site = &user->sites[s];
if (strcmp( siteName, site->name ) != 0) {
site = NULL;
mpw_free_string( resultParam );
resultType = site->type;
siteCounter = site->counter;
algorithmVersion = site->algorithm;
// Parse default/config-overriding command-line parameters.
if (sitesRedactedArg)
sitesRedacted = strcmp( sitesRedactedArg, "1" ) == 0;
if (siteCounterArg) {
long long int siteCounterInt = atoll( siteCounterArg );
if (siteCounterInt < MPCounterValueFirst || siteCounterInt > MPCounterValueLast) {
ftl( "Invalid site counter: %s\n", siteCounterArg );
return EX_USAGE;
siteCounter = (MPCounterValue)siteCounterInt;
if (algorithmVersionArg) {
int algorithmVersionInt = atoi( algorithmVersionArg );
if (algorithmVersionInt < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || algorithmVersionInt > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
ftl( "Invalid algorithm version: %s\n", algorithmVersionArg );
return EX_USAGE;
algorithmVersion = (MPAlgorithmVersion)algorithmVersionInt;
if (keyPurposeArg) {
keyPurpose = mpw_purposeWithName( keyPurposeArg );
if (ERR == (int)keyPurpose) {
ftl( "Invalid purpose: %s\n", keyPurposeArg );
return EX_USAGE;
char *purposeResult = "password";
switch (keyPurpose) {
case MPKeyPurposeAuthentication:
case MPKeyPurposeIdentification: {
resultType = MPResultTypeTemplateName;
purposeResult = "login";
case MPKeyPurposeRecovery: {
resultType = MPResultTypeTemplatePhrase;
purposeResult = "answer";
if (resultTypeArg) {
resultType = mpw_typeWithName( resultTypeArg );
if (ERR == (int)resultType) {
ftl( "Invalid type: %s\n", resultTypeArg );
return EX_USAGE;
if (resultParamArg) {
mpw_free_string( resultParam );
resultParam = strdup( resultParamArg );
if (keyContextArg) {
mpw_free_string( keyContext );
keyContext = strdup( keyContextArg );
mpw_free_string( fullNameArg );
mpw_free_string( masterPasswordArg );
mpw_free_string( siteNameArg );
mpw_free_string( resultTypeArg );
mpw_free_string( resultParamArg );
mpw_free_string( siteCounterArg );
mpw_free_string( algorithmVersionArg );
mpw_free_string( keyPurposeArg );
mpw_free_string( keyContextArg );
mpw_free_string( sitesFormatArg );
mpw_free_string( sitesRedactedArg );
// Operation summary.
const char *identicon = mpw_identicon( fullName, masterPassword );
if (!identicon)
wrn( "Couldn't determine identicon.\n" );
dbg( "-----------------\n" );
dbg( "fullName : %s\n", fullName );
trc( "masterPassword : %s\n", masterPassword );
dbg( "identicon : %s\n", identicon );
dbg( "sitesFormat : %s%s\n", mpw_nameForFormat( sitesFormat ), sitesFormatFixed? " (fixed)": "" );
dbg( "sitesPath : %s\n", sitesPath );
dbg( "siteName : %s\n", siteName );
dbg( "siteCounter : %u\n", siteCounter );
dbg( "resultType : %s (%u)\n", mpw_nameForType( resultType ), resultType );
dbg( "resultParam : %s\n", resultParam );
dbg( "keyPurpose : %s (%u)\n", mpw_nameForPurpose( keyPurpose ), keyPurpose );
dbg( "keyContext : %s\n", keyContext );
dbg( "algorithmVersion : %u\n", algorithmVersion );
dbg( "-----------------\n\n" );
inf( "%s's %s for %s:\n[ %s ]: ", fullName, purposeResult, siteName, identicon );
mpw_free_string( identicon );
if (sitesPath)
free( sitesPath );
// Determine master key.
MPMasterKey masterKey = mpw_masterKey(
fullName, masterPassword, algorithmVersion );
mpw_free_string( masterPassword );
mpw_free_string( fullName );
if (!masterKey) {
ftl( "Couldn't derive master key.\n" );
// Output the result.
if (keyPurpose == MPKeyPurposeIdentification && site && !site->loginGenerated && site->loginName)
fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", site->loginName );
else if (resultParam && site && resultType & MPResultTypeClassState) {
mpw_free_string( site->content );
if (!(site->content = mpw_siteState( masterKey, siteName, siteCounter,
keyPurpose, keyContext, resultType, resultParam, algorithmVersion ))) {
ftl( "Couldn't encrypt site content.\n" );
mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize );
inf( "saved.\n" );
else {
if (!resultParam && site && site->content && resultType & MPResultTypeClassState)
resultParam = strdup( site->content );
const char *siteResult = mpw_siteResult( masterKey, siteName, siteCounter,
keyPurpose, keyContext, resultType, resultParam, algorithmVersion );
if (!siteResult) {
ftl( "Couldn't generate site result.\n" );
mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize );
fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", siteResult );
mpw_free_string( siteResult );
if (site && site->url)
inf( "See: %s\n", site->url );
mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize );
mpw_free_string( siteName );
mpw_free_string( resultParam );
mpw_free_string( keyContext );
// Update the mpsites file.
if (user) {
// TODO: Move this up above the summary and replace the mpw lvars by user/site accessors.
if (keyPurpose == MPKeyPurposeAuthentication && !(resultType & MPSiteFeatureAlternative)) {
if (!site)
site = mpw_marshall_site( user, siteName, resultType, siteCounter, algorithmVersion );
else {
site->type = resultType;
site->counter = siteCounter;
site->algorithm = algorithmVersion;
else if (keyPurpose == MPKeyPurposeIdentification && site) {
// TODO: We're not persisting the resultType of the generated login
if (resultType & MPResultTypeClassTemplate)
site->loginGenerated = true;
else if (keyPurpose == MPKeyPurposeRecovery && site && keyContext) {
// TODO: We're not persisting the resultType of the recovery question
MPMarshalledQuestion *question = NULL;
for (size_t q = 0; q < site->questions_count; ++q) {
question = &site->questions[q];
if (strcmp( keyContext, question->keyword ) != 0) {
question = NULL;
if (!question)
mpw_marshal_question( site, keyContext );
if (site) {
site->lastUsed = user->lastUsed = time( NULL );
if (!sitesFormatFixed)
sitesFormat = MPMarshallFormatDefault;
user->redacted = sitesRedacted;
sitesPath = mpw_path( user->fullName, mpw_marshall_format_extension( sitesFormat ) );
dbg( "Updating: %s (%s)\n", sitesPath, mpw_nameForFormat( sitesFormat ) );
if (!sitesPath || !(sitesFile = fopen( sitesPath, "w" )))
wrn( "Couldn't create updated configuration file:\n %s: %s\n", sitesPath, strerror( errno ) );
else {
char *buf = NULL;
MPMarshallError marshallError = { .type = MPMarshallSuccess };
if (!mpw_marshall_write( &buf, sitesFormat, user, &marshallError ) || marshallError.type != MPMarshallSuccess)
wrn( "Couldn't encode updated configuration file:\n %s: %s\n", sitesPath, marshallError.description );
else if (fwrite( buf, sizeof( char ), strlen( buf ), sitesFile ) != strlen( buf ))
wrn( "Error while writing updated configuration file:\n %s: %d\n", sitesPath, ferror( sitesFile ) );
mpw_free_string( buf );
fclose( sitesFile );
free( sitesPath );
mpw_marshal_free( user );
return 0;