Maarten Billemont 05ab38b998 Facebook updates + Mac fixes.
[UPDATED]   Facebook integration bumped for iOS 6.
[FIXED]     Bringing Mac version back up to date.  Compiles again and
            runs with UI bugs.
[ADDED]     Mac: User selection.
2012-10-30 22:54:34 -04:00

43 lines
1.3 KiB

* Copyright Maarten Billemont (http://www.lhunath.com, lhunath@lyndir.com)
* See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPLv3). If you did
* not receive this file, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
* @author Maarten Billemont <lhunath@lyndir.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
// MPAlgorithm
// Created by Maarten Billemont on 16/07/12.
// Copyright 2012 lhunath (Maarten Billemont). All rights reserved.
#import "MPAlgorithm.h"
#import "MPEntities.h"
id<MPAlgorithm> MPAlgorithmForVersion(NSUInteger version) {
static NSMutableDictionary *versionToAlgorithm = nil;
if (!versionToAlgorithm)
versionToAlgorithm = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
id<MPAlgorithm> algorithm = [versionToAlgorithm objectForKey:@(version)];
if (!algorithm)
if ((algorithm = [NSClassFromString(PearlString(@"MPAlgorithmV%lu", (unsigned long)version)) new]))
[versionToAlgorithm setObject:algorithm forKey:@(version)];
return algorithm;
id<MPAlgorithm> MPAlgorithmDefaultForBundleVersion(NSString *bundleVersion) {
if (PearlCFBundleVersionCompare(bundleVersion, @"1.3") == NSOrderedAscending)
// Pre-1.3
return MPAlgorithmForVersion(0);
return MPAlgorithmDefault;