947 lines
32 KiB
947 lines
32 KiB
* Copyright Maarten Billemont (http://www.lhunath.com, lhunath@lyndir.com)
* See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPLv3). If you did
* not receive this file, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
* @author Maarten Billemont <lhunath@lyndir.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
// MPAlgorithmV0
// Created by Maarten Billemont on 16/07/12.
// Copyright 2012 lhunath (Maarten Billemont). All rights reserved.
#import "MPAlgorithmV0.h"
#import "MPEntities.h"
#import "MPAppDelegate_Shared.h"
#import "MPAppDelegate_InApp.h"
#import "MPSiteQuestionEntity.h"
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#define MP_N 32768
#define MP_r 8
#define MP_p 2
#define MP_dkLen 64
#define MP_hash PearlHashSHA256
/* An AMD HD 7970 calculates 2495M SHA-1 hashes per second at a cost of ~350$ per GPU */
#define CRACKING_PER_SECOND 2495000000UL
#define CRACKING_PRICE 350
@implementation MPAlgorithmV0 {
BN_CTX *ctx;
- (id)init {
if (!(self = [super init]))
return nil;
ctx = BN_CTX_new();
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
BN_CTX_free( ctx );
ctx = NULL;
- (NSUInteger)version {
return 0;
- (NSString *)description {
return strf( @"<%@: version=%lu>", NSStringFromClass( [self class] ), (unsigned long)self.version );
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)other {
if (other == self)
return YES;
if (!other || ![other conformsToProtocol:@protocol(MPAlgorithm)])
return NO;
return [(id<MPAlgorithm>)other version] == [self version];
- (BOOL)migrateUser:(MPUserEntity *)user inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)moc {
NSError *error = nil;
NSFetchRequest *migrationRequest = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:NSStringFromClass( [MPSiteEntity class] )];
migrationRequest.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"version_ < %d AND user == %@", self.version, user];
NSArray *migrationSites = [moc executeFetchRequest:migrationRequest error:&error];
if (!migrationSites) {
err( @"While looking for sites to migrate: %@", [error fullDescription] );
return NO;
BOOL requiresExplicitMigration = NO;
for (MPSiteEntity *migrationSite in migrationSites)
if (![migrationSite migrateExplicitly:NO])
requiresExplicitMigration = YES;
return requiresExplicitMigration;
- (BOOL)migrateSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site explicit:(BOOL)explicit {
if (site.version != [self version] - 1)
// Only migrate from previous version.
return NO;
if (!explicit) {
// This migration requires explicit permission.
site.requiresExplicitMigration = YES;
return NO;
// Apply migration.
site.requiresExplicitMigration = NO;
site.version = [self version];
return YES;
- (MPKey *)keyForPassword:(NSString *)password ofUserNamed:(NSString *)userName {
uint32_t nuserNameLength = htonl( userName.length );
NSDate *start = [NSDate date];
NSData *keyData = [PearlSCrypt deriveKeyWithLength:MP_dkLen fromPassword:[password dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
usingSalt:[NSData dataByConcatenatingDatas:
[@"com.lyndir.masterpassword" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
[NSData dataWithBytes:&nuserNameLength
length:sizeof( nuserNameLength )],
[userName dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
nil] N:MP_N r:MP_r p:MP_p];
MPKey *key = [self keyFromKeyData:keyData];
trc( @"User: %@, password: %@ derives to key ID: %@ (took %0.2fs)", userName, password, [key.keyID encodeHex],
-[start timeIntervalSinceNow] );
return key;
- (MPKey *)keyFromKeyData:(NSData *)keyData {
return [[MPKey alloc] initWithKeyData:keyData algorithm:self];
- (NSData *)keyIDForKeyData:(NSData *)keyData {
return [keyData hashWith:MP_hash];
- (NSString *)scopeForVariant:(MPSiteVariant)variant {
switch (variant) {
case MPSiteVariantPassword:
return @"com.lyndir.masterpassword";
case MPSiteVariantLogin:
return @"com.lyndir.masterpassword.login";
case MPSiteVariantAnswer:
return @"com.lyndir.masterpassword.answer";
Throw( @"Unsupported variant: %ld", (long)variant );
- (NSString *)nameOfType:(MPSiteType)type {
if (!type)
return nil;
switch (type) {
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum:
return @"Maximum Security Password";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong:
return @"Long Password";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium:
return @"Medium Password";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic:
return @"Basic Password";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort:
return @"Short Password";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN:
return @"PIN";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedName:
return @"Login Name";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase:
return @"Phrase";
case MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal:
return @"Personal Password";
case MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate:
return @"Device Private Password";
Throw( @"Type not supported: %lu", (long)type );
- (NSString *)shortNameOfType:(MPSiteType)type {
if (!type)
return nil;
switch (type) {
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum:
return @"Maximum";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong:
return @"Long";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium:
return @"Medium";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic:
return @"Basic";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort:
return @"Short";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN:
return @"PIN";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedName:
return @"Name";
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase:
return @"Phrase";
case MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal:
return @"Personal";
case MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate:
return @"Device";
Throw( @"Type not supported: %lu", (long)type );
- (NSString *)classNameOfType:(MPSiteType)type {
return NSStringFromClass( [self classOfType:type] );
- (Class)classOfType:(MPSiteType)type {
if (!type)
Throw( @"No type given." );
switch (type) {
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum:
return [MPGeneratedSiteEntity class];
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong:
return [MPGeneratedSiteEntity class];
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium:
return [MPGeneratedSiteEntity class];
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic:
return [MPGeneratedSiteEntity class];
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort:
return [MPGeneratedSiteEntity class];
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN:
return [MPGeneratedSiteEntity class];
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedName:
return [MPGeneratedSiteEntity class];
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase:
return [MPGeneratedSiteEntity class];
case MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal:
return [MPStoredSiteEntity class];
case MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate:
return [MPStoredSiteEntity class];
Throw( @"Type not supported: %lu", (long)type );
- (NSArray *)allTypes {
return [self allTypesStartingWith:MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum];
- (NSArray *)allTypesStartingWith:(MPSiteType)startingType {
NSMutableArray *allTypes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8];
MPSiteType currentType = startingType;
do {
[allTypes addObject:@(currentType)];
} while ((currentType = [self nextType:currentType]) != startingType);
return allTypes;
- (MPSiteType)nextType:(MPSiteType)type {
switch (type) {
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum:
return MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong;
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong:
return MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium;
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium:
return MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic;
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic:
return MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort;
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort:
return MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN;
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN:
return MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal;
case MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal:
return MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate;
case MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate:
return MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum;
return MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong;
- (MPSiteType)previousType:(MPSiteType)type {
MPSiteType previousType = type, nextType = type;
while ((nextType = [self nextType:nextType]) != type)
previousType = nextType;
return previousType;
- (NSDictionary *)allCiphers {
static NSDictionary *ciphers = nil;
static dispatch_once_t once = 0;
dispatch_once( &once, ^{
ciphers = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:
[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"ciphers" withExtension:@"plist"]];
} );
return ciphers;
- (NSArray *)ciphersForType:(MPSiteType)type {
NSString *typeClass = [self classNameOfType:type];
NSString *typeName = [self nameOfType:type];
return [[[self allCiphers] valueForKey:typeClass] valueForKey:typeName];
- (NSArray *)cipherClasses {
return [[[self allCiphers] valueForKey:@"MPCharacterClasses"] allKeys];
- (NSArray *)cipherClassCharacters {
return [[[self allCiphers] valueForKey:@"MPCharacterClasses"] allValues];
- (NSString *)charactersForCipherClass:(NSString *)cipherClass {
return [NSNullToNil( [NSNullToNil( [[self allCiphers] valueForKey:@"MPCharacterClasses"] ) valueForKey:cipherClass] ) copy];
- (NSString *)generateLoginForSiteNamed:(NSString *)name usingKey:(MPKey *)key {
return [self generateContentForSiteNamed:name ofType:MPSiteTypeGeneratedName withCounter:1
variant:MPSiteVariantLogin context:nil usingKey:key];
- (NSString *)generatePasswordForSiteNamed:(NSString *)name ofType:(MPSiteType)type withCounter:(NSUInteger)counter
usingKey:(MPKey *)key {
return [self generateContentForSiteNamed:name ofType:type withCounter:counter
variant:MPSiteVariantPassword context:nil usingKey:key];
- (NSString *)generateAnswerForSiteNamed:(NSString *)name onQuestion:(NSString *)question usingKey:(MPKey *)key {
return [self generateContentForSiteNamed:name ofType:MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase withCounter:1
variant:MPSiteVariantAnswer context:question usingKey:key];
- (NSString *)generateContentForSiteNamed:(NSString *)name ofType:(MPSiteType)type withCounter:(NSUInteger)counter
variant:(MPSiteVariant)variant context:(NSString *)context usingKey:(MPKey *)key {
// Determine the seed whose bytes will be used for calculating a password
uint32_t ncounter = htonl( counter ), nnameLength = htonl( name.length ), ncontextLength = htonl( context.length );
NSData *counterBytes = [NSData dataWithBytes:&ncounter length:sizeof( ncounter )];
NSData *nameLengthBytes = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nnameLength length:sizeof( nnameLength )];
NSData *contextLengthBytes = [NSData dataWithBytes:&ncontextLength length:sizeof( ncontextLength )];
NSString *scope = [self scopeForVariant:variant];
trc( @"seed from: hmac-sha256(%@, %@ | %@ | %@ | %@ | %@)",
[[key keyID] encodeHex], scope, [nameLengthBytes encodeHex], name, [counterBytes encodeHex], context );
NSData *seed = [[NSData dataByConcatenatingDatas:
[scope dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
[name dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
context? contextLengthBytes: nil,
[context dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
hmacWith:PearlHashSHA256 key:key.keyData];
trc( @"seed is: %@", [seed encodeHex] );
const char *seedBytes = seed.bytes;
// Determine the cipher from the first seed byte.
NSAssert( [seed length], @"Missing seed." );
NSArray *typeCiphers = [self ciphersForType:type];
NSString *cipher = typeCiphers[htons( seedBytes[0] ) % [typeCiphers count]];
trc( @"type %@ (%lu), ciphers: %@, selected: %@", [self nameOfType:type], (unsigned long)type, typeCiphers, cipher );
// Encode the content, character by character, using subsequent seed bytes and the cipher.
NSAssert( [seed length] >= [cipher length] + 1, @"Insufficient seed bytes to encode cipher." );
NSMutableString *content = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:[cipher length]];
for (NSUInteger c = 0; c < [cipher length]; ++c) {
uint16_t keyByte = htons( seedBytes[c + 1] );
NSString *cipherClass = [cipher substringWithRange:NSMakeRange( c, 1 )];
NSString *cipherClassCharacters = [self charactersForCipherClass:cipherClass];
NSString *character = [cipherClassCharacters substringWithRange:NSMakeRange( keyByte % [cipherClassCharacters length], 1 )];
trc( @"class %@ has characters: %@, index: %u, selected: %@", cipherClass, cipherClassCharacters, keyByte, character );
[content appendString:character];
return content;
- (NSString *)storedLoginForSite:(MPStoredSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)key {
return nil;
- (NSString *)storedPasswordForSite:(MPStoredSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)key {
return [self decryptContent:site.contentObject usingKey:key];
- (BOOL)savePassword:(NSString *)clearContent toSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey {
NSAssert( [siteKey.keyID isEqualToData:site.user.keyID], @"Site does not belong to current user." );
switch (site.type) {
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedName:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase: {
wrn( @"Cannot save content to site with generated type %lu.", (long)site.type );
return NO;
case MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal: {
if (![site isKindOfClass:[MPStoredSiteEntity class]]) {
wrn( @"Site with stored type %lu is not an MPStoredSiteEntity, but a %@.",
(long)site.type, [site class] );
return NO;
NSData *encryptedContent = [[clearContent dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
encryptWithSymmetricKey:[siteKey subKeyOfLength:PearlCryptKeySize].keyData padding:YES];
if ([((MPStoredSiteEntity *)site).contentObject isEqualToData:encryptedContent])
return NO;
((MPStoredSiteEntity *)site).contentObject = encryptedContent;
return YES;
case MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate: {
if (![site isKindOfClass:[MPStoredSiteEntity class]]) {
wrn( @"Site with stored type %lu is not an MPStoredSiteEntity, but a %@.",
(long)site.type, [site class] );
return NO;
NSData *encryptedContent = [[clearContent dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
encryptWithSymmetricKey:[siteKey subKeyOfLength:PearlCryptKeySize].keyData padding:YES];
NSDictionary *siteQuery = [self queryForDevicePrivateSiteNamed:site.name];
if (!encryptedContent)
[PearlKeyChain deleteItemForQuery:siteQuery];
[PearlKeyChain addOrUpdateItemForQuery:siteQuery withAttributes:@{
(__bridge id)kSecValueData : encryptedContent,
(__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessible : (__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly,
((MPStoredSiteEntity *)site).contentObject = nil;
return YES;
Throw( @"Unsupported type: %ld", (long)site.type );
- (NSString *)resolveLoginForSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey {
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
dispatch_group_enter( group );
__block NSString *result = nil;
[self resolveLoginForSite:site usingKey:siteKey result:^(NSString *result_) {
result = result_;
dispatch_group_leave( group );
dispatch_group_wait( group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER );
return result;
- (NSString *)resolvePasswordForSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey {
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
dispatch_group_enter( group );
__block NSString *result = nil;
[self resolvePasswordForSite:site usingKey:siteKey result:^(NSString *result_) {
result = result_;
dispatch_group_leave( group );
dispatch_group_wait( group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER );
return result;
- (NSString *)resolveAnswerForSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey {
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
dispatch_group_enter( group );
__block NSString *result = nil;
[self resolveAnswerForSite:site usingKey:siteKey result:^(NSString *result_) {
result = result_;
dispatch_group_leave( group );
dispatch_group_wait( group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER );
return result;
- (NSString *)resolveAnswerForQuestion:(MPSiteQuestionEntity *)question ofSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey {
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
dispatch_group_enter( group );
__block NSString *result = nil;
[self resolveAnswerForQuestion:question ofSite:site usingKey:siteKey result:^(NSString *result_) {
result = result_;
dispatch_group_leave( group );
dispatch_group_wait( group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER );
return result;
- (void)resolveLoginForSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey result:(void ( ^ )(NSString *result))resultBlock {
NSAssert( [siteKey.keyID isEqualToData:site.user.keyID], @"Site does not belong to current user." );
NSString *name = site.name;
BOOL loginGenerated = site.loginGenerated && [[MPAppDelegate_Shared get] isPurchased:MPProductGenerateLogins];
NSString *loginName = loginGenerated? nil: site.loginName;
id<MPAlgorithm> algorithm = nil;
if (!name.length)
err( @"Missing name." );
else if (!siteKey.keyData.length)
err( @"Missing key." );
algorithm = site.algorithm;
dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 ), ^{
if (loginGenerated)
resultBlock( [algorithm generateLoginForSiteNamed:name usingKey:siteKey] );
resultBlock( loginName );
} );
- (void)resolvePasswordForSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey result:(void ( ^ )(NSString *result))resultBlock {
NSAssert( [siteKey.keyID isEqualToData:site.user.keyID], @"Site does not belong to current user." );
switch (site.type) {
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedName:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase: {
if (![site isKindOfClass:[MPGeneratedSiteEntity class]]) {
wrn( @"Site with generated type %lu is not an MPGeneratedSiteEntity, but a %@.",
(long)site.type, [site class] );
NSString *name = site.name;
MPSiteType type = site.type;
NSUInteger counter = ((MPGeneratedSiteEntity *)site).counter;
id<MPAlgorithm> algorithm = nil;
if (!site.name.length)
err( @"Missing name." );
else if (!siteKey.keyData.length)
err( @"Missing key." );
algorithm = site.algorithm;
dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 ), ^{
NSString *result = [algorithm generatePasswordForSiteNamed:name ofType:type withCounter:counter usingKey:siteKey];
resultBlock( result );
} );
case MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal: {
if (![site isKindOfClass:[MPStoredSiteEntity class]]) {
wrn( @"Site with stored type %lu is not an MPStoredSiteEntity, but a %@.",
(long)site.type, [site class] );
NSData *encryptedContent = ((MPStoredSiteEntity *)site).contentObject;
dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 ), ^{
NSString *result = [self decryptContent:encryptedContent usingKey:siteKey];
resultBlock( result );
} );
case MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate: {
NSAssert( [site isKindOfClass:[MPStoredSiteEntity class]],
@"Site with stored type %lu is not an MPStoredSiteEntity, but a %@.", (long)site.type,
[site class] );
NSDictionary *siteQuery = [self queryForDevicePrivateSiteNamed:site.name];
NSData *encryptedContent = [PearlKeyChain dataOfItemForQuery:siteQuery];
dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 ), ^{
NSString *result = [self decryptContent:encryptedContent usingKey:siteKey];
resultBlock( result );
} );
- (void)resolveAnswerForSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey result:(void ( ^ )(NSString *result))resultBlock {
NSAssert( [siteKey.keyID isEqualToData:site.user.keyID], @"Site does not belong to current user." );
NSString *name = site.name;
id<MPAlgorithm> algorithm = nil;
if (!site.name.length)
err( @"Missing name." );
else if (!siteKey.keyData.length)
err( @"Missing key." );
algorithm = site.algorithm;
dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 ), ^{
NSString *result = [algorithm generateAnswerForSiteNamed:name onQuestion:nil usingKey:siteKey];
resultBlock( result );
} );
- (void)resolveAnswerForQuestion:(MPSiteQuestionEntity *)question ofSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey
result:(void ( ^ )(NSString *result))resultBlock {
NSAssert( [siteKey.keyID isEqualToData:site.user.keyID], @"Site does not belong to current user." );
NSString *name = site.name;
NSString *keyword = question.keyword;
id<MPAlgorithm> algorithm = nil;
if (!site.name.length)
err( @"Missing name." );
else if (!siteKey.keyData.length)
err( @"Missing key." );
algorithm = site.algorithm;
dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue( DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0 ), ^{
NSString *result = [algorithm generateAnswerForSiteNamed:name onQuestion:keyword usingKey:siteKey];
resultBlock( result );
} );
- (void)importProtectedPassword:(NSString *)protectedContent protectedByKey:(MPKey *)importKey
intoSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey {
NSAssert( [siteKey.keyID isEqualToData:site.user.keyID], @"Site does not belong to current user." );
switch (site.type) {
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedName:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase:
case MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal: {
if (![site isKindOfClass:[MPStoredSiteEntity class]]) {
wrn( @"Site with stored type %lu is not an MPStoredSiteEntity, but a %@.",
(long)site.type, [site class] );
if ([importKey.keyID isEqualToData:siteKey.keyID])
((MPStoredSiteEntity *)site).contentObject = [protectedContent decodeBase64];
else {
NSString *clearContent = [self decryptContent:[protectedContent decodeBase64] usingKey:importKey];
[self importClearTextPassword:clearContent intoSite:site usingKey:siteKey];
case MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate:
- (void)importClearTextPassword:(NSString *)clearContent intoSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey {
NSAssert( [siteKey.keyID isEqualToData:site.user.keyID], @"Site does not belong to current user." );
switch (site.type) {
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedName:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase:
case MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal: {
[self savePassword:clearContent toSite:site usingKey:siteKey];
case MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate:
- (NSString *)exportPasswordForSite:(MPSiteEntity *)site usingKey:(MPKey *)siteKey {
NSAssert( [siteKey.keyID isEqualToData:site.user.keyID], @"Site does not belong to current user." );
if (!(site.type & MPSiteFeatureExportContent))
return nil;
NSString *result = nil;
switch (site.type) {
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMaximum:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedMedium:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedBasic:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedShort:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPIN:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedName:
case MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase: {
result = nil;
case MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal: {
if (![site isKindOfClass:[MPStoredSiteEntity class]]) {
wrn( @"Site with stored type %lu is not an MPStoredSiteEntity, but a %@.",
(long)site.type, [site class] );
result = [((MPStoredSiteEntity *)site).contentObject encodeBase64];
case MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate: {
result = nil;
return result;
- (BOOL)migrateExplicitly:(BOOL)explicit {
return NO;
- (NSDictionary *)queryForDevicePrivateSiteNamed:(NSString *)name {
return [PearlKeyChain createQueryForClass:kSecClassGenericPassword
(__bridge id)kSecAttrService : @"DevicePrivate",
(__bridge id)kSecAttrAccount : name
- (NSString *)decryptContent:(NSData *)encryptedContent usingKey:(MPKey *)key {
NSData *decryptedContent = nil;
if ([encryptedContent length])
decryptedContent = [encryptedContent decryptWithSymmetricKey:[key subKeyOfLength:PearlCryptKeySize].keyData padding:YES];
if (!decryptedContent)
return nil;
return [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:decryptedContent.bytes length:decryptedContent.length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- (BOOL)timeToCrack:(out TimeToCrack *)timeToCrack passwordOfType:(MPSiteType)type byAttacker:(MPAttacker)attacker {
if (!type)
return NO;
NSArray *ciphers = [self ciphersForType:type];
if (!ciphers)
return NO;
BIGNUM *permutations = BN_new(), *cipherPermutations = BN_new();
for (NSString *cipher in ciphers) {
BN_one( cipherPermutations );
for (NSUInteger c = 0; c < [cipher length]; ++c)
BN_mul_word( cipherPermutations,
(BN_ULONG)[[self charactersForCipherClass:[cipher substringWithRange:NSMakeRange( c, 1 )]] length] );
BN_add( permutations, permutations, cipherPermutations );
BN_free( cipherPermutations );
return [self timeToCrack:timeToCrack permutations:permutations forAttacker:attacker];
- (BOOL)timeToCrack:(out TimeToCrack *)timeToCrack passwordString:(NSString *)password byAttacker:(MPAttacker)attacker {
BIGNUM *permutations = BN_new();
BN_one( permutations );
NSMutableString *cipher = [NSMutableString new];
for (NSUInteger c = 0; c < [password length]; ++c) {
NSString *passwordCharacter = [password substringWithRange:NSMakeRange( c, 1 )];
unsigned int characterEntropy = 0;
for (NSString *cipherClass in @[ @"v", @"c", @"a", @"x" ]) {
NSString *charactersForClass = [self charactersForCipherClass:cipherClass];
if ([charactersForClass rangeOfString:passwordCharacter].location != NSNotFound) {
// Found class for password character.
characterEntropy = (BN_ULONG)[charactersForClass length];
[cipher appendString:cipherClass];
if (!characterEntropy) {
[cipher appendString:@"b"];
characterEntropy = 256 /* a byte */;
BN_mul_word( permutations, characterEntropy );
return [self timeToCrack:timeToCrack permutations:permutations forAttacker:attacker];
- (BOOL)timeToCrack:(out TimeToCrack *)timeToCrack permutations:(BIGNUM *)permutations forAttacker:(MPAttacker)attacker {
// Determine base seconds needed to calculate the permutations.
BIGNUM *secondsToCrack = BN_dup( permutations );
BN_div_word( secondsToCrack, CRACKING_PER_SECOND );
// Modify seconds needed by applying our hardware budget.
switch (attacker) {
case MPAttacker1:
case MPAttacker5K:
BN_mul_word( secondsToCrack, CRACKING_PRICE );
BN_div_word( secondsToCrack, 5000 );
case MPAttacker20M:
BN_mul_word( secondsToCrack, CRACKING_PRICE );
BN_div_word( secondsToCrack, 20000000 );
case MPAttacker5B:
BN_mul_word( secondsToCrack, CRACKING_PRICE );
BN_div_word( secondsToCrack, 5000 );
BN_div_word( secondsToCrack, 1000000 );
BIGNUM *max = BN_new();
BN_set_word( max, (BN_ULONG)-1 );
BIGNUM *hoursToCrack = BN_dup( secondsToCrack );
BN_div_word( hoursToCrack, 3600 );
if (BN_cmp( hoursToCrack, max ) < 0)
timeToCrack->hours = BN_get_word( hoursToCrack );
timeToCrack->hours = (BN_ULONG)-1;
BIGNUM *daysToCrack = BN_dup( hoursToCrack );
BN_div_word( daysToCrack, 24 );
if (BN_cmp( daysToCrack, max ) < 0)
timeToCrack->days = BN_get_word( daysToCrack );
timeToCrack->days = (BN_ULONG)-1;
BIGNUM *weeksToCrack = BN_dup( daysToCrack );
BN_div_word( weeksToCrack, 7 );
if (BN_cmp( weeksToCrack, max ) < 0)
timeToCrack->weeks = BN_get_word( weeksToCrack );
timeToCrack->weeks = (BN_ULONG)-1;
BIGNUM *monthsToCrack = BN_dup( daysToCrack );
BN_div_word( monthsToCrack, 31 );
if (BN_cmp( monthsToCrack, max ) < 0)
timeToCrack->months = BN_get_word( monthsToCrack );
timeToCrack->months = (BN_ULONG)-1;
BIGNUM *yearsToCrack = BN_dup( daysToCrack );
BN_div_word( yearsToCrack, 356 );
if (BN_cmp( yearsToCrack, max ) < 0)
timeToCrack->years = BN_get_word( yearsToCrack );
timeToCrack->years = (BN_ULONG)-1;
BIGNUM *universesToCrack = BN_dup( yearsToCrack );
BN_div_word( universesToCrack, 14000 );
BN_div_word( universesToCrack, 1000000 );
if (BN_cmp( universesToCrack, max ) < 0)
timeToCrack->universes = BN_get_word( universesToCrack );
timeToCrack->universes = (BN_ULONG)-1;
for (unsigned long error = ERR_get_error(); error; error = ERR_get_error())
err( @"bignum error: %lu", error );
BN_free( max );
BN_free( permutations );
BN_free( secondsToCrack );
BN_free( hoursToCrack );
BN_free( daysToCrack );
BN_free( weeksToCrack );
BN_free( monthsToCrack );
BN_free( yearsToCrack );
BN_free( universesToCrack );
return YES;