
86 lines
3.2 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ftl(...) do { fprintf( stderr, __VA_ARGS__ ); exit(2); } while (0)
#include "mpw-algorithm.h"
#include "mpw-util.h"
#include "mpw-tests-util.h"
int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
int failedTests = 0;
xmlNodePtr tests = xmlDocGetRootElement( xmlParseFile( "mpw_tests.xml" ) );
if (!tests)
ftl( "Couldn't find test case: mpw_tests.xml\n" );
for (xmlNodePtr testCase = tests->children; testCase; testCase = testCase->next) {
if (testCase->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE || xmlStrcmp( testCase->name, BAD_CAST "case" ) != 0)
// Read in the test case.
xmlChar *id = mpw_xmlTestCaseString( testCase, "id" );
MPAlgorithmVersion algorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)mpw_xmlTestCaseInteger( testCase, "algorithm" );
xmlChar *fullName = mpw_xmlTestCaseString( testCase, "fullName" );
xmlChar *masterPassword = mpw_xmlTestCaseString( testCase, "masterPassword" );
xmlChar *keyID = mpw_xmlTestCaseString( testCase, "keyID" );
xmlChar *siteName = mpw_xmlTestCaseString( testCase, "siteName" );
uint32_t siteCounter = mpw_xmlTestCaseInteger( testCase, "siteCounter" );
xmlChar *passwordTypeString = mpw_xmlTestCaseString( testCase, "passwordType" );
xmlChar *keyPurposeString = mpw_xmlTestCaseString( testCase, "keyPurpose" );
xmlChar *keyContext = mpw_xmlTestCaseString( testCase, "keyContext" );
xmlChar *result = mpw_xmlTestCaseString( testCase, "result" );
MPPasswordType siteType = mpw_typeWithName( (char *)passwordTypeString );
MPKeyPurpose siteVariant = mpw_purposeWithName( (char *)keyPurposeString );
// Run the test case.
fprintf( stdout, "test case %s... ", id );
if (!xmlStrlen( result )) {
fprintf( stdout, "abstract.\n" );
// 1. calculate the master key.
MPMasterKey masterKey = mpw_masterKey(
(char *)fullName, (char *)masterPassword, algorithm );
if (!masterKey)
ftl( "Couldn't derive master key." );
// 2. calculate the site password.
MPSiteKey siteKey = mpw_siteKey(
masterKey, (char *)siteName, siteCounter, siteVariant, (char *)keyContext, algorithm );
const char *sitePassword = mpw_sitePassword(
siteKey, siteType, algorithm );
mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize );
mpw_free( siteKey, MPSiteKeySize );
if (!sitePassword)
ftl( "Couldn't derive site password." );
// Check the result.
if (xmlStrcmp( result, BAD_CAST sitePassword ) == 0)
fprintf( stdout, "pass.\n" );
else {
fprintf( stdout, "FAILED! (got %s != expected %s)\n", sitePassword, result );
// Free test case.
mpw_free_string( sitePassword );
xmlFree( id );
xmlFree( fullName );
xmlFree( masterPassword );
xmlFree( keyID );
xmlFree( siteName );
xmlFree( passwordTypeString );
xmlFree( keyPurposeString );
xmlFree( keyContext );
xmlFree( result );
return failedTests;