Maarten Billemont 41b3964363 Lots of UI improvements and tips + parental gate, guide update.
[IMPROVED]  Emergency VC can now scroll when keyboard is up.
[IMPROVED]  Language of the guide + new updated screenshots.
[FIXED]     Size of guide cells on different devices.
[IMPROVED]  Don't show messages claiming login name was updated when nothing changed.
[FIXED]     Weird back-toggle bug when toggling site settings.
[ADDED]     Lots of handy tips throughout.
[ADDED]     Notification of new store features.
[FIXED]     Weird sizing issue & animation with store cells.
[ADDED]     Loading spinner while loading store products.
[ADDED]     Thanks link to store footer.
[FIXED]     Bought products should not respond to click, non-bought ones should.
[FIXED]     Fuel elapsed time counter was backward.
[ADDED]     Parental gate when deleting or resetting users.
[UPDATED]   App Icon background texture.
2014-09-28 22:15:55 -04:00

16 lines
630 B

[submodule "External/Pearl"]
path = External/Pearl
url = git://github.com/Lyndir/Pearl.git
[submodule "External/InAppSettingsKit"]
path = External/InAppSettingsKit
url = git://github.com/lhunath/InAppSettingsKit.git
[submodule "External/RHStatusItemView"]
path = External/RHStatusItemView
url = git://github.com/lhunath/RHStatusItemView.git
[submodule "External/KCOrderedAccessorFix"]
path = External/KCOrderedAccessorFix
url = https://github.com/CFKevinRef/KCOrderedAccessorFix.git
[submodule "External/AttributedMarkdown"]
path = External/AttributedMarkdown
url = https://github.com/dreamwieber/AttributedMarkdown.git