Fork 0

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// This file is part of Master Password.
// Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Maarten Billemont.
// Master Password is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Master Password is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the
// LICENSE file. Alternatively, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _MPW_TYPES_H
#define _MPW_TYPES_H
#define MP_LIBS_END
#define __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ 1
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifdef NS_ENUM
#define mpw_enum(_type, _name) NS_ENUM(_type, _name)
#define mpw_enum(_type, _name) _type _name; enum
#define mpw_opts(_type, _name) NS_OPTIONS(_type, _name)
#define mpw_opts(_type, _name) _type _name; enum
//// Types.
extern const size_t MPMasterKeySize, MPSiteKeySize; /* bytes */
typedef const uint8_t *MPMasterKey, *MPSiteKey;
typedef const char *MPKeyID;
typedef mpw_enum( uint8_t, MPKeyPurpose ) {
/** Generate a key for authentication. */
/** Generate a name for identification. */
/** Generate a recovery token. */
// bit 4 - 9
typedef mpw_opts( uint16_t, MPResultTypeClass ) {
/** Use the site key to generate a password from a template. */
MPResultTypeClassTemplate = 1 << 4,
/** Use the site key to encrypt and decrypt a stateful entity. */
MPResultTypeClassStateful = 1 << 5,
/** Use the site key to derive a site-specific object. */
MPResultTypeClassDerive = 1 << 6,
// bit 10 - 15
typedef mpw_opts( uint16_t, MPSiteFeature ) {
/** Export the key-protected content data. */
MPSiteFeatureExportContent = 1 << 10,
/** Never export content. */
MPSiteFeatureDevicePrivate = 1 << 11,
/** Don't use this as the primary authentication result type. */
MPSiteFeatureAlternative = 1 << 12,
// bit 0-3 | MPResultTypeClass | MPSiteFeature
typedef mpw_enum( uint32_t, MPResultType ) {
/** 0: Don't produce a result */
MPResultTypeNone = 0,
/** 16: pg^VMAUBk5x3p%HP%i4= */
MPResultTypeTemplateMaximum = 0x0 | MPResultTypeClassTemplate | 0x0,
/** 17: BiroYena8:Kixa */
MPResultTypeTemplateLong = 0x1 | MPResultTypeClassTemplate | 0x0,
/** 18: BirSuj0- */
MPResultTypeTemplateMedium = 0x2 | MPResultTypeClassTemplate | 0x0,
/** 19: Bir8 */
MPResultTypeTemplateShort = 0x3 | MPResultTypeClassTemplate | 0x0,
/** 20: pO98MoD0 */
MPResultTypeTemplateBasic = 0x4 | MPResultTypeClassTemplate | 0x0,
/** 21: 2798 */
MPResultTypeTemplatePIN = 0x5 | MPResultTypeClassTemplate | 0x0,
/** 30: birsujano */
MPResultTypeTemplateName = 0xE | MPResultTypeClassTemplate | 0x0,
/** 31: bir yennoquce fefi */
MPResultTypeTemplatePhrase = 0xF | MPResultTypeClassTemplate | 0x0,
/** 1056: Custom saved password. */
MPResultTypeStatefulPersonal = 0x0 | MPResultTypeClassStateful | MPSiteFeatureExportContent,
/** 2081: Custom saved password that should not be exported from the device. */
MPResultTypeStatefulDevice = 0x1 | MPResultTypeClassStateful | MPSiteFeatureDevicePrivate,
/** 4160: Derive a unique binary key. */
MPResultTypeDeriveKey = 0x0 | MPResultTypeClassDerive | MPSiteFeatureAlternative,
MPResultTypeDefaultResult = MPResultTypeTemplateLong,
MPResultTypeDefaultLogin = MPResultTypeTemplateName,
typedef mpw_enum ( uint32_t, MPCounterValue ) {
/** Use a time-based counter value, resulting in a TOTP generator. */
MPCounterValueTOTP = 0,
/** The initial value for a site's counter. */
MPCounterValueInitial = 1,
MPCounterValueDefault = MPCounterValueInitial,
MPCounterValueFirst = MPCounterValueTOTP,
MPCounterValueLast = UINT32_MAX,
/** These colours are compatible with the original ANSI SGR. */
typedef mpw_enum( uint8_t, MPIdenticonColor ) {
MPIdenticonColorFirst = MPIdenticonColorRed,
MPIdenticonColorLast = MPIdenticonColorMono,
typedef struct {
const char *leftArm;
const char *body;
const char *rightArm;
const char *accessory;
MPIdenticonColor color;
} MPIdenticon;
extern const MPIdenticon MPIdenticonUnset;
//// Type utilities.
* @return The purpose represented by the given name or ERR if the name does not represent a known purpose.
const MPKeyPurpose mpw_purpose_named(const char *purposeName);
* @return The standard name (static) for the given purpose or NULL if the purpose is not known.
const char *mpw_purpose_name(const MPKeyPurpose purpose);
* @return The scope identifier (static) to apply when encoding for the given purpose or NULL if the purpose is not known.
const char *mpw_purpose_scope(const MPKeyPurpose purpose);
* @return The password type represented by the given name or ERR if the name does not represent a known type.
const MPResultType mpw_type_named(const char *typeName);
* @return The standard identifying name (static) for the given password type or NULL if the type is not known.
const char *mpw_type_abbreviation(const MPResultType resultType);
* @return The standard identifying name (static) for the given password type or NULL if the type is not known.
const char *mpw_type_short_name(const MPResultType resultType);
* @return The descriptive name (static) for the given password type or NULL if the type is not known.
const char *mpw_type_long_name(const MPResultType resultType);
* @return An array (allocated, count) of strings (static) that express the templates to use for the given type.
* NULL if the type is not known or is not a MPResultTypeClassTemplate.
const char **mpw_type_templates(const MPResultType type, size_t *count);
* @return A string (static) that contains the password encoding template of the given type for a seed that starts with the given byte.
* NULL if the type is not known or is not a MPResultTypeClassTemplate.
const char *mpw_type_template(const MPResultType type, const uint8_t templateIndex);
* @return An string (static) with all the characters in the given character class or NULL if the character class is not known.
const char *mpw_class_characters(const char characterClass);
* @return A character from given character class that encodes the given byte or NUL if the character class is not known or is empty.
const char mpw_class_character(const char characterClass, const uint8_t seedByte);
#endif // _MPW_TYPES_H