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329 lines
13 KiB

// This file is part of Master Password.
// Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Maarten Billemont.
// Master Password is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Master Password is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the
// LICENSE file. Alternatively, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "mpw-algorithm.h"
#include "mpw-algorithm_v0.h"
#include "mpw-algorithm_v1.h"
#include "mpw-algorithm_v2.h"
#include "mpw-algorithm_v3.h"
#include "mpw-util.h"
#include <string.h>
const MPMasterKey mpw_master_key(const char *fullName, const char *masterPassword, const MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion) {
if (fullName && !strlen( fullName ))
fullName = NULL;
if (masterPassword && !strlen( masterPassword ))
masterPassword = NULL;
trc( "-- mpw_master_key (algorithm: %u)", algorithmVersion );
trc( "fullName: %s", fullName );
trc( "masterPassword.id: %s", masterPassword? mpw_id_buf( masterPassword, strlen( masterPassword ) ): NULL );
if (!fullName) {
err( "Missing fullName" );
return NULL;
if (!masterPassword) {
err( "Missing masterPassword" );
return NULL;
switch (algorithmVersion) {
case MPAlgorithmVersionV0:
return mpw_master_key_v0( fullName, masterPassword );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV1:
return mpw_master_key_v1( fullName, masterPassword );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV2:
return mpw_master_key_v2( fullName, masterPassword );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV3:
return mpw_master_key_v3( fullName, masterPassword );
err( "Unsupported version: %d", algorithmVersion );
return NULL;
const MPSiteKey mpw_site_key(
const MPMasterKey masterKey, const char *siteName, const MPCounterValue siteCounter,
const MPKeyPurpose keyPurpose, const char *keyContext, const MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion) {
if (keyContext && !strlen( keyContext ))
keyContext = NULL;
trc( "-- mpw_site_key (algorithm: %u)", algorithmVersion );
trc( "siteName: %s", siteName );
trc( "siteCounter: %d", siteCounter );
trc( "keyPurpose: %d (%s)", keyPurpose, mpw_purpose_name( keyPurpose ) );
trc( "keyContext: %s", keyContext );
if (!masterKey) {
err( "Missing masterKey" );
return NULL;
if (!siteName) {
err( "Missing siteName" );
return NULL;
switch (algorithmVersion) {
case MPAlgorithmVersionV0:
return mpw_site_key_v0( masterKey, siteName, siteCounter, keyPurpose, keyContext );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV1:
return mpw_site_key_v1( masterKey, siteName, siteCounter, keyPurpose, keyContext );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV2:
return mpw_site_key_v2( masterKey, siteName, siteCounter, keyPurpose, keyContext );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV3:
return mpw_site_key_v3( masterKey, siteName, siteCounter, keyPurpose, keyContext );
err( "Unsupported version: %d", algorithmVersion );
return NULL;
const char *mpw_site_result(
const MPMasterKey masterKey, const char *siteName, const MPCounterValue siteCounter,
const MPKeyPurpose keyPurpose, const char *keyContext,
const MPResultType resultType, const char *resultParam,
const MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion) {
if (keyContext && !strlen( keyContext ))
keyContext = NULL;
if (resultParam && !strlen( resultParam ))
resultParam = NULL;
MPSiteKey siteKey = mpw_site_key( masterKey, siteName, siteCounter, keyPurpose, keyContext, algorithmVersion );
trc( "-- mpw_site_result (algorithm: %u)", algorithmVersion );
trc( "resultType: %d (%s)", resultType, mpw_type_short_name( resultType ) );
trc( "resultParam: %s", resultParam );
if (!masterKey) {
err( "Missing masterKey" );
return NULL;
if (!siteKey) {
err( "Missing siteKey" );
return NULL;
if (resultType == MPResultTypeNone) {
return NULL;
else if (resultType & MPResultTypeClassTemplate) {
switch (algorithmVersion) {
case MPAlgorithmVersionV0:
return mpw_site_template_password_v0( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV1:
return mpw_site_template_password_v1( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV2:
return mpw_site_template_password_v2( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV3:
return mpw_site_template_password_v3( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
err( "Unsupported version: %d", algorithmVersion );
return NULL;
else if (resultType & MPResultTypeClassStateful) {
switch (algorithmVersion) {
case MPAlgorithmVersionV0:
return mpw_site_crypted_password_v0( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV1:
return mpw_site_crypted_password_v1( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV2:
return mpw_site_crypted_password_v2( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV3:
return mpw_site_crypted_password_v3( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
err( "Unsupported version: %d", algorithmVersion );
return NULL;
else if (resultType & MPResultTypeClassDerive) {
switch (algorithmVersion) {
case MPAlgorithmVersionV0:
return mpw_site_derived_password_v0( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV1:
return mpw_site_derived_password_v1( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV2:
return mpw_site_derived_password_v2( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV3:
return mpw_site_derived_password_v3( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
err( "Unsupported version: %d", algorithmVersion );
return NULL;
else {
err( "Unsupported password type: %d", resultType );
return NULL;
const char *mpw_site_state(
const MPMasterKey masterKey, const char *siteName, const MPCounterValue siteCounter,
const MPKeyPurpose keyPurpose, const char *keyContext,
const MPResultType resultType, const char *resultParam,
const MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion) {
if (keyContext && !strlen( keyContext ))
keyContext = NULL;
if (resultParam && !strlen( resultParam ))
resultParam = NULL;
MPSiteKey siteKey = mpw_site_key( masterKey, siteName, siteCounter, keyPurpose, keyContext, algorithmVersion );
trc( "-- mpw_site_state (algorithm: %u)", algorithmVersion );
trc( "resultType: %d (%s)", resultType, mpw_type_short_name( resultType ) );
trc( "resultParam: %zu bytes = %s", resultParam? strlen( resultParam ): 0, resultParam );
if (!masterKey) {
err( "Missing masterKey" );
return NULL;
if (!siteKey) {
err( "Missing siteKey" );
return NULL;
if (!resultParam) {
err( "Missing resultParam" );
return NULL;
if (resultType == MPResultTypeNone) {
return NULL;
switch (algorithmVersion) {
case MPAlgorithmVersionV0:
return mpw_site_state_v0( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV1:
return mpw_site_state_v1( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV2:
return mpw_site_state_v2( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
case MPAlgorithmVersionV3:
return mpw_site_state_v3( masterKey, siteKey, resultType, resultParam );
err( "Unsupported version: %d", algorithmVersion );
return NULL;
static const char *mpw_identicon_leftArms[] = { "", "", "", "" };
static const char *mpw_identicon_bodies[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "" };
static const char *mpw_identicon_rightArms[] = { "", "", "", "" };
static const char *mpw_identicon_accessories[] = {
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
const MPIdenticon mpw_identicon(const char *fullName, const char *masterPassword) {
const uint8_t *seed = NULL;
if (fullName && strlen( fullName ) && masterPassword && strlen( masterPassword ))
seed = mpw_hash_hmac_sha256(
(const uint8_t *)masterPassword, strlen( masterPassword ),
(const uint8_t *)fullName, strlen( fullName ) );
if (!seed)
return MPIdenticonUnset;
MPIdenticon identicon = {
.leftArm = mpw_identicon_leftArms[seed[0] % (sizeof( mpw_identicon_leftArms ) / sizeof( *mpw_identicon_leftArms ))],
.body = mpw_identicon_bodies[seed[1] % (sizeof( mpw_identicon_bodies ) / sizeof( *mpw_identicon_bodies ))],
.rightArm = mpw_identicon_rightArms[seed[2] % (sizeof( mpw_identicon_rightArms ) / sizeof( *mpw_identicon_rightArms ))],
.accessory = mpw_identicon_accessories[seed[3] % (sizeof( mpw_identicon_accessories ) / sizeof( *mpw_identicon_accessories ))],
.color = (MPIdenticonColor)(seed[4] % (MPIdenticonColorLast - MPIdenticonColorFirst + 1) + MPIdenticonColorFirst),
mpw_free( &seed, 32 );
return identicon;
const char *mpw_identicon_encode(
const MPIdenticon identicon) {
if (identicon.color == MPIdenticonColorUnset)
return NULL;
return mpw_str( "%hhu:%s%s%s%s",
identicon.color, identicon.leftArm, identicon.body, identicon.rightArm, identicon.accessory );
const MPIdenticon mpw_identicon_encoded(
const char *encoding) {
MPIdenticon identicon = MPIdenticonUnset;
if (!encoding || !strlen( encoding ))
return identicon;
char *string = calloc( strlen( encoding ), sizeof( *string ) ), *parser = string;
const char *leftArm = NULL, *body = NULL, *rightArm = NULL, *accessory = NULL;
unsigned int color;
if (string && sscanf( encoding, "%u:%s", &color, string ) == 2) {
if (*parser && color)
for (int s = 0; s < sizeof( mpw_identicon_leftArms ) / sizeof( *mpw_identicon_leftArms ); ++s) {
const char *limb = mpw_identicon_leftArms[s];
if (strncmp( parser, limb, strlen( limb ) ) == 0) {
leftArm = limb;
parser += strlen( limb );
if (*parser && leftArm)
for (int s = 0; s < sizeof( mpw_identicon_bodies ) / sizeof( *mpw_identicon_bodies ); ++s) {
const char *limb = mpw_identicon_bodies[s];
if (strncmp( parser, limb, strlen( limb ) ) == 0) {
body = limb;
parser += strlen( limb );
if (*parser && body)
for (int s = 0; s < sizeof( mpw_identicon_rightArms ) / sizeof( *mpw_identicon_rightArms ); ++s) {
const char *limb = mpw_identicon_rightArms[s];
if (strncmp( parser, limb, strlen( limb ) ) == 0) {
rightArm = limb;
parser += strlen( limb );
if (*parser && rightArm)
for (int s = 0; s < sizeof( mpw_identicon_accessories ) / sizeof( *mpw_identicon_accessories ); ++s) {
const char *limb = mpw_identicon_accessories[s];
if (strncmp( parser, limb, strlen( limb ) ) == 0) {
accessory = limb;
if (leftArm && body && rightArm && color >= MPIdenticonColorFirst && color <= MPIdenticonColorLast)
identicon = (MPIdenticon){
.leftArm = leftArm,
.body = body,
.rightArm = rightArm,
.accessory = accessory,
.color = (MPIdenticonColor)color,
mpw_free_string( &string );
return identicon;