Maarten Billemont 775a6fd4ea Collection-view for elements and swipe to modify.
[ADDED]     NSCollectionView for navigating between elements.
[ADDED]     Mac: Functional buttons for changing type, loginName and counter.
2014-02-19 00:59:57 -05:00

211 lines
4.6 KiB

// MPElementEntities.m
// MasterPassword-iOS
// Created by Maarten Billemont on 31/05/12.
// Copyright (c) 2012 Lyndir. All rights reserved.
#import "MPEntities.h"
#import "MPAppDelegate_Shared.h"
@implementation NSManagedObjectContext(MP)
- (BOOL)saveToStore {
__block BOOL success = YES;
if ([self hasChanges])
[self performBlockAndWait:^{
@try {
NSError *error = nil;
if (!(success = [self save:&error]))
err(@"While saving: %@", error);
@catch (NSException *exception) {
success = NO;
err(@"While saving: %@", exception);
return success && (!self.parentContext || [self.parentContext saveToStore]);
@implementation MPElementEntity(MP)
- (MPElementType)type {
// Some people got elements with type == 0.
MPElementType type = (MPElementType)[self.type_ unsignedIntegerValue];
if (!type || type == (MPElementType)NSNotFound)
type = [self.user defaultType];
if (!type || type == (MPElementType)NSNotFound)
type = MPElementTypeGeneratedLong;
return type;
- (void)setType:(MPElementType)aType {
// Make sure we don't poison our model data with invalid values.
if (!aType || aType == (MPElementType)NSNotFound)
aType = [self.user defaultType];
if (!aType || aType == (MPElementType)NSNotFound)
aType = MPElementTypeGeneratedLong;
if (![self isKindOfClass:[self.algorithm classOfType:aType]])
Throw(@"This object's class does not support the type: %lu", aType);
self.type_ = @(aType);
- (NSString *)typeName {
return [self.algorithm nameOfType:self.type];
- (NSString *)typeShortName {
return [self.algorithm shortNameOfType:self.type];
- (NSString *)typeClassName {
return [self.algorithm classNameOfType:self.type];
- (Class)typeClass {
return [self.algorithm classOfType:self.type];
- (NSUInteger)uses {
return [self.uses_ unsignedIntegerValue];
- (void)setUses:(NSUInteger)anUses {
self.uses_ = @(anUses);
- (NSUInteger)version {
return [self.version_ unsignedIntegerValue];
- (void)setVersion:(NSUInteger)version {
self.version_ = @(version);
- (BOOL)requiresExplicitMigration {
return [self.requiresExplicitMigration_ boolValue];
- (void)setRequiresExplicitMigration:(BOOL)requiresExplicitMigration {
self.requiresExplicitMigration_ = @(requiresExplicitMigration);
- (id<MPAlgorithm>)algorithm {
return MPAlgorithmForVersion( self.version );
- (NSUInteger)use {
self.lastUsed = [NSDate date];
return ++self.uses;
- (NSString *)description {
return PearlString( @"%@:%@", [self class], [self name] );
- (NSString *)debugDescription {
return PearlString( @"{%@: name=%@, user=%@, type=%lu, uses=%ld, lastUsed=%@, version=%ld, loginName=%@, requiresExplicitMigration=%d}",
NSStringFromClass( [self class] ), self.name, self.user.name, self.type, (long)self.uses, self.lastUsed, (long)self.version,
self.loginName, self.requiresExplicitMigration );
- (BOOL)migrateExplicitly:(BOOL)explicit {
while (self.version < MPAlgorithmDefaultVersion)
if ([MPAlgorithmForVersion( self.version + 1 ) migrateElement:self explicit:explicit])
inf(@"%@ migration to version: %ld succeeded for element: %@", explicit? @"Explicit": @"Automatic", (long)self.version + 1, self);
else {
wrn(@"%@ migration to version: %ld failed for element: %@", explicit? @"Explicit": @"Automatic", (long)self.version + 1, self);
return NO;
return YES;
@implementation MPElementGeneratedEntity(MP)
- (NSUInteger)counter {
return [self.counter_ unsignedIntegerValue];
- (void)setCounter:(NSUInteger)aCounter {
self.counter_ = @(aCounter);
@implementation MPElementStoredEntity(MP)
@implementation MPUserEntity(MP)
- (NSUInteger)avatar {
return [self.avatar_ unsignedIntegerValue];
- (void)setAvatar:(NSUInteger)anAvatar {
self.avatar_ = @(anAvatar);
- (BOOL)saveKey {
return [self.saveKey_ boolValue];
- (void)setSaveKey:(BOOL)aSaveKey {
self.saveKey_ = @(aSaveKey);
- (MPElementType)defaultType {
return (MPElementType)[self.defaultType_ unsignedIntegerValue];
- (void)setDefaultType:(MPElementType)aDefaultType {
self.defaultType_ = @(aDefaultType);
- (NSString *)userID {
return [MPUserEntity idFor:self.name];
+ (NSString *)idFor:(NSString *)userName {
return [[userName hashWith:PearlHashSHA1] encodeHex];