274 lines
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274 lines
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* Copyright Maarten Billemont (http://www.lhunath.com, lhunath@lyndir.com)
* See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPLv3). If you did
* not receive this file, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
* @author Maarten Billemont <lhunath@lyndir.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt
// MPAlgorithmV0
// Created by Maarten Billemont on 16/07/12.
// Copyright 2012 lhunath (Maarten Billemont). All rights reserved.
#import "MPAlgorithmV0.h"
#import "MPEntities.h"
#define MP_N 32768
#define MP_r 8
#define MP_p 2
#define MP_dkLen 64
#define MP_hash PearlHashSHA256
@implementation MPAlgorithmV0
- (NSUInteger)version {
return 0;
- (BOOL)migrateUser:(MPUserEntity *)user inContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)moc {
NSError *error = nil;
NSFetchRequest *migrationRequest = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:NSStringFromClass( [MPElementEntity class] )];
migrationRequest.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"version_ < %d AND user == %@", self.version, user];
NSArray *migrationElements = [moc executeFetchRequest:migrationRequest error:&error];
if (!migrationElements) {
err(@"While looking for elements to migrate: %@", error);
return NO;
BOOL requiresExplicitMigration = NO;
for (MPElementEntity *migrationElement in migrationElements)
if (![migrationElement migrateExplicitly:NO])
requiresExplicitMigration = YES;
return requiresExplicitMigration;
- (BOOL)migrateElement:(MPElementEntity *)element explicit:(BOOL)explicit {
if (element.version != [self version] - 1)
// Only migrate from previous version.
return NO;
if (!explicit) {
// This migration requires explicit permission.
element.requiresExplicitMigration = YES;
return NO;
// Apply migration.
element.requiresExplicitMigration = NO;
element.version = [self version];
return YES;
- (MPKey *)keyForPassword:(NSString *)password ofUserNamed:(NSString *)userName {
uint32_t nuserNameLength = htonl(userName.length);
NSDate *start = [NSDate date];
NSData *keyData = [PearlSCrypt deriveKeyWithLength:MP_dkLen fromPassword:[password dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
usingSalt:[NSData dataByConcatenatingDatas:
[@"com.lyndir.masterpassword" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
[NSData dataWithBytes:&nuserNameLength
[userName dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
nil] N:MP_N r:MP_r p:MP_p];
MPKey *key = [self keyFromKeyData:keyData];
trc(@"User: %@, password: %@ derives to key ID: %@ (took %0.2fs)", userName, password, [key.keyID encodeHex], -[start timeIntervalSinceNow]);
return key;
- (MPKey *)keyFromKeyData:(NSData *)keyData {
return [[MPKey alloc] initWithKeyData:keyData algorithm:self];
- (NSData *)keyIDForKeyData:(NSData *)keyData {
return [keyData hashWith:MP_hash];
- (NSString *)nameOfType:(MPElementType)type {
if (!type)
return nil;
switch (type) {
case MPElementTypeGeneratedMaximum:
return @"Maximum Security Password";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedLong:
return @"Long Password";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedMedium:
return @"Medium Password";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedBasic:
return @"Basic Password";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedShort:
return @"Short Password";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedPIN:
return @"PIN";
case MPElementTypeStoredPersonal:
return @"Personal Password";
case MPElementTypeStoredDevicePrivate:
return @"Device Private Password";
Throw(@"Type not supported: %d", type);
- (NSString *)shortNameOfType:(MPElementType)type {
if (!type)
return nil;
switch (type) {
case MPElementTypeGeneratedMaximum:
return @"Maximum";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedLong:
return @"Long";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedMedium:
return @"Medium";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedBasic:
return @"Basic";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedShort:
return @"Short";
case MPElementTypeGeneratedPIN:
return @"PIN";
case MPElementTypeStoredPersonal:
return @"Personal";
case MPElementTypeStoredDevicePrivate:
return @"Device";
Throw(@"Type not supported: %d", type);
- (NSString *)classNameOfType:(MPElementType)type {
return NSStringFromClass( [self classOfType:type] );
- (Class)classOfType:(MPElementType)type {
if (!type)
Throw(@"No type given.");
switch (type) {
case MPElementTypeGeneratedMaximum:
return [MPElementGeneratedEntity class];
case MPElementTypeGeneratedLong:
return [MPElementGeneratedEntity class];
case MPElementTypeGeneratedMedium:
return [MPElementGeneratedEntity class];
case MPElementTypeGeneratedBasic:
return [MPElementGeneratedEntity class];
case MPElementTypeGeneratedShort:
return [MPElementGeneratedEntity class];
case MPElementTypeGeneratedPIN:
return [MPElementGeneratedEntity class];
case MPElementTypeStoredPersonal:
return [MPElementStoredEntity class];
case MPElementTypeStoredDevicePrivate:
return [MPElementStoredEntity class];
Throw(@"Type not supported: %d", type);
- (NSString *)generateContentForElement:(MPElementGeneratedEntity *)element usingKey:(MPKey *)key {
if (!element)
return nil;
if (!(element.type & MPElementTypeClassGenerated)) {
err(@"Incorrect type (is not MPElementTypeClassGenerated): %@, for: %@", [self nameOfType:element.type], element.name);
return nil;
if (!element.name.length) {
err(@"Missing name.");
return nil;
if (!key.keyData.length) {
err(@"Missing key.");
return nil;
return [self generateContentNamed:element.name ofType:element.type withCounter:element.counter usingKey:key];
- (NSString *)generateContentNamed:(NSString *)name ofType:(MPElementType)type withCounter:(NSUInteger)counter usingKey:(MPKey *)key {
static NSDictionary *MPTypes_ciphers = nil;
if (MPTypes_ciphers == nil)
MPTypes_ciphers = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL:
[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"ciphers" withExtension:@"plist"]];
// Determine the seed whose bytes will be used for calculating a password
uint32_t ncounter = htonl(counter), nnameLength = htonl(name.length);
NSData *counterBytes = [NSData dataWithBytes:&ncounter length:sizeof(ncounter)];
NSData *nameLengthBytes = [NSData dataWithBytes:&nnameLength length:sizeof(nnameLength)];
trc(@"seed from: hmac-sha256(%@, 'com.lyndir.masterpassword' | %@ | %@ | %@)", [key.keyData encodeBase64], [nameLengthBytes encodeHex], name, [counterBytes encodeHex]);
NSData *seed = [[NSData dataByConcatenatingDatas:
[@"com.lyndir.masterpassword" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
[name dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding],
hmacWith:PearlHashSHA256 key:key.keyData];
trc(@"seed is: %@", [seed encodeBase64]);
const char *seedBytes = seed.bytes;
// Determine the cipher from the first seed byte.
assert([seed length]);
NSArray *typeCiphers = [[MPTypes_ciphers valueForKey:[self classNameOfType:type]]
valueForKey:[self nameOfType:type]];
NSString *cipher = [typeCiphers objectAtIndex:htons(seedBytes[0]) % [typeCiphers count]];
trc(@"type %@, ciphers: %@, selected: %@", [self nameOfType:type], typeCiphers, cipher);
// Encode the content, character by character, using subsequent seed bytes and the cipher.
assert([seed length] >= [cipher length] + 1);
NSMutableString *content = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:[cipher length]];
for (NSUInteger c = 0; c < [cipher length]; ++c) {
uint16_t keyByte = htons(seedBytes[c + 1]);
NSString *cipherClass = [cipher substringWithRange:NSMakeRange( c, 1 )];
NSString *cipherClassCharacters = [[MPTypes_ciphers valueForKey:@"MPCharacterClasses"] valueForKey:cipherClass];
NSString *character = [cipherClassCharacters substringWithRange:NSMakeRange( keyByte % [cipherClassCharacters length],
1 )];
trc(@"class %@ has characters: %@, index: %u, selected: %@", cipherClass, cipherClassCharacters, keyByte, character);
[content appendString:character];
return content;