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package com.lyndir.masterpassword.gui.view;
import static com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.StringUtils.*;
import com.google.common.base.*;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedInteger;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.logging.Logger;
import com.lyndir.lhunath.opal.system.util.ObjectUtils;
import com.lyndir.masterpassword.*;
import com.lyndir.masterpassword.gui.*;
import com.lyndir.masterpassword.gui.model.*;
import com.lyndir.masterpassword.gui.util.*;
import com.lyndir.masterpassword.gui.util.Platform;
import com.lyndir.masterpassword.model.*;
import com.lyndir.masterpassword.model.impl.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.text.PlainDocument;
* @author lhunath, 2018-07-14
public class UserContentPanel extends JPanel implements State.Listener, MPUser.Listener {
private static final Random random = new SecureRandom();
private static final int SIZE_RESULT = 48;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.get( UserContentPanel.class );
private static final JButton iconButton = Components.button( Res.icons().user(), null, null );
private static final KeyStroke copyLoginKeyStroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK );
private static final Pattern EACH_CHARACTER = Pattern.compile( "." );
private final JButton addButton = Components.button( Res.icons().add(), event -> addUser(),
"Add a new user to Master Password." );
private final JButton importButton = Components.button( Res.icons().import_(), event -> importUser(),
"Import a user from a backup file into Master Password." );
private final JButton helpButton = Components.button( Res.icons().help(), event -> showHelp(),
"Show information on how to use Master Password." );
private final JPanel userToolbar = Components.panel( BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS );
private final JPanel siteToolbar = Components.panel( BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS );
private MPUser<?> showingUser;
private ContentMode contentMode;
public UserContentPanel() {
userToolbar.setPreferredSize( iconButton.getPreferredSize() );
siteToolbar.setPreferredSize( iconButton.getPreferredSize() );
setLayout( new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS ) );
setBorder( Components.marginBorder() );
showUser( null );
State.get().addListener( this );
protected JComponent getUserToolbar() {
return userToolbar;
protected JComponent getSiteToolbar() {
return siteToolbar;
public void onUserSelected(@Nullable final MPUser<?> user) {
showUser( user );
public void onUserUpdated(final MPUser<?> user) {
showUser( user );
public void onUserAuthenticated(final MPUser<?> user) {
showUser( user );
public void onUserInvalidated(final MPUser<?> user) {
showUser( user );
private void showUser(@Nullable final MPUser<?> user) {
Res.ui( () -> {
if (showingUser != null)
showingUser.removeListener( this );
ContentMode newContentMode = ContentMode.getContentMode( user );
if ((newContentMode != contentMode) || !ObjectUtils.equals( showingUser, user )) {
showingUser = user;
switch (contentMode = newContentMode) {
case NO_USER:
add( new NoUserPanel() );
add( new AuthenticateUserPanel( Preconditions.checkNotNull( showingUser ) ) );
add( new AuthenticatedUserPanel( Preconditions.checkNotNull( showingUser ) ) );
if (showingUser != null)
showingUser.addListener( this );
} );
private void addUser() {
JTextField nameField = Components.textField( "Robert Lee Mitchell", null );
JCheckBox incognitoField = Components.checkBox( "<html>Incognito <em>(Do not save this user to disk)</em></html>" );
if (JOptionPane.OK_OPTION != Components.showDialog( this, "Add User", new JOptionPane( Components.panel(
Components.label( "<html>Enter your full legal name:</html>" ),
incognitoField ), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ) {
public void selectInitialValue() {
} ))
String fullName = nameField.getText();
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty( fullName ))
if (incognitoField.isSelected())
State.get().activateUser( new MPIncognitoUser( fullName ) );
State.get().activateUser( MPFileUserManager.get().add( fullName ) );
private void importUser() {
File importFile = Components.showLoadDialog( this, "Import User File" );
if (importFile == null)
try {
MPFileUser importUser = MPFileUser.load( importFile );
if (importUser == null) {
this, "Not a Master Password file.",
"Import Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
JPasswordField passwordField = Components.passwordField();
if (JOptionPane.OK_OPTION == Components.showDialog( this, "Import User", new JOptionPane( Components.panel(
Components.label( strf( "<html>Enter the master password to import <strong>%s</strong>:</html>",
importUser.getFullName() ) ),
passwordField ), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ) {
public void selectInitialValue() {
} )) {
try {
importUser.authenticate( passwordField.getPassword() );
Optional<MPFileUser> existingUser = MPFileUserManager.get().getFiles().stream().filter(
user -> user.getFullName().equalsIgnoreCase( importUser.getFullName() ) ).findFirst();
if (existingUser.isPresent() && (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION != JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
strf( "<html>Importing user <strong>%s</strong> from this file will replace the existing user with the imported one.<br>"
+ "Are you sure?<br><br>"
+ "<em>Existing user last modified: %s<br>Imported user last modified: %s</em></html>",
Res.format( existingUser.get().getLastUsed() ),
Res.format( importUser.getLastUsed() ) ) )))
State.get().activateUser( MPFileUserManager.get().add( importUser ) );
catch (final MPIncorrectMasterPasswordException | MPAlgorithmException e) {
this, e.getLocalizedMessage(),
"Import Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
catch (final IOException e) {
logger.err( e, "While reading user import file." );
this, strf( "<html>Couldn't read import file:<br><pre>%s</pre></html>.", e.getLocalizedMessage() ),
"Import Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
catch (final MPMarshalException e) {
logger.err( e, "While parsing user import file." );
this, strf( "<html>Couldn't parse import file:<br><pre>%s</pre></html>.", e.getLocalizedMessage() ),
"Import Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
private void showHelp() {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, Components.linkLabel( strf(
"<h1>Master Password - v%s</h1>"
+ "<p>The primary goal of this application is to provide a reliable security solution that also "
+ "makes you independent from your computer. If you lose access to this computer or your data, "
+ "the application can regenerate all your secrets from scratch on any new device.</p>"
+ "<h2>Opening Master Password</h2>"
+ "<p>To use Master Password, simply open the application on your computer. "
+ "Once running, you can bring up the user interface at any time by pressing the keys "
+ "<strong><code>%s+%s</code></strong>."
+ "<h2>Persistence</h2>"
+ "<p>Though at the core, Master Password does not require the use of any form of data "
+ "storage, the application does remember the names of the sites you've used in the past to "
+ "make it easier for you to use them again in the future. All user information is saved in "
+ "files on your computer at the following location:<br><pre>%s</pre></p>"
+ "<p>You can read, modify, backup or place new files in this location as you see fit. "
+ "Some people even configure this location to be synced between their different computers "
+ "using services such as those provided by SpiderOak or Dropbox.</p>"
+ "<hr><p><a href='https://masterpassword.app'>https://masterpassword.app</a> — by Maarten Billemont</p>",
InputEvent.getModifiersExText( MPGuiConstants.ui_hotkey.getModifiers() ),
KeyEvent.getKeyText( MPGuiConstants.ui_hotkey.getKeyCode() ),
MPFileUserManager.get().getPath().getAbsolutePath() ) ),
"About Master Password", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
private enum ContentMode {
static ContentMode getContentMode(@Nullable final MPUser<?> user) {
if (user == null)
return NO_USER;
else if (!user.isMasterKeyAvailable())
private final class NoUserPanel extends JPanel {
private NoUserPanel() {
setLayout( new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS ) );
userToolbar.add( addButton );
userToolbar.add( importButton );
userToolbar.add( Box.createGlue() );
userToolbar.add( helpButton );
add( Box.createGlue() );
add( Components.heading( "Select a user to proceed." ) );
add( Box.createGlue() );
private final class AuthenticateUserPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener, DocumentListener {
private final MPUser<?> user;
private final JButton exportButton = Components.button( Res.icons().export(), event -> exportUser(),
"Export this user to a backup file." );
private final JButton deleteButton = Components.button( Res.icons().delete(), event -> deleteUser(),
"Delete this user from Master Password." );
private final JButton resetButton = Components.button( Res.icons().reset(), event -> resetUser(),
"Change the master password for this user." );
private final JPasswordField masterPasswordField;
private final JLabel errorLabel;
private final JLabel identiconLabel;
private Future<?> identiconJob;
private AuthenticateUserPanel(@Nonnull final MPUser<?> user) {
setLayout( new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS ) );
this.user = user;
userToolbar.add( addButton );
userToolbar.add( importButton );
userToolbar.add( exportButton );
userToolbar.add( deleteButton );
userToolbar.add( resetButton );
userToolbar.add( Box.createGlue() );
userToolbar.add( helpButton );
add( Components.heading( user.getFullName(), SwingConstants.CENTER ) );
add( Components.strut() );
add( identiconLabel = Components.label( SwingConstants.CENTER ) );
identiconLabel.setFont( Res.fonts().emoticonsFont( Components.TEXT_SIZE_CONTROL ) );
add( Box.createGlue() );
add( Components.label( "Master Password:" ) );
add( Components.strut() );
add( masterPasswordField = Components.passwordField() );
masterPasswordField.addActionListener( this );
masterPasswordField.getDocument().addDocumentListener( this );
add( errorLabel = Components.label() );
errorLabel.setForeground( Res.colors().errorFg() );
add( Box.createGlue() );
private void exportUser() {
MPFileUser fileUser = (user instanceof MPFileUser)? (MPFileUser) user: null;
if (fileUser == null)
File exportFile = Components.showSaveDialog( this, "Export User File", fileUser.getFile().getName() );
if (exportFile == null)
try {
Files.copy( fileUser.getFile().toPath(), exportFile.toPath(),
StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING, StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES ).toFile() );
catch (final IOException e) {
this, e.getLocalizedMessage(),
"Export Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
private void deleteUser() {
MPFileUser fileUser = (user instanceof MPFileUser)? (MPFileUser) user: null;
if (fileUser == null)
if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION == JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
SwingUtilities.windowForComponent( this ), strf( "<html>Delete the user <strong>%s</strong>?<br><br><em>%s</em></html>",
fileUser.getFullName(), fileUser.getFile().getName() ),
"Delete User", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ))
MPFileUserManager.get().delete( fileUser );
private void resetUser() {
JPasswordField passwordField = Components.passwordField();
if (JOptionPane.OK_OPTION == Components.showDialog( this, "Reset User", new JOptionPane( Components.panel(
Components.label( strf( "<html>Enter the new master password for <strong>%s</strong>:</html>",
user.getFullName() ) ),
Components.label( strf( "<html><em><strong>Note:</strong><br>Changing the master password "
+ "will change all of the user's passwords.<br>"
+ "Changing back to the original master password will also restore<br>"
+ "the user's original passwords.</em></html>",
user.getFullName() ) ) ), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ) {
public void selectInitialValue() {
} )) {
char[] masterPassword = passwordField.getPassword();
if ((masterPassword != null) && (masterPassword.length > 0))
try {
user.authenticate( masterPassword );
catch (final MPIncorrectMasterPasswordException e) {
errorLabel.setText( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
throw logger.bug( e );
catch (final MPAlgorithmException e) {
logger.err( e, "While resetting master password." );
errorLabel.setText( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) {
char[] masterPassword = masterPasswordField.getPassword();
Res.job( () -> {
try {
user.authenticate( masterPassword );
if (user instanceof MPFileUser)
((MPFileUser) user).migrateTo( MPMarshalFormat.DEFAULT );
catch (final MPIncorrectMasterPasswordException e) {
logger.wrn( e, "During user authentication for: %s", user );
errorLabel.setText( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
catch (final MPAlgorithmException e) {
logger.err( e, "During user authentication for: %s", user );
errorLabel.setText( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
} );
public void insertUpdate(final DocumentEvent event) {
public void removeUpdate(final DocumentEvent event) {
public void changedUpdate(final DocumentEvent event) {
private synchronized void update() {
errorLabel.setText( " " );
if (identiconJob != null)
identiconJob.cancel( true );
identiconJob = Res.job( this::updateIdenticon, 100 + random.nextInt( 100 ), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
private void updateIdenticon() {
char[] masterPassword = masterPasswordField.getPassword();
MPIdenticon identicon = ((masterPassword != null) && (masterPassword.length > 0))?
new MPIdenticon( user.getFullName(), masterPassword ): null;
Res.ui( () -> {
if (identicon != null) {
Res.colors().fromIdenticonColor( identicon.getColor(), Res.Colors.BackgroundMode.LIGHT ) );
identiconLabel.setText( identicon.getText() );
} else {
identiconLabel.setForeground( null );
identiconLabel.setText( " " );
} );
private final class AuthenticatedUserPanel extends JPanel implements KeyListener, MPUser.Listener, KeyEventDispatcher {
private final JButton userButton = Components.button( Res.icons().user(), event -> showUserPreferences(),
"Show user preferences." );
private final JButton logoutButton = Components.button( Res.icons().lock(), event -> logoutUser(),
"Sign out and lock user." );
private final JButton settingsButton = Components.button( Res.icons().settings(), event -> showSiteSettings(),
"Show site settings." );
private final JButton questionsButton = Components.button( Res.icons().question(), event -> showSiteQuestions(),
"Show site recovery questions." );
private final JButton editButton = Components.button( Res.icons().edit(), event -> showSiteValues(),
"Set/save personal password/login." );
private final JButton keyButton = Components.button( Res.icons().key(), event -> showSiteKeys(),
"Cryptographic site keys." );
private final JButton deleteButton = Components.button( Res.icons().delete(), event -> deleteSite(),
"Delete the site from the user." );
private final MPUser<?> user;
private final JLabel resultLabel;
private final JLabel resultField;
private final JLabel answerLabel;
private final JLabel answerField;
private final JLabel queryLabel;
private final JTextField queryField;
private final CollectionListModel<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPSite<?>>> sitesModel;
private final CollectionListModel<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPQuestion>> questionsModel;
private final JList<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPSite<?>>> sitesList;
private boolean showLogin;
private Future<?> updateSitesJob;
private AuthenticatedUserPanel(@Nonnull final MPUser<?> user) {
setLayout( new BoxLayout( this, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS ) );
this.user = user;
userToolbar.add( addButton );
userToolbar.add( userButton );
userToolbar.add( logoutButton );
userToolbar.add( Box.createGlue() );
userToolbar.add( helpButton );
siteToolbar.add( settingsButton );
siteToolbar.add( questionsButton );
siteToolbar.add( editButton );
siteToolbar.add( keyButton );
siteToolbar.add( deleteButton );
settingsButton.setEnabled( false );
questionsButton.setEnabled( false );
editButton.setEnabled( false );
keyButton.setEnabled( false );
deleteButton.setEnabled( false );
answerLabel = Components.label( "Answer:" );
answerField = Components.heading( SwingConstants.CENTER );
answerField.setForeground( Res.colors().highlightFg() );
answerField.setFont( Res.fonts().bigValueFont( SIZE_RESULT ) );
questionsModel = new CollectionListModel<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPQuestion>>().selection( this::showQuestionItem );
add( Components.heading( user.getFullName(), SwingConstants.CENTER ) );
add( resultLabel = Components.label( SwingConstants.CENTER ) );
add( resultField = Components.heading( SwingConstants.CENTER ) );
resultField.setForeground( Res.colors().highlightFg() );
resultField.setFont( Res.fonts().bigValueFont( SIZE_RESULT ) );
add( Box.createGlue() );
add( Components.strut() );
add( queryLabel = Components.label() );
queryLabel.setText( strf( "%s's password for:", user.getFullName() ) );
add( queryField = Components.textField( null, this::updateSites ) );
queryField.putClientProperty( "JTextField.variant", "search" );
queryField.addActionListener( this::useSite );
queryField.getInputMap().put( copyLoginKeyStroke, JTextField.notifyAction );
queryField.addKeyListener( this );
add( Components.strut() );
add( Components.scrollPane( sitesList = Components.list(
sitesModel = new CollectionListModel<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPSite<?>>>().selection( this::showSiteItem ),
this::getSiteDescription ) ) );
sitesList.registerKeyboardAction( this::useSite, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0 ),
JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED );
sitesList.registerKeyboardAction( this::useSite, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK ),
JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED );
add( Components.strut() );
add( Components.label( strf(
"Press %s to copy password, %s+%s to copy login name.",
KeyEvent.getKeyText( KeyEvent.VK_ENTER ),
InputEvent.getModifiersExText( copyLoginKeyStroke.getModifiers() ),
KeyEvent.getKeyText( copyLoginKeyStroke.getKeyCode() ) ) ) );
addHierarchyListener( e -> {
if (HierarchyEvent.DISPLAYABILITY_CHANGED == (e.getChangeFlags() & HierarchyEvent.DISPLAYABILITY_CHANGED)) {
if (null != SwingUtilities.windowForComponent( this )) {
KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().addKeyEventDispatcher( this );
user.addListener( this );
} else {
KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().removeKeyEventDispatcher( this );
user.removeListener( this );
} );
public void showUserPreferences() {
ImmutableList.Builder<Component> components = ImmutableList.builder();
components.add( Components.label( "Default Algorithm:" ),
Components.comboBox( MPAlgorithm.Version.values(), MPAlgorithm.Version::name,
user.getAlgorithm().version(), user::setAlgorithm ) );
components.add( Components.label( "Default Password Type:" ),
Components.comboBox( MPResultType.values(), MPResultType::getLongName,
user.getPreferences().getDefaultType(), user.getPreferences()::setDefaultType ),
Components.strut() );
components.add( Components.checkBox( "Hide Passwords",
user.getPreferences().isHidePasswords(), user.getPreferences()::setHidePasswords ) );
components.add( new JSeparator() );
components.add( Components.checkBox( "Check For Updates",
MPGuiConfig.get().checkForUpdates(), MPGuiConfig.get()::setCheckForUpdates ) );
components.add( Components.checkBox( strf( "<html>Stay Resident (reactivate with <strong><code>%s+%s</code></strong>)",
InputEvent.getModifiersExText( MPGuiConstants.ui_hotkey.getModifiers() ),
KeyEvent.getKeyText( MPGuiConstants.ui_hotkey.getKeyCode() ) ),
MPGuiConfig.get().stayResident(), MPGuiConfig.get()::setStayResident ) );
Components.showDialog( this, user.getFullName(), new JOptionPane( Components.panel(
BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS, components.build().toArray( new Component[0] ) ) ) );
public void logoutUser() {
public void showSiteSettings() {
MPSite<?> site = getSite();
if (site == null)
ImmutableList.Builder<Component> components = ImmutableList.builder();
components.add( Components.label( "Algorithm:" ),
Components.comboBox( MPAlgorithm.Version.values(), MPAlgorithm.Version::name,
site::setAlgorithm ) );
components.add( Components.label( "Counter:" ),
Components.spinner( new UnsignedIntegerModel( site.getCounter(), UnsignedInteger.ONE )
.selection( site::setCounter ) ),
Components.strut() );
components.add( Components.label( "Password Type:" ),
Components.comboBox( MPResultType.values(), type ->
getTypeDescription( type, user.getPreferences().getDefaultType() ),
site.getResultType(), site::setResultType ),
Components.strut() );
components.add( Components.label( "Login Type:" ),
Components.comboBox( MPResultType.values(), type ->
getTypeDescription( type, user.getAlgorithm().mpw_default_login_type() ),
site.getLoginType(), site::setLoginType ),
Components.strut() );
MPFileSite fileSite = (site instanceof MPFileSite)? (MPFileSite) site: null;
if (fileSite != null)
components.add( Components.label( "URL:" ),
Components.textField( fileSite.getUrl(), fileSite::setUrl ),
Components.strut() );
Components.showDialog( this, strf( "Settings for %s", site.getSiteName() ), new JOptionPane( Components.panel(
BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS, components.build().toArray( new Component[0] ) ) ) );
private String getTypeDescription(final MPResultType type, final MPResultType... defaults) {
boolean isDefault = false;
for (final MPResultType d : defaults)
if (isDefault = type == d)
return strf( "<html>%s%s%s, %s", isDefault? "<b>": "", type.getLongName(), isDefault? "</b>": "", type.getDescription() );
public void showSiteQuestions() {
MPSite<?> site = getSite();
if (site == null)
JList<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPQuestion>> questionsList =
Components.list( questionsModel, this::getQuestionDescription );
JTextField queryField = Components.textField( null, queryText -> Res.job( () -> {
MPQuery query = new MPQuery( queryText );
Collection<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPQuestion>> questionItems = new LinkedList<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPQuestion>>(
query.find( site.getQuestions(), MPQuestion::getKeyword ) );
if (questionItems.stream().noneMatch( MPQuery.Result::isExact ))
questionItems.add( MPQuery.Result.allOf( new MPNewQuestion( site, query.getQuery() ), query.getQuery() ) );
Res.ui( () -> questionsModel.set( questionItems ) );
} ) );
queryField.putClientProperty( "JTextField.variant", "search" );
queryField.addActionListener( this::useQuestion );
queryField.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent event) {
if ((event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) || (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN))
questionsList.dispatchEvent( event );
public void keyReleased(final KeyEvent event) {
if ((event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) || (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN))
questionsList.dispatchEvent( event );
} );
Components.showDialog( this, strf( "Recovery answers for %s", site.getSiteName() ), new JOptionPane( Components.panel(
Components.label( "Security Question Keyword:" ), queryField,
answerLabel, answerField,
Components.scrollPane( questionsList ) ) ) {
public void selectInitialValue() {
} );
public void showSiteValues() {
MPSite<?> site = getSite();
if (site == null)
try {
JTextField passwordField = Components.textField( site.getResult(), null );
JTextField loginField = Components.textField( site.getLogin(), null );
passwordField.setEditable( site.getResultType().getTypeClass() == MPResultTypeClass.Stateful );
loginField.setEditable( site.getLoginType().getTypeClass() == MPResultTypeClass.Stateful );
if (JOptionPane.OK_OPTION == Components.showDialog( this, site.getSiteName(), new JOptionPane(
Components.label( strf( "<html>Site Login (currently set to: <b>%s</b>):",
getTypeDescription( site.getLoginType() ) ) ),
Components.label( strf( "<html>Site Password (currently set to: <b>%s</b>):",
getTypeDescription( site.getResultType() ) ) ),
Components.label( "<html>To save a personal value in these fields,\n" +
"change the type to <b>Saved</b> in the site's settings." ) ),
public void selectInitialValue() {
} )) {
if (site instanceof MPFileSite) {
MPFileSite fileSite = (MPFileSite) site;
if (site.getResultType().getTypeClass() == MPResultTypeClass.Stateful)
fileSite.setSitePassword( site.getResultType(), passwordField.getText() );
if (site.getLoginType().getTypeClass() == MPResultTypeClass.Stateful)
fileSite.setLoginName( site.getLoginType(), loginField.getText() );
catch (final MPKeyUnavailableException | MPAlgorithmException e) {
logger.err( e, "While computing site edit results." );
public void showSiteKeys() {
MPSite<?> site = getSite();
if (site == null)
JTextArea resultField = Components.textArea();
resultField.setEnabled( false );
CollectionListModel<MPKeyPurpose> purposeModel = new CollectionListModel<>( MPKeyPurpose.values() );
DocumentModel contextModel = new DocumentModel( new PlainDocument() );
UnsignedIntegerModel counterModel = new UnsignedIntegerModel( UnsignedInteger.ONE );
CollectionListModel<MPResultType> typeModel = new CollectionListModel<>( MPResultType.values() );
DocumentModel stateModel = new DocumentModel( new PlainDocument() );
Runnable trigger = () -> Res.job( () -> {
try {
MPKeyPurpose purpose = purposeModel.getSelectedItem();
MPResultType type = typeModel.getSelectedItem();
String result = ((purpose == null) || (type == null))? null:
site.getResult( purpose, contextModel.getText(), counterModel.getNumber(), type, stateModel.getText() );
Res.ui( () -> resultField.setText( result ) );
catch (final MPKeyUnavailableException | MPAlgorithmException e) {
logger.err( e, "While computing site edit results." );
} );
purposeModel.selection( MPKeyPurpose.Authentication, p -> trigger.run() );
contextModel.selection( c -> trigger.run() );
counterModel.selection( c -> trigger.run() );
typeModel.selection( MPResultType.DeriveKey, t -> {
switch (t) {
case DeriveKey:
stateModel.setText( Integer.toString( site.getAlgorithm().mpw_keySize_min() ) );
stateModel.setText( null );
} );
stateModel.selection( c -> trigger.run() );
if (JOptionPane.OK_OPTION == Components.showDialog( this, site.getSiteName(), new JOptionPane( Components.panel(
Components.heading( "Key Calculator" ),
Components.label( "Purpose:" ),
Components.comboBox( purposeModel, MPKeyPurpose::getShortName ),
Components.label( "Context:" ),
Components.textField( contextModel.getDocument() ),
Components.label( "Counter:" ),
Components.spinner( counterModel ),
Components.label( "Type:" ),
Components.comboBox( typeModel, this::getTypeDescription ),
Components.label( "State:" ),
Components.scrollPane( Components.textField( stateModel.getDocument() ) ),
resultField ) ) {
setOptions( new Object[]{ "Copy", "Cancel" } );
setInitialValue( getOptions()[0] );
} ))
copyResult( resultField.getText() );
public void deleteSite() {
MPSite<?> site = getSite();
if (site == null)
if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION == JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
this, strf( "<html>Forget the site <strong>%s</strong>?</html>", site.getSiteName() ),
"Delete Site", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ))
user.deleteSite( site );
private String getSiteDescription(@Nullable final MPQuery.Result<? extends MPSite<?>> item) {
MPSite<?> site = (item != null)? item.getValue(): null;
if (site == null)
return " ";
if (site instanceof MPNewSite)
return strf( "<html><strong>%s</strong> &lt;Add new site&gt;</html>", item.getKeyAsHTML() );
ImmutableList.Builder<Object> parameters = ImmutableList.builder();
MPFileSite fileSite = (site instanceof MPFileSite)? (MPFileSite) site: null;
if (fileSite != null)
parameters.add( Res.format( fileSite.getLastUsed() ) );
parameters.add( site.getAlgorithm().version() );
parameters.add( strf( "#%d", site.getCounter().longValue() ) );
if ((fileSite != null) && (fileSite.getUrl() != null))
parameters.add( fileSite.getUrl() );
return strf( "<html><strong>%s</strong> (%s)</html>", item.getKeyAsHTML(),
Joiner.on( " - " ).skipNulls().join( parameters.build() ) );
private String getQuestionDescription(@Nullable final MPQuery.Result<? extends MPQuestion> item) {
MPQuestion question = (item != null)? item.getValue(): null;
if (question == null)
return "<site>";
if (question instanceof MPNewQuestion)
return strf( "<html>%s &lt;Add new question&gt;</html>", item.getKeyAsHTML() );
return strf( "<html>%s</html>", item.getKeyAsHTML() );
private void useSite(final ActionEvent event) {
MPSite<?> site = getSite();
if (site instanceof MPNewSite) {
if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION != JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
this, strf( "<html>Remember the site <strong>%s</strong>?</html>", site.getSiteName() ),
"New Site", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ))
site = ((MPNewSite) site).addTo( user );
boolean loginResult = (copyLoginKeyStroke.getModifiers() & event.getModifiers()) != 0;
MPSite<?> fsite = site;
Res.ui( getSiteResult( site, loginResult ), result -> {
if (result == null)
if (fsite instanceof MPFileSite)
((MPFileSite) fsite).use();
copyResult( result );
} );
private void setShowLogin(final boolean showLogin) {
if (showLogin == this.showLogin)
this.showLogin = showLogin;
showSiteItem( sitesModel.getSelectedItem() );
private void showSiteItem(@Nullable final MPQuery.Result<? extends MPSite<?>> item) {
MPSite<?> site = (item != null)? item.getValue(): null;
Res.ui( getSiteResult( site, showLogin ), result -> {
if (!showLogin && (site != null))
resultLabel.setText( (result != null)? strf( "Your password for %s:", site.getSiteName() ): " " );
else if (showLogin && (site != null))
resultLabel.setText( (result != null)? strf( "Your login for %s:", site.getSiteName() ): " " );
if ((result == null) || result.isEmpty())
resultField.setText( " " );
else if (!showLogin && user.getPreferences().isHidePasswords())
resultField.setText( EACH_CHARACTER.matcher( result ).replaceAll( "" ) );
resultField.setText( result );
settingsButton.setEnabled( result != null );
questionsButton.setEnabled( result != null );
editButton.setEnabled( result != null );
keyButton.setEnabled( result != null );
deleteButton.setEnabled( result != null );
} );
private ListenableFuture<String> getSiteResult(@Nullable final MPSite<?> site, final boolean loginResult) {
return Res.job( () -> {
try {
if (site != null)
return loginResult? site.getLogin(): site.getResult();
catch (final MPKeyUnavailableException | MPAlgorithmException e) {
logger.err( e, "While resolving password for: %s", site );
return null;
} );
private void useQuestion(final ActionEvent event) {
MPQuestion question = getQuestion();
if (question instanceof MPNewQuestion) {
if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION != JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
strf( "<html>Remember the security question with keyword <strong>%s</strong>?</html>",
Strings.isNullOrEmpty( question.getKeyword() )? "<empty>": question.getKeyword() ),
"New Question", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ))
question = question.getSite().addQuestion( question.getKeyword() );
MPQuestion fquestion = question;
Res.ui( getQuestionResult( question ), result -> {
if (result == null)
if (fquestion instanceof MPFileQuestion)
((MPFileQuestion) fquestion).use();
copyResult( result );
} );
private void showQuestionItem(@Nullable final MPQuery.Result<? extends MPQuestion> item) {
MPQuestion question = (item != null)? item.getValue(): null;
Res.ui( getQuestionResult( question ), answer -> {
if ((answer == null) || (question == null))
answerLabel.setText( " " );
Strings.isNullOrEmpty( question.getKeyword() )?
strf( "<html>Answer for site <b>%s</b>:", question.getSite().getSiteName() ):
strf( "<html>Answer for site <b>%s</b>, of question with keyword <b>%s</b>:",
question.getSite().getSiteName(), question.getKeyword() ) );
answerField.setText( (answer != null)? answer: " " );
} );
private ListenableFuture<String> getQuestionResult(@Nullable final MPQuestion question) {
return Res.job( () -> {
try {
if (question != null)
return question.getAnswer();
catch (final MPKeyUnavailableException | MPAlgorithmException e) {
logger.err( e, "While resolving answer for: %s", question );
return null;
} );
private void copyResult(final String result) {
Transferable clipboardContents = new StringSelection( result );
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents( clipboardContents, null );
Res.ui( () -> {
Window answerDialog = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent( answerField );
if (answerDialog instanceof Dialog)
answerDialog.setVisible( false );
Window window = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent( UserContentPanel.this );
if (window instanceof Frame)
((Frame) window).setExtendedState( Frame.ICONIFIED );
setShowLogin( false );
} );
private MPSite<?> getSite() {
MPQuery.Result<? extends MPSite<?>> selectedSite = sitesModel.getSelectedItem();
if (selectedSite == null)
return null;
return selectedSite.getValue();
private MPQuestion getQuestion() {
MPQuery.Result<? extends MPQuestion> selectedQuestion = questionsModel.getSelectedItem();
if (selectedQuestion == null)
return null;
return selectedQuestion.getValue();
public void keyTyped(final KeyEvent event) {
public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent event) {
if ((event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) || (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN))
sitesList.dispatchEvent( event );
public void keyReleased(final KeyEvent event) {
if ((event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) || (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN))
sitesList.dispatchEvent( event );
private synchronized void updateSites(@Nullable final String queryText) {
if (updateSitesJob != null)
updateSitesJob.cancel( true );
updateSitesJob = Res.job( () -> {
MPQuery query = new MPQuery( queryText );
Collection<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPSite<?>>> siteItems = new LinkedList<MPQuery.Result<? extends MPSite<?>>>(
query.find( user.getSites(), MPSite::getSiteName ) );
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty( queryText ))
if (siteItems.stream().noneMatch( MPQuery.Result::isExact )) {
MPQuery.Result<? extends MPSite<?>> selectedItem = sitesModel.getSelectedItem();
if ((selectedItem != null) && user.equals( selectedItem.getValue().getUser() ) &&
queryText.equals( selectedItem.getValue().getSiteName() ))
siteItems.add( selectedItem );
siteItems.add( MPQuery.Result.allOf( new MPNewSite( user, query.getQuery() ), query.getQuery() ) );
Res.ui( () -> sitesModel.set( siteItems ) );
} );
public void onUserUpdated(final MPUser<?> user) {
updateSites( queryField.getText() );
showSiteItem( sitesModel.getSelectedItem() );
public void onUserAuthenticated(final MPUser<?> user) {
public void onUserInvalidated(final MPUser<?> user) {
public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(final KeyEvent e) {
if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT)
setShowLogin( e.isShiftDown() );
return false;