1536 12C60 2844 1187.34 625.00 com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin 1930 IBProxyObject IBUIBarButtonItem IBUIButton IBUILabel IBUIScrollView IBUISwitch IBUITextField IBUIToolbar IBUIView com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin PluginDependencyRecalculationVersion IBFilesOwner IBCocoaTouchFramework IBFirstResponder IBCocoaTouchFramework 274 292 292 {{26, 126}, {280, 31}} NO YES IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 http://developers.google.com/+/mobile/ios/ 3 3 MAA 2 YES 17 IBCocoaTouchFramework 3 1 14 Helvetica 14 16 292 {{26, 89}, {179, 21}} NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework URL to share (optional) 1 MCAwIDAAA darkTextColor 1 10 1 17 Helvetica 17 16 292 {{31, 261}, {112, 32}} NO IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 0 Share 3 MQA 1 MC41MjE1Njg2NTYgMC4wNTU3MzQ0MTc0NyAwLjA4MTU0NTQ3OTkzAA 3 MC41AA NSImage button_background.png 2 15 Helvetica-Bold 15 16 292 {{26, 165}, {156, 21}} NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework Prefill text (optional) 1 10 290 {{38, 312}, {268, 21}} NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework Status: 1 15 292 {{208, 35}, {94, 27}} NO IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 0 YES 292 {{20, 38}, {172, 21}} NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework Add content deep link 1 10 292 {{26, 198}, {280, 31}} NO YES IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 Welcome to Google+ Platform 3 3 MAA YES 17 IBCocoaTouchFramework 3 292 {{26, 247}, {280, 30}} _NS:9 NO YES IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 3 3 MAA YES 17 IBCocoaTouchFramework 3 292 {{26, 292}, {246, 21}} _NS:9 NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework Content deep-link ID (required) 0 NO 292 {{26, 335}, {171, 21}} _NS:9 NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework Title (required) 0 NO 292 {{26, 402}, {280, 21}} _NS:9 NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework Description (optional) 0 NO 292 {{24, 469}, {194, 21}} _NS:9 NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework Thumbnail URL (optional) 0 NO 292 {{26, 431}, {280, 30}} _NS:9 NO YES IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 3 3 MAA YES 17 IBCocoaTouchFramework 3 292 {{26, 498}, {280, 30}} _NS:9 NO YES IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 3 3 MAA YES 17 IBCocoaTouchFramework 3 292 {{26, 364}, {280, 30}} _NS:9 NO YES IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 3 3 MAA YES 17 IBCocoaTouchFramework 3 292 {{208, 66}, {94, 27}} _NS:9 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 0 YES 292 {{20, 4530}, {172, 21}} _NS:9 NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework Use URL for preview 0 NO 292 {{208, 4}, {94, 27}} _NS:9 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework 0 0 YES 292 {{20, 4}, {184, 21}} _NS:9 NO YES 7 NO IBCocoaTouchFramework Add call-to-action button 0 NO {320, 372} _NS:9 YES YES IBCocoaTouchFramework 266 {{0, 372}, {320, 44}} NO NO IBCocoaTouchFramework IBCocoaTouchFramework 5 IBCocoaTouchFramework 1 9 {{0, 64}, {320, 416}} 3 MQA NO IBCocoaTouchFramework view 3 shareView 42 shareToolbar 43 contentDeepLinkThumbnailURLLabel 58 addContentDeepLinkLabel 52 shareButton 59 contentDeepLinkTitle 49 urlToShareLabel 53 contentDeepLinkDescriptionLabel 57 sharePrefillText 11 contentDeepLinkTitleLabel 56 urlForContentDeepLinkMetadataLabel 64 contentDeepLinkThumbnailURL 51 shareURL 21 contentDeepLinkDescription 50 prefillTextLabel 54 addContentDeepLinkSwitch 28 shareScrollView 41 shareStatus 14 contentDeepLinkIDLabel 55 urlForContentDeepLinkMetadataSwitch 62 contentDeepLinkID 48 addCallToActionButtonLabel 68 addCallToActionButtonSwitch 69 delegate 23 delegate 22 shareButton: 7 10 shareToolbar: 20 contentDeepLinkSwitchToggle: 13 31 delegate 44 delegate 46 delegate 47 delegate 45 urlForContentDeepLinkMetadataSwitchToggle: 13 63 0 1 -1 File's Owner -2 15 17 18 32 6 8 5 39 37 38 36 40 9 13 26 29 7 34 35 60 61 33 65 66 GooglePlusSampleShareViewController com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin UIResponder com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.IBCocoaTouchPlugin 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com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaTouchPlugin.iPhoneOS YES 3 button_background.png {1, 1} 1930