//============================================================================== // This file is part of Master Password. // Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Maarten Billemont. // // Master Password is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Master Password is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the // LICENSE file. Alternatively, see . //============================================================================== #import #import #import "MPSitesWindowController.h" #import "MPMacAppDelegate.h" #import "MPAppDelegate_Store.h" #import "MPAppDelegate_Key.h" @interface MPSitesWindowController() @property(nonatomic, strong) CAGradientLayer *siteGradient; @end @implementation MPSitesWindowController #pragma mark - Life - (void)windowDidLoad { prof_new( @"windowDidLoad" ); [super windowDidLoad]; prof_rewind( @"super" ); [self replaceFonts:self.window.contentView]; prof_rewind( @"replaceFonts" ); PearlAddNotificationObserver( NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification, self.window, [NSOperationQueue mainQueue], (^(id host, NSNotification *note) { prof_new( @"didBecomeKey" ); [self.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; prof_rewind( @"fadeIn" ); [self updateUser]; prof_rewind( @"updateUser" ); if (![[MPMacConfig get].sendInfoDecided boolValue]) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert new]; alert.messageText = @"Welcome to Master Password!"; alert.informativeText = @"We want you to have a top-notch experience.\n" @"Using diagnostics, we ensure the application keeps working as designed for you.\n" @"\n" @"We look out for application bugs, runtime issues, sudden crashes & usage counters.\n" @"Needless to say, diagnostics are always scrubbed and personal details will never leave your device."; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Thanks!"]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Disable"]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) { BOOL sendInfo = returnCode != NSAlertSecondButtonReturn; [[Countly sharedInstance] recordEvent:@"sendInfoDecided" segmentation:@{ @"from": @"initial", @"sendInfo": [@(sendInfo) description], }]; [MPMacConfig get].sendInfo = @(sendInfo); [MPMacConfig get].sendInfoDecided = @(YES); }]; } prof_finish( @"sendInfoDecided" ); }) ); PearlAddNotificationObserver( NSWindowWillCloseNotification, self.window, [NSOperationQueue mainQueue], ^(id host, NSNotification *note) { NSWindow *sheet = [self.window attachedSheet]; if (sheet) [self.window endSheet:sheet]; } ); PearlAddNotificationObserver( NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification, nil, [NSOperationQueue mainQueue], ^(id host, NSNotification *note) { [self.window close]; } ); PearlAddNotificationObserver( MPSignedInNotification, nil, [NSOperationQueue mainQueue], ^(id host, NSNotification *note) { [self updateUser]; } ); PearlAddNotificationObserver( MPSignedOutNotification, nil, [NSOperationQueue mainQueue], ^(id host, NSNotification *note) { [self updateUser]; } ); [self observeKeyPath:@"sitesController.selection" withBlock:^(id from, id to, NSKeyValueChange cause, id self) { [self updateTable]; }]; prof_rewind( @"observers" ); NSSearchFieldCell *siteFieldCell = self.siteField.cell; siteFieldCell.searchButtonCell = nil; siteFieldCell.cancelButtonCell = nil; self.siteGradient = [CAGradientLayer layer]; self.siteGradient.colors = @[ (__bridge id)[NSColor whiteColor].CGColor, (__bridge id)[NSColor clearColor].CGColor ]; self.siteGradient.autoresizingMask = kCALayerWidthSizable | kCALayerHeightSizable; self.siteGradient.frame = self.siteTable.bounds; self.siteTable.superview.superview.layer.mask = self.siteGradient; self.siteTable.controller = self; prof_finish( @"ui" ); } - (void)dealloc { PearlRemoveNotificationObservers(); } - (void)replaceFonts:(NSView *)view { if (view.window.backingScaleFactor == 1) [view enumerateViews:^(NSView *subview, BOOL *stop, BOOL *recurse) { if ([subview respondsToSelector:@selector( setFont: )]) { NSFont *font = [(id)subview font]; if ([font.fontName isEqualToString:@"HelveticaNeue-Thin"]) [(id)subview setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue" matrix:font.matrix]]; if ([font.fontName isEqualToString:@"HelveticaNeue-Light"]) [(id)subview setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue" matrix:font.matrix]]; } } recurse:YES]; } - (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)theEvent { BOOL shiftPressed = (theEvent.modifierFlags & NSShiftKeyMask) != 0; if (shiftPressed != self.shiftPressed) { self.shiftPressed = shiftPressed; [self.selectedSite updateContent]; [self updateSelection]; } BOOL alternatePressed = (theEvent.modifierFlags & NSAlternateKeyMask) != 0; if (alternatePressed != self.alternatePressed) { self.alternatePressed = alternatePressed; self.showVersionContainer = self.alternatePressed || self.selectedSite.outdated; [self.selectedSite updateContent]; [self updateSelection]; if (self.locked) { NSTextField *passwordField = self.securePasswordField; if (self.securePasswordField.isHidden) passwordField = self.revealPasswordField; [passwordField.window makeFirstResponder:passwordField]; [[passwordField currentEditor] moveToEndOfLine:nil]; } } [super flagsChanged:theEvent]; } #pragma mark - NSResponder // Handle any unhandled editor command. - (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector { [self handleCommand:commandSelector]; } #pragma mark - NSTextFieldDelegate // Editor command in a text field. - (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textView:(NSTextView *)fieldEditor doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector { if (control == self.siteField) { if ([NSStringFromSelector( commandSelector ) rangeOfString:@"delete"].location == 0) return NO; } if (control == self.securePasswordField || control == self.revealPasswordField) { if (commandSelector == @selector( insertNewline: )) return NO; } return [self handleCommand:commandSelector]; } - (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textShouldEndEditing:(NSText *)fieldEditor { if (control == self.siteField) [fieldEditor replaceCharactersInRange:fieldEditor.selectedRange withString:@""]; return YES; } - (IBAction)doUnlockUser:(id)sender { [self.progressView startAnimation:self]; [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { MPUserEntity *activeUser = [[MPMacAppDelegate get] activeUserInContext:context]; NSString *userName = activeUser.name; BOOL success = [[MPMacAppDelegate get] signInAsUser:activeUser saveInContext:context usingMasterPassword:self.masterPassword]; PearlMainQueue( ^{ self.masterPassword = nil; [self.progressView stopAnimation:self]; if (!success) [[NSAlert alertWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:MPErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:@{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: strf( @"Incorrect master password for user %@", userName ) }]] beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:nil]; } ); }]; } - (IBAction)doSearchSites:(id)sender { [self updateSites]; } #pragma mark - NSTextViewDelegate - (BOOL)textView:(NSTextView *)textView doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector { return [self handleCommand:commandSelector]; } #pragma mark - NSTableViewDataSource - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView { return (NSInteger)[self.sites count]; } #pragma mark - NSTableViewDelegate - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView didAddRowView:(NSTableRowView *)rowView forRow:(NSInteger)row { [self replaceFonts:rowView]; } #pragma mark - State - (void)insertObject:(MPSiteModel *)model inSitesAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index { [self.sites insertObject:model atIndex:index]; } - (void)removeObjectFromSitesAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index { [self.sites removeObjectAtIndex:index]; } - (MPSiteModel *)selectedSite { return [self.sitesController.selectedObjects firstObject]; } #pragma mark - Actions - (IBAction)settings:(id)sender { [self.window close]; [[MPMacAppDelegate get] showPopup:sender]; } - (IBAction)deleteSite:(id)sender { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert new]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Delete"]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel"]; [alert setMessageText:@"Delete Site?"]; [alert setInformativeText:strf( @"Do you want to delete the site named:\n\n%@", self.selectedSite.name )]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) { switch (returnCode) { case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn: { // "Delete" button. [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { [context deleteObject:[self.selectedSite entityInContext:context]]; [context saveToStore]; }]; break; } default: break; } }]; } - (IBAction)changeLogin:(id)sender { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert new]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Save"]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel"]; [alert setMessageText:@"Change Login Name"]; [alert setInformativeText:strf( @"Your login name for: %@", self.selectedSite.name )]; NSTextField *loginField = [NSTextField new]; [loginField bind:@"value" toObject:self.selectedSite withKeyPath:@"loginName" options:nil]; [loginField bind:@"enabled" toObject:self.selectedSite withKeyPath:@"loginGenerated" options:@{ NSValueTransformerNameBindingOption: NSNegateBooleanTransformerName }]; NSButton *generatedField = [NSButton new]; [generatedField setButtonType:NSSwitchButton]; [generatedField bind:@"value" toObject:self.selectedSite withKeyPath:@"loginGenerated" options:nil]; generatedField.title = @"Generated"; NSStackView *stackView = [NSStackView stackViewWithViews:@[ loginField, generatedField ]]; stackView.orientation = NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientationVertical; stackView.frame = NSMakeRect( 0, 0, 200, 44 ); [stackView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"[loginField(200)]" options:0 metrics:nil views:NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings( loginField, stackView )]]; [stackView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"[generatedField(200)]" options:0 metrics:nil views:NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings( generatedField, stackView )]]; [alert setAccessoryView:stackView]; [alert layout]; [loginField selectText:self]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) { switch (returnCode) { case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn: { // "Save" button. NSString *loginName = [loginField stringValue]; [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { MPSiteEntity *entity = [self.selectedSite entityInContext:context]; entity.loginName = !self.selectedSite.loginGenerated && [loginName length]? loginName: nil; [context saveToStore]; [self.selectedSite updateContent]; }]; break; } default: break; } }]; } - (IBAction)resetMasterPassword:(id)sender { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert new]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Reset"]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel"]; [alert setMessageText:@"Reset My Master Password"]; [alert setInformativeText:strf( @"This will allow you to change %@'s master password.\n\n" @"WARNING: All your site passwords will change. Do this only if you've forgotten your " @"master password and are fully prepared to change all your sites' passwords to the new ones.", [MPMacAppDelegate get].activeUserForMainThread.name )]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) { switch (returnCode) { case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn: { // "Reset" button. [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { MPUserEntity *activeUser = [[MPMacAppDelegate get] activeUserInContext:context]; NSString *activeUserName = activeUser.name; activeUser.keyID = nil; [[MPMacAppDelegate get] forgetSavedKeyFor:activeUser]; [context saveToStore]; PearlMainQueue( ^{ NSAlert *alert_ = [NSAlert new]; alert_.messageText = @"Master Password Reset"; alert_.informativeText = strf( @"%@'s master password has been reset.\n\nYou can now set a new one by logging in.", activeUserName ); [alert_ beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:nil]; if ([MPMacAppDelegate get].key) [[MPMacAppDelegate get] signOut]; } ); }]; } default: break; } }]; } - (IBAction)changePassword:(id)sender { if (!self.selectedSite.stored) return; NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert new]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Save"]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel"]; [alert setMessageText:@"Change Password"]; [alert setInformativeText:strf( @"Enter the new password for: %@", self.selectedSite.name )]; NSSecureTextField *passwordField = [[NSSecureTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect( 0, 0, 200, 22 )]; [alert setAccessoryView:passwordField]; [alert layout]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) { switch (returnCode) { case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn: { // "Save" button. NSString *password = [passwordField stringValue]; [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { MPSiteEntity *entity = [self.selectedSite entityInContext:context]; [entity.algorithm savePassword:password toSite:entity usingKey:[MPMacAppDelegate get].key]; [context saveToStore]; [self.selectedSite updateContent]; }]; break; } default: break; } }]; } - (IBAction)changeType:(id)sender { MPSiteModel *site = self.selectedSite; NSArray *types = [site.algorithm allTypes]; [self.passwordTypesMatrix renewRows:(NSInteger)[types count] columns:1]; for (NSUInteger t = 0; t < [types count]; ++t) { MPResultType type = (MPResultType)[types[t] unsignedIntegerValue]; NSString *title = [site.algorithm nameOfType:type]; if (type & MPResultTypeClassTemplate) title = strf( @"%@ – %@", [site.algorithm mpwTemplateForSiteNamed:site.name ofType:type withCounter:site.counter usingKey:[MPMacAppDelegate get].key], title ); NSButtonCell *cell = [self.passwordTypesMatrix cellAtRow:(NSInteger)t column:0]; cell.tag = type; cell.state = type == site.type? NSOnState: NSOffState; cell.title = title; } self.passwordTypesBox.title = strf( @"Choose a password type for %@:", site.name ); NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert new]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Save"]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel"]; [alert setMessageText:@"Change Password Type"]; [alert setAccessoryView:self.passwordTypesBox]; [alert layout]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) { switch (returnCode) { case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn: { // "Save" button. MPResultType type = (MPResultType)[self.passwordTypesMatrix.selectedCell tag]; [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { MPSiteEntity *entity = [[MPMacAppDelegate get] changeSite:[self.selectedSite entityInContext:context] saveInContext:context toType:type]; if ([entity isKindOfClass:[MPStoredSiteEntity class]] && ![(MPStoredSiteEntity *)entity contentObject].length) PearlMainQueue( ^{ [self changePassword:nil]; } ); }]; break; } default: break; } }]; } - (IBAction)securityQuestions:(id)sender { MPSiteModel *site = self.selectedSite; self.securityQuestionsBox.title = strf( @"Answer to security questions for %@:", site.name ); NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert new]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Copy Answer"]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Close"]; [alert setMessageText:@"Security Questions"]; [alert setAccessoryView:self.securityQuestionsBox]; [alert layout]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) { switch (returnCode) { case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn: { // "Copy Answer" button. [self copyContent:self.securityAnswerField.stringValue]; [self.window close]; break; } default: break; } }]; } #pragma mark - Private - (BOOL)handleCommand:(SEL)commandSelector { if (commandSelector == @selector( moveUp: )) { [self.sitesController selectPrevious:self]; return YES; } if (commandSelector == @selector( moveDown: )) { [self.sitesController selectNext:self]; return YES; } if (commandSelector == @selector( insertNewline: )) { [self useSite]; return YES; } if (commandSelector == @selector( cancel: ) || commandSelector == @selector( cancelOperation: )) { [self.window close]; return YES; } return NO; } - (void)useSite { MPSiteModel *selectedSite = [self selectedSite]; if (!selectedSite) return; if (selectedSite.transient) { [self createNewSite:selectedSite.name]; return; } // Performing action while content is available. Copy it. [self copyContent:self.shiftPressed? selectedSite.loginName: selectedSite.content]; [NSApp hide:nil]; NSUserNotification *notification = [NSUserNotification new]; notification.title = @"Password Copied"; if (selectedSite.loginName.length) notification.subtitle = strf( @"%@ at %@", selectedSite.loginName, selectedSite.name ); else notification.subtitle = selectedSite.name; [[NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter] deliverNotification:notification]; } - (void)updateUser { [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextForMainThreadPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *mainContext) { self.locked = YES; self.newUser = YES; self.inputLabel.stringValue = @""; self.siteField.stringValue = @""; MPUserEntity *mainActiveUser = [[MPMacAppDelegate get] activeUserInContext:mainContext]; if (mainActiveUser) { self.newUser = mainActiveUser.keyID == nil; if ([MPMacAppDelegate get].key) { self.inputLabel.stringValue = strf( @"%@'s password for:", mainActiveUser.name ); self.locked = NO; [self.siteField.window makeFirstResponder:self.siteField]; } else { self.inputLabel.stringValue = strf( @"Enter %@'s master password:", mainActiveUser.name ); NSTextField *passwordField = self.securePasswordField; if (self.securePasswordField.isHidden) passwordField = self.revealPasswordField; [passwordField.window makeFirstResponder:passwordField]; } } [self updateSites]; }]; } - (void)updateSites { NSAssert( [NSOperationQueue currentQueue] == [NSOperationQueue mainQueue], @"updateSites should be called on the main queue." ); if (![MPMacAppDelegate get].key) { self.sites = nil; return; } static NSRegularExpression *fuzzyRE; static dispatch_once_t once = 0; dispatch_once( &once, ^{ fuzzyRE = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"(.)" options:0 error:nil]; } ); prof_new( @"updateSites" ); NSString *queryString = self.siteField.stringValue; NSString *queryPattern = [[queryString stringByReplacingMatchesOfExpression:fuzzyRE withTemplate:@"*$1"] stringByAppendingString:@"*"]; prof_rewind( @"queryPattern" ); NSMutableArray *fuzzyGroups = [NSMutableArray new]; [fuzzyRE enumerateMatchesInString:queryString options:0 range:NSMakeRange( 0, queryString.length ) usingBlock:^(NSTextCheckingResult *result, NSMatchingFlags flags, BOOL *stop) { [fuzzyGroups addObject:[queryString substringWithRange:result.range]]; }]; prof_rewind( @"fuzzyRE" ); [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { prof_rewind( @"moc" ); NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:NSStringFromClass( [MPSiteEntity class] )]; fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = @[ [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"lastUsed" ascending:NO] ]; fetchRequest.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"name LIKE[cd] %@ AND user == %@", queryPattern, [MPMacAppDelegate get].activeUserOID]; prof_rewind( @"fetchRequest" ); NSError *error = nil; NSArray *siteResults = [context executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error]; if (!siteResults) { prof_finish( @"executeFetchRequest: %@ // %@", fetchRequest.predicate, [error fullDescription] ); MPError( error, @"While fetching sites for completion." ); return; } prof_rewind( @"executeFetchRequest: %@", fetchRequest.predicate ); BOOL exact = NO; NSMutableArray *newSites = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[siteResults count]]; for (MPSiteEntity *site in siteResults) { [newSites addObject:[[MPSiteModel alloc] initWithEntity:site fuzzyGroups:fuzzyGroups]]; exact |= [site.name isEqualToString:queryString]; } prof_rewind( @"newSites: %u, exact: %d", (uint)[siteResults count], exact ); if (!exact && [queryString length]) { MPUserEntity *activeUser = [[MPAppDelegate_Shared get] activeUserInContext:context]; [newSites addObject:[[MPSiteModel alloc] initWithName:queryString forUser:activeUser]]; } prof_finish( @"newSites: %@", newSites ); if (![newSites isEqualToArray:self.sites]) PearlMainQueue( ^{ self.sites = newSites; } ); }]; } - (void)updateTable { [self.siteTable scrollRowToVisible:(NSInteger)self.sitesController.selectionIndex]; NSView *siteScrollView = self.siteTable.superview.superview; NSRect selectedCellFrame = [self.siteTable frameOfCellAtColumn:0 row:((NSInteger)self.sitesController.selectionIndex)]; CGFloat selectedOffset = [siteScrollView convertPoint:selectedCellFrame.origin fromView:self.siteTable].y; CGFloat gradientOpacity = selectedOffset / siteScrollView.bounds.size.height; self.siteGradient.colors = @[ (__bridge id)[NSColor whiteColor].CGColor, (__bridge id)[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:1 alpha:1 - (1 - gradientOpacity) * 4 / 5].CGColor, (__bridge id)[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:1 alpha:gradientOpacity].CGColor ]; [self updateSelection]; } - (void)updateSelection { self.showVersionContainer = self.alternatePressed || self.selectedSite.outdated; [self.sitePasswordTipField setAttributedStringValue: straf( @"Your %@ for %@:", self.shiftPressed? @"login": @"password", self.selectedSite.displayedName, nil )]; } - (void)createNewSite:(NSString *)siteName { PearlMainQueue( ^{ NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert new]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Create"]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel"]; [alert setMessageText:@"Create site?"]; [alert setInformativeText:strf( @"Do you want to create a new site named:\n\n%@", siteName )]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) { switch (returnCode) { case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn: { // "Create" button. [[MPMacAppDelegate get] addSiteNamed:[self.siteField stringValue] completion: ^(MPSiteEntity *site, NSManagedObjectContext *context) { if (site) PearlMainQueue( ^{ [self updateSites]; } ); }]; break; } default: break; } }]; } ); } - (void)copyContent:(NSString *)content { [[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] declareTypes:@[ NSStringPboardType ] owner:nil]; if (![[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] setString:content forType:NSPasteboardTypeString]) { wrn( @"Couldn't copy password to pasteboard." ); return; } [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { [[self.selectedSite entityInContext:context] use]; [context saveToStore]; }]; } @end