/* Copyright (c) 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // // GTMHTTPFetchHistory.m // #define GTMHTTPFETCHHISTORY_DEFINE_GLOBALS 1 #import "GTMHTTPFetchHistory.h" const NSTimeInterval kCachedURLReservationInterval = 60.0; // 1 minute static NSString* const kGTMIfNoneMatchHeader = @"If-None-Match"; static NSString* const kGTMETagHeader = @"Etag"; @implementation GTMCookieStorage - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self != nil) { cookies_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [cookies_ release]; [super dealloc]; } // add all cookies in the new cookie array to the storage, // replacing stored cookies as appropriate // // Side effect: removes expired cookies from the storage array - (void)setCookies:(NSArray *)newCookies { @synchronized(cookies_) { [self removeExpiredCookies]; for (NSHTTPCookie *newCookie in newCookies) { if ([[newCookie name] length] > 0 && [[newCookie domain] length] > 0 && [[newCookie path] length] > 0) { // remove the cookie if it's currently in the array NSHTTPCookie *oldCookie = [self cookieMatchingCookie:newCookie]; if (oldCookie) { [cookies_ removeObjectIdenticalTo:oldCookie]; } // make sure the cookie hasn't already expired NSDate *expiresDate = [newCookie expiresDate]; if ((!expiresDate) || [expiresDate timeIntervalSinceNow] > 0) { [cookies_ addObject:newCookie]; } } else { NSAssert1(NO, @"Cookie incomplete: %@", newCookie); } } } } - (void)deleteCookie:(NSHTTPCookie *)cookie { @synchronized(cookies_) { NSHTTPCookie *foundCookie = [self cookieMatchingCookie:cookie]; if (foundCookie) { [cookies_ removeObjectIdenticalTo:foundCookie]; } } } // retrieve all cookies appropriate for the given URL, considering // domain, path, cookie name, expiration, security setting. // Side effect: removed expired cookies from the storage array - (NSArray *)cookiesForURL:(NSURL *)theURL { NSMutableArray *foundCookies = nil; @synchronized(cookies_) { [self removeExpiredCookies]; // we'll prepend "." to the desired domain, since we want the // actual domain "nytimes.com" to still match the cookie domain // ".nytimes.com" when we check it below with hasSuffix NSString *host = [[theURL host] lowercaseString]; NSString *path = [theURL path]; NSString *scheme = [theURL scheme]; NSString *domain = nil; BOOL isLocalhostRetrieval = NO; if ([host isEqual:@"localhost"]) { isLocalhostRetrieval = YES; } else { if (host) { domain = [@"." stringByAppendingString:host]; } } NSUInteger numberOfCookies = [cookies_ count]; for (NSUInteger idx = 0; idx < numberOfCookies; idx++) { NSHTTPCookie *storedCookie = [cookies_ objectAtIndex:idx]; NSString *cookieDomain = [[storedCookie domain] lowercaseString]; NSString *cookiePath = [storedCookie path]; BOOL cookieIsSecure = [storedCookie isSecure]; BOOL isDomainOK; if (isLocalhostRetrieval) { // prior to 10.5.6, the domain stored into NSHTTPCookies for localhost // is "localhost.local" isDomainOK = [cookieDomain isEqual:@"localhost"] || [cookieDomain isEqual:@"localhost.local"]; } else { isDomainOK = [domain hasSuffix:cookieDomain]; } BOOL isPathOK = [cookiePath isEqual:@"/"] || [path hasPrefix:cookiePath]; BOOL isSecureOK = (!cookieIsSecure) || [scheme isEqual:@"https"]; if (isDomainOK && isPathOK && isSecureOK) { if (foundCookies == nil) { foundCookies = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1]; } [foundCookies addObject:storedCookie]; } } } return foundCookies; } // return a cookie from the array with the same name, domain, and path as the // given cookie, or else return nil if none found // // Both the cookie being tested and all cookies in the storage array should // be valid (non-nil name, domains, paths) // // note: this should only be called from inside a @synchronized(cookies_) block - (NSHTTPCookie *)cookieMatchingCookie:(NSHTTPCookie *)cookie { NSUInteger numberOfCookies = [cookies_ count]; NSString *name = [cookie name]; NSString *domain = [cookie domain]; NSString *path = [cookie path]; NSAssert3(name && domain && path, @"Invalid cookie (name:%@ domain:%@ path:%@)", name, domain, path); for (NSUInteger idx = 0; idx < numberOfCookies; idx++) { NSHTTPCookie *storedCookie = [cookies_ objectAtIndex:idx]; if ([[storedCookie name] isEqual:name] && [[storedCookie domain] isEqual:domain] && [[storedCookie path] isEqual:path]) { return storedCookie; } } return nil; } // internal routine to remove any expired cookies from the array, excluding // cookies with nil expirations // // note: this should only be called from inside a @synchronized(cookies_) block - (void)removeExpiredCookies { // count backwards since we're deleting items from the array for (NSInteger idx = [cookies_ count] - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { NSHTTPCookie *storedCookie = [cookies_ objectAtIndex:idx]; NSDate *expiresDate = [storedCookie expiresDate]; if (expiresDate && [expiresDate timeIntervalSinceNow] < 0) { [cookies_ removeObjectAtIndex:idx]; } } } - (void)removeAllCookies { @synchronized(cookies_) { [cookies_ removeAllObjects]; } } @end // // GTMCachedURLResponse // @implementation GTMCachedURLResponse @synthesize response = response_; @synthesize data = data_; @synthesize reservationDate = reservationDate_; @synthesize useDate = useDate_; - (id)initWithResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response data:(NSData *)data { self = [super init]; if (self != nil) { response_ = [response retain]; data_ = [data retain]; useDate_ = [[NSDate alloc] init]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [response_ release]; [data_ release]; [useDate_ release]; [reservationDate_ release]; [super dealloc]; } - (NSString *)description { NSString *reservationStr = reservationDate_ ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@" resDate:%@", reservationDate_] : @""; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %p: {bytes:%@ useDate:%@%@}", [self class], self, data_ ? [NSNumber numberWithInt:(int)[data_ length]] : nil, useDate_, reservationStr]; } - (NSComparisonResult)compareUseDate:(GTMCachedURLResponse *)other { return [useDate_ compare:[other useDate]]; } @end // // GTMURLCache // @implementation GTMURLCache @dynamic memoryCapacity; - (id)init { return [self initWithMemoryCapacity:kGTMDefaultETaggedDataCacheMemoryCapacity]; } - (id)initWithMemoryCapacity:(NSUInteger)totalBytes { self = [super init]; if (self != nil) { memoryCapacity_ = totalBytes; responses_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:5]; reservationInterval_ = kCachedURLReservationInterval; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [responses_ release]; [super dealloc]; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %p: {responses:%@}", [self class], self, [responses_ allValues]]; } // setters/getters - (void)pruneCacheResponses { // internal routine to remove the least-recently-used responses when the // cache has grown too large if (memoryCapacity_ >= totalDataSize_) return; // sort keys by date SEL sel = @selector(compareUseDate:); NSArray *sortedKeys = [responses_ keysSortedByValueUsingSelector:sel]; // the least-recently-used keys are at the beginning of the sorted array; // remove those (except ones still reserved) until the total data size is // reduced sufficiently for (NSURL *key in sortedKeys) { GTMCachedURLResponse *response = [responses_ objectForKey:key]; NSDate *resDate = [response reservationDate]; BOOL isResponseReserved = (resDate != nil) && ([resDate timeIntervalSinceNow] > -reservationInterval_); if (!isResponseReserved) { // we can remove this response from the cache NSUInteger storedSize = [[response data] length]; totalDataSize_ -= storedSize; [responses_ removeObjectForKey:key]; } // if we've removed enough response data, then we're done if (memoryCapacity_ >= totalDataSize_) break; } } - (void)storeCachedResponse:(GTMCachedURLResponse *)cachedResponse forRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request { @synchronized(self) { // remove any previous entry for this request [self removeCachedResponseForRequest:request]; // cache this one only if it's not bigger than our cache NSUInteger storedSize = [[cachedResponse data] length]; if (storedSize < memoryCapacity_) { NSURL *key = [request URL]; [responses_ setObject:cachedResponse forKey:key]; totalDataSize_ += storedSize; [self pruneCacheResponses]; } } } - (GTMCachedURLResponse *)cachedResponseForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request { GTMCachedURLResponse *response; @synchronized(self) { NSURL *key = [request URL]; response = [[[responses_ objectForKey:key] retain] autorelease]; // touch the date to indicate this was recently retrieved [response setUseDate:[NSDate date]]; } return response; } - (void)removeCachedResponseForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request { @synchronized(self) { NSURL *key = [request URL]; totalDataSize_ -= [[[responses_ objectForKey:key] data] length]; [responses_ removeObjectForKey:key]; } } - (void)removeAllCachedResponses { @synchronized(self) { [responses_ removeAllObjects]; totalDataSize_ = 0; } } - (NSUInteger)memoryCapacity { return memoryCapacity_; } - (void)setMemoryCapacity:(NSUInteger)totalBytes { @synchronized(self) { BOOL didShrink = (totalBytes < memoryCapacity_); memoryCapacity_ = totalBytes; if (didShrink) { [self pruneCacheResponses]; } } } // methods for unit testing - (void)setReservationInterval:(NSTimeInterval)secs { reservationInterval_ = secs; } - (NSDictionary *)responses { return responses_; } - (NSUInteger)totalDataSize { return totalDataSize_; } @end // // GTMHTTPFetchHistory // @interface GTMHTTPFetchHistory () - (NSString *)cachedETagForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request; - (void)removeCachedDataForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request; @end @implementation GTMHTTPFetchHistory @synthesize cookieStorage = cookieStorage_; @dynamic shouldRememberETags; @dynamic shouldCacheETaggedData; @dynamic memoryCapacity; - (id)init { return [self initWithMemoryCapacity:kGTMDefaultETaggedDataCacheMemoryCapacity shouldCacheETaggedData:NO]; } - (id)initWithMemoryCapacity:(NSUInteger)totalBytes shouldCacheETaggedData:(BOOL)shouldCacheETaggedData { self = [super init]; if (self != nil) { etaggedDataCache_ = [[GTMURLCache alloc] initWithMemoryCapacity:totalBytes]; shouldRememberETags_ = shouldCacheETaggedData; shouldCacheETaggedData_ = shouldCacheETaggedData; cookieStorage_ = [[GTMCookieStorage alloc] init]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [etaggedDataCache_ release]; [cookieStorage_ release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)updateRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest *)request isHTTPGet:(BOOL)isHTTPGet { if ([self shouldRememberETags]) { // If this URL is in the history, and no ETag has been set, then // set the ETag header field // if we have a history, we're tracking across fetches, so we don't // want to pull results from any other cache [request setCachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData]; if (isHTTPGet) { // we'll only add an ETag if there's no ETag specified in the user's // request NSString *specifiedETag = [request valueForHTTPHeaderField:kGTMIfNoneMatchHeader]; if (specifiedETag == nil) { // no ETag: extract the previous ETag for this request from the // fetch history, and add it to the request NSString *cachedETag = [self cachedETagForRequest:request]; if (cachedETag != nil) { [request addValue:cachedETag forHTTPHeaderField:kGTMIfNoneMatchHeader]; } } else { // has an ETag: remove any stored response in the fetch history // for this request, as the If-None-Match header could lead to // a 304 Not Modified, and we want that error delivered to the // user since they explicitly specified the ETag [self removeCachedDataForRequest:request]; } } } } - (void)updateFetchHistoryWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request response:(NSURLResponse *)response downloadedData:(NSData *)downloadedData { if (![self shouldRememberETags]) return; if (![response respondsToSelector:@selector(allHeaderFields)]) return; NSInteger statusCode = [(NSHTTPURLResponse *)response statusCode]; if (statusCode != kGTMHTTPFetcherStatusNotModified) { // save this ETag string for successful results (<300) // If there's no last modified string, clear the dictionary // entry for this URL. Also cache or delete the data, if appropriate // (when etaggedDataCache is non-nil.) NSDictionary *headers = [(NSHTTPURLResponse *)response allHeaderFields]; NSString* etag = [headers objectForKey:kGTMETagHeader]; if (etag != nil && statusCode < 300) { // we want to cache responses for the headers, even if the client // doesn't want the response body data caches NSData *dataToStore = shouldCacheETaggedData_ ? downloadedData : nil; GTMCachedURLResponse *cachedResponse; cachedResponse = [[[GTMCachedURLResponse alloc] initWithResponse:response data:dataToStore] autorelease]; [etaggedDataCache_ storeCachedResponse:cachedResponse forRequest:request]; } else { [etaggedDataCache_ removeCachedResponseForRequest:request]; } } } - (NSString *)cachedETagForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request { GTMCachedURLResponse *cachedResponse; cachedResponse = [etaggedDataCache_ cachedResponseForRequest:request]; NSURLResponse *response = [cachedResponse response]; NSDictionary *headers = [(NSHTTPURLResponse *)response allHeaderFields]; NSString *cachedETag = [headers objectForKey:kGTMETagHeader]; if (cachedETag) { // since the request having an ETag implies this request is about // to be fetched again, reserve the cached response to ensure that // that it will be around at least until the fetch completes // // when the fetch completes, either the cached response will be replaced // with a new response, or the cachedDataForRequest: method below will // clear the reservation [cachedResponse setReservationDate:[NSDate date]]; } return cachedETag; } - (NSData *)cachedDataForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request { GTMCachedURLResponse *cachedResponse; cachedResponse = [etaggedDataCache_ cachedResponseForRequest:request]; NSData *cachedData = [cachedResponse data]; // since the data for this cached request is being obtained from the cache, // we can clear the reservation as the fetch has completed [cachedResponse setReservationDate:nil]; return cachedData; } - (void)removeCachedDataForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request { [etaggedDataCache_ removeCachedResponseForRequest:request]; } - (void)clearETaggedDataCache { [etaggedDataCache_ removeAllCachedResponses]; } - (void)clearHistory { [self clearETaggedDataCache]; [cookieStorage_ removeAllCookies]; } - (void)removeAllCookies { [cookieStorage_ removeAllCookies]; } - (BOOL)shouldRememberETags { return shouldRememberETags_; } - (void)setShouldRememberETags:(BOOL)flag { BOOL wasRemembering = shouldRememberETags_; shouldRememberETags_ = flag; if (wasRemembering && !flag) { // free up the cache memory [self clearETaggedDataCache]; } } - (BOOL)shouldCacheETaggedData { return shouldCacheETaggedData_; } - (void)setShouldCacheETaggedData:(BOOL)flag { BOOL wasCaching = shouldCacheETaggedData_; shouldCacheETaggedData_ = flag; if (flag) { self.shouldRememberETags = YES; } if (wasCaching && !flag) { // users expect turning off caching to free up the cache memory [self clearETaggedDataCache]; } } - (NSUInteger)memoryCapacity { return [etaggedDataCache_ memoryCapacity]; } - (void)setMemoryCapacity:(NSUInteger)totalBytes { [etaggedDataCache_ setMemoryCapacity:totalBytes]; } @end