/*! by Tom Thorogood <me@tomthorogood.co.uk> */ /*! This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or see LICENSE. */ // setImmediate is a 0-delay setTimeout of sorts introduced // by MS and wrongly held back by other browsers window.setImmediate || !function (global) { // Get the global prototype to attach setImmediate to let attachTo = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(global); // If we couldn't get the prototype or setTimeout wasn't attached // to the prototype we just attach to global attachTo && attachTo.setTimeout || (attachTo = global); // If the MS prefixed implementation exists, use it if (global.msSetImmediate) { return attachTo.setImmediate = global.msSetImmediate, attachTo.clearImmediate = global.msClearImmediate; } // https://github.com/YuzuJS/setImmediate/blob/master/setImmediate.js // This checks if the current environment is Node.js if (global.process && Object.prototype.toString(global.process) === "[object process]") { // If it is we might be able to use timers let timers = global.require("timers"); // If it implements setImmediate we use it if (timers && timers.setImmediate) { return attachTo.setImmediate = timers.setImmediate, attachTo.clearImmediate = timers.clearImmediate; } // If it isn't we polyfill with nextTick which is // sufficiently similar if (global.process.nextTick) { return attachTo.setImmediate = function (func, ...params) { // Invoke func with the params as passed into setImmediate global.process.nextTick(() => func(...params)); }, attachTo.clearImmediate = function (immediateID) { // There is no id or way to stop nextTick throw new Error("clearImmediate not implemented"); }; } } // http://dbaron.org/log/20100309-faster-timeouts // https://github.com/YuzuJS/setImmediate/blob/master/setImmediate.js // https://github.com/kriskowal/q/blob/0428c15d2ffc8e874b4be3a50e92884ef8701a6f/q.js#L125-141 // If we have messaging channels, or we have postMessage and this // isn't a WebWorker, we can use messaging if (global.MessageChannel || global.postMessage && !global.importScripts && (function () { // This checks if global.postMessage is asynchronous, // it has been known to be buggy and synchronous in // some browsers let postMessageIsAsynchronous = true; let oldOnMessage = global.onmessage; global.onmessage = function () { postMessageIsAsynchronous = false; }; global.postMessage("", "*"); global.onmessage = oldOnMessage; return postMessageIsAsynchronous; })()) { // A unique id prefix to ensure that ONLY valid messages are accepted let messageName = `setImmediate-polyfill-${Math.random()}`.replace("0.", ""); // The numeric identifier of the next dispatched scrypt call let immediateID = 1; // The timeout function and arguments, indexed by numeric identifier let timeouts = { }; // If a MessageChannel exists we can use it to avoid sending // messages to the browser which could cause interoperability // issues let channel = global.MessageChannel && new global.MessageChannel(); // We need to start port1 in order to receive messages sent // from port2 channel && channel.port1.start(); // Add a handler to the message event of either the message // channel, if it exists, or global if it does not (channel && channel.port1 || global).addEventListener("message", function (event) { // If event data is not a string, i.e. doesn't implement split, // we didn't send it if (!event.data || !event.data.split) { return; } // Split the identifier into the name and numeric id let [name, immediateID] = event.data.split("$"); // If we are not using a MessageChannel check that the source // of the event was this window, also check the name is valid, // if either of these are not true, we didn't send it if (!channel && event.source !== global || name !== messageName) { return; } // Prevent the event from propagating further event.stopPropagation(); // Retrieve the function and the arguments we will invoke // leaving func and params as null if the immediateID // does not exist in timeouts (because clearImmediate has // been called before we got here) let [func, params] = timeouts[immediateID] || [ ]; // Invoke the func with the appropriate parameters func && func(...params); // Clear func and params for GC func = params = null; // Remove key:immediateID from timeouts to ensure it's only // called once and to allow for GC delete timeouts[immediateID]; }, false); return attachTo.setImmediate = function (func, ...params) { // Store the function and it's arguments in timeouts timeouts[immediateID] = [func, params]; // Post the message either using port2 of the MessageChannel // or on global if it's not available w/ the unique id // If the message is sent on global we dispatch it w/ a // targetOrigin of "*" (indicating no preference) (channel && channel.port2 || global).postMessage([messageName, immediateID].join("$"), ...(channel ? [ ] : ["*"])); // We return a unique numeric id to identify the call // to setImmediate, this allows it to be cancelled return immediateID++; }, attachTo.clearImmediate = function (immediateID) { // Delete the function and arguments associated // w/ identifier of immediateID delete timeouts[immediateID]; }; } // Set setImmediate to prefixed or non-prefixed requestAnimationFrame // requestAnimationFrame dispatches at a later point in the event cycle attachTo.setImmediate = global.requestAnimationFrame || global.mozRequestAnimationFrame || global.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || global.msRequestAnimationFrame; // If requestAnimationFrame existed we end, setting clearImmediate // to cancelAnimationFrame if (attachTo.setImmediate) { return attachTo.clearImmediate = global.cancelAnimationFrame || global.mozCancelAnimationFrame || global.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || global.msCancelAnimationFrame || global.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame; } // https://github.com/YuzuJS/setImmediate/blob/master/setImmediate.js // We can use a script tag and the readystatechange event on IE(?) if (global.document && "onreadystatechange" in global.document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]) { // The numeric identifier of the next dispatched scrypt call let immediateID = 1; // A boolean value to allow clearImmediate to work, // indexed by numeric identifier let timeouts = { }; return attachTo.setImmediate = function (func, ...params) { // Set true in timeouts for immediateID to indicate the func // should be invoked timeouts[immediateID] = true; // Create a script tag that will be added to the DOM let script = global.document.createElement("script"); // Add a handler for onreadystatechange script.onreadystatechange = function () { // If the timeout has not been cancelled, call the func // w/ the arguments specified timeouts[immediateID] && func(...params); // Remove key:immediateID from timeouts to ensure it's only called once delete timeouts[immediateID]; // Remove the handler to allow GC script.onreadystatechange = null; // Remove the script tag from the DOM to ensure GC global.document.body.removeChild(script); // Nullify the script variable to allow GC script = null; }; // Add the script tag to the DOM to which begins loading // the tag which will invoke the readystatechange event global.document.body.appendChild(script); // Return a unique numeric id to identify the call // to setImmediate, this allows it to be cancelled return immediateID++; }, attachTo.clearImmediate = function (immediateID) { // Remove key:immediateID from timeouts to prevent func from being called delete timeouts[immediateID]; }; } // The worst fallback is setTimeout, although the delay is set to 0, // in reality this should have a ~20ms delay as this is an important // part of the spec attachTo.setImmediate = (func, ...params) => global.setTimeout(func, 0, ...params); attachTo.clearImmediate = global.clearTimeout; // Here we check if the arguments passed to setTimeout actually will be // passed to the callback, on older versions of IE(?) this check will fail global.setTimeout(function (arg) { // If the test fails, we wrap func in a closure that will invoke func w/ // the arguments arg || (attachTo.setImmediate = (func, ...params) => global.setTimeout(() => func(...params), 0)); }, 0, true); }(this || window);