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What's your ?

Passwords have slowly become regarded as a "necessary evil" to having accounts online. We accept they are they way things are done and try to adapt.
But upon reflection, we find that we've adapted quite poorly.

Sites everywhere expect us to come up with a secure and unique password for them. We try our best to compensate for this unrealistic demand; we keep track of passwords in note books, apps, on our computers, or we simplify them so we won't forget.
We've become symptomatic.

The real issue.

Humans are no good at remembering lots of passwords. But writing them down or saving them is dangerous, too.

Master Password avoids all the pitfalls: a cryptographic algorithm calculates your site's password for you, from thin air, only when you need it.
When you're done, it throws the password out of memory, so it can't be stolen.

Master Password's unique approach makes you safer from loss, theft, problems with backups, sync, confiscation, snooping, and more.

Let's see how Master Password could help you: