Privacy Policy

We take personal satisfaction and your security very seriously. If you have any questions about features, usability, technical details, or any other topic, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We try to give thorough, detailed and personal assistance to everyone.

Your Privacy

When you use Master Password for iOS, the app records some annonymous usage data for the purpose of troubleshooting. This includes logs which can be viewed using the Log Viewer, stack traces of running threads when the app crashes, and usage metrics. Any logged data has been carefully anonymized either by pruning user-specific information or cryptographically hashing it, making it impossible to reverse. Some of this data may be sent over the network, such as in the case of app crashes, to provide us with the information necessary to resolve any issues in a timely manner.

Love Lyndir

Master Password is made available under the Love Lyndir campaign. This means it is now free of charge for everyone and offers a completely optional in-app way for people to contribute.

If you choose to contribute to the Love Lyndir campaign, you will need to make an in-app purchase via the app, which will bill your iTunes account. Additionally, our servers keep track of your active subscription with us, so that we can unlock your contribution level across all of Lyndir's apps. To do this, you'll be asked for your email address as an identifier to link your subscriptions to. This email address is currently only used as a unique identifier, but may be used to notify subscribed users of changes or updates with regards to the Love Lyndir campaign. The email address will never be shared with any external parties.

Contact Us

If you have any concerns or questions, please send us a message at You should get a personal reply within the hour if not in minutes.