//============================================================================== // This file is part of Master Password. // Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Maarten Billemont. // // Master Password is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Master Password is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the // LICENSE file. Alternatively, see . //============================================================================== #include #include #include #include "mpw-marshall.h" #include "mpw-util.h" #include "mpw-marshall-util.h" MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_user( const char *fullName, const char *masterPassword, const MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion) { MPMarshalledUser *user; if (!fullName || !masterPassword || !(user = malloc( sizeof( MPMarshalledUser ) ))) return NULL; *user = (MPMarshalledUser){ .fullName = strdup( fullName ), .masterPassword = strdup( masterPassword ), .algorithm = algorithmVersion, .redacted = true, .avatar = 0, .defaultType = MPResultTypeDefault, .lastUsed = 0, .sites_count = 0, .sites = NULL, }; return user; }; MPMarshalledSite *mpw_marshall_site( MPMarshalledUser *user, const char *siteName, const MPResultType resultType, const MPCounterValue siteCounter, const MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion) { if (!siteName || !mpw_realloc( &user->sites, NULL, sizeof( MPMarshalledSite ) * ++user->sites_count )) return NULL; MPMarshalledSite *site = &user->sites[user->sites_count - 1]; *site = (MPMarshalledSite){ .name = strdup( siteName ), .content = NULL, .type = resultType, .counter = siteCounter, .algorithm = algorithmVersion, .loginName = NULL, .loginGenerated = false, .url = NULL, .uses = 0, .lastUsed = 0, .questions_count = 0, .questions = NULL, }; return site; }; MPMarshalledQuestion *mpw_marshal_question( MPMarshalledSite *site, const char *keyword) { if (!keyword || !mpw_realloc( &site->questions, NULL, sizeof( MPMarshalledQuestion ) * ++site->questions_count )) return NULL; MPMarshalledQuestion *question = &site->questions[site->questions_count - 1]; *question = (MPMarshalledQuestion){ .keyword = strdup( keyword ), }; return question; } bool mpw_marshal_free( MPMarshalledUser *user) { if (!user) return true; bool success = true; for (size_t s = 0; s < user->sites_count; ++s) { MPMarshalledSite *site = &user->sites[s]; success &= mpw_free_string( site->name ); for (size_t q = 0; q < site->questions_count; ++q) { MPMarshalledQuestion *question = &site->questions[q]; success &= mpw_free_string( question->keyword ); } success &= mpw_free( site->questions, sizeof( MPMarshalledQuestion ) * site->questions_count ); } success &= mpw_free( user->sites, sizeof( MPMarshalledSite ) * user->sites_count ); success &= mpw_free_string( user->fullName ); success &= mpw_free_string( user->masterPassword ); success &= mpw_free( user, sizeof( MPMarshalledUser ) ); return success; } static bool mpw_marshall_write_flat( char **out, const MPMarshalledUser *user, MPMarshallError *error) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Unexpected internal error." }; if (!user->fullName || !strlen( user->fullName )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorMissing, "Missing full name." }; return false; } if (!user->masterPassword || !strlen( user->masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorMasterPassword, "Missing master password." }; return false; } MPMasterKey masterKey = NULL; MPAlgorithmVersion masterKeyAlgorithm = user->algorithm - 1; if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, user->algorithm, user->fullName, user->masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't derive master key." }; return false; } mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Master Password site export\n" ); if (user->redacted) mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Export of site names and stored passwords (unless device-private) encrypted with the master key.\n" ); else mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Export of site names and passwords in clear-text.\n" ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# \n" ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "##\n" ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Format: %d\n", 1 ); char dateString[21]; time_t now = time( NULL ); if (strftime( dateString, sizeof( dateString ), "%FT%TZ", gmtime( &now ) )) mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Date: %s\n", dateString ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# User Name: %s\n", user->fullName ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Full Name: %s\n", user->fullName ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Avatar: %u\n", user->avatar ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Key ID: %s\n", mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Algorithm: %d\n", user->algorithm ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Default Type: %d\n", user->defaultType ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Passwords: %s\n", user->redacted? "PROTECTED": "VISIBLE" ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "##\n" ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "#\n" ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# Last Times Password Login\t Site\tSite\n" ); mpw_string_pushf( out, "# used used type name\t name\tpassword\n" ); // Sites. for (size_t s = 0; s < user->sites_count; ++s) { MPMarshalledSite *site = &user->sites[s]; if (!site->name || !strlen( site->name )) continue; const char *content = NULL; if (!user->redacted) { // Clear Text if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, site->algorithm, user->fullName, user->masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't derive master key." }; return false; } if (site->type & MPResultTypeClassTemplate) content = mpw_siteResult( masterKey, site->name, site->counter, MPKeyPurposeAuthentication, NULL, site->type, site->content, site->algorithm ); } else if (site->type & MPSiteFeatureExportContent && site->content && strlen( site->content )) // Redacted content = strdup( site->content ); if (strftime( dateString, sizeof( dateString ), "%FT%TZ", gmtime( &site->lastUsed ) )) mpw_string_pushf( out, "%s %8ld %lu:%lu:%lu %25s\t%25s\t%s\n", dateString, (long)site->uses, (long)site->type, (long)site->algorithm, (long)site->counter, site->loginName?: "", site->name, content?: "" ); mpw_free_string( content ); } mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ); *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallSuccess }; return true; } static bool mpw_marshall_write_json( char **out, const MPMarshalledUser *user, MPMarshallError *error) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Unexpected internal error." }; if (!user->fullName || !strlen( user->fullName )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorMissing, "Missing full name." }; return false; } if (!user->masterPassword || !strlen( user->masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorMasterPassword, "Missing master password." }; return false; } MPMasterKey masterKey = NULL; MPAlgorithmVersion masterKeyAlgorithm = user->algorithm - 1; if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, user->algorithm, user->fullName, user->masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't derive master key." }; return false; } // Section: "export" json_object *json_file = json_object_new_object(); json_object *json_export = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add( json_file, "export", json_export ); json_object_object_add( json_export, "format", json_object_new_int( 1 ) ); json_object_object_add( json_export, "redacted", json_object_new_boolean( user->redacted ) ); char dateString[21]; time_t now = time( NULL ); if (strftime( dateString, sizeof( dateString ), "%FT%TZ", gmtime( &now ) )) json_object_object_add( json_export, "date", json_object_new_string( dateString ) ); // Section: "user" json_object *json_user = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add( json_file, "user", json_user ); json_object_object_add( json_user, "avatar", json_object_new_int( (int)user->avatar ) ); json_object_object_add( json_user, "full_name", json_object_new_string( user->fullName ) ); if (strftime( dateString, sizeof( dateString ), "%FT%TZ", gmtime( &user->lastUsed ) )) json_object_object_add( json_user, "last_used", json_object_new_string( dateString ) ); json_object_object_add( json_user, "key_id", json_object_new_string( mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) ) ); json_object_object_add( json_user, "algorithm", json_object_new_int( (int)user->algorithm ) ); json_object_object_add( json_user, "default_type", json_object_new_int( (int)user->defaultType ) ); // Section "sites" json_object *json_sites = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add( json_file, "sites", json_sites ); for (size_t s = 0; s < user->sites_count; ++s) { MPMarshalledSite *site = &user->sites[s]; if (!site->name || !strlen( site->name )) continue; const char *content = NULL; if (!user->redacted) { // Clear Text if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, site->algorithm, user->fullName, user->masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't derive master key." }; return false; } if (site->type & MPResultTypeClassTemplate) content = mpw_siteResult( masterKey, site->name, site->counter, MPKeyPurposeAuthentication, NULL, site->type, site->content, site->algorithm ); } else if (site->type & MPSiteFeatureExportContent && site->content && strlen( site->content )) // Redacted content = strdup( site->content ); json_object *json_site = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add( json_sites, site->name, json_site ); json_object_object_add( json_site, "type", json_object_new_int( (int)site->type ) ); json_object_object_add( json_site, "counter", json_object_new_int( (int)site->counter ) ); json_object_object_add( json_site, "algorithm", json_object_new_int( (int)site->algorithm ) ); if (content) json_object_object_add( json_site, "password", json_object_new_string( content ) ); if (site->loginName) json_object_object_add( json_site, "login_name", json_object_new_string( site->loginName ) ); json_object_object_add( json_site, "login_generated", json_object_new_boolean( site->loginGenerated ) ); json_object_object_add( json_site, "uses", json_object_new_int( (int)site->uses ) ); if (strftime( dateString, sizeof( dateString ), "%FT%TZ", gmtime( &site->lastUsed ) )) json_object_object_add( json_site, "last_used", json_object_new_string( dateString ) ); json_object *json_site_questions = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add( json_site, "questions", json_site_questions ); for (size_t q = 0; q < site->questions_count; ++q) { MPMarshalledQuestion *question = &site->questions[q]; if (!question->keyword) continue; json_object *json_site_question = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add( json_site_questions, question->keyword, json_site_question ); if (!user->redacted) { // Clear Text const char *answer = mpw_siteResult( masterKey, site->name, MPCounterValueInitial, MPKeyPurposeRecovery, question->keyword, MPResultTypeTemplatePhrase, NULL, site->algorithm ); if (answer) json_object_object_add( json_site_question, "answer", json_object_new_string( answer ) ); } } json_object *json_site_mpw = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add( json_site, "_ext_mpw", json_site_mpw ); if (site->url) json_object_object_add( json_site_mpw, "url", json_object_new_string( site->url ) ); mpw_free_string( content ); } mpw_string_pushf( out, "%s\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext( json_file, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY | JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED ) ); mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ); json_object_put( json_file ); *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallSuccess }; return true; } bool mpw_marshall_write( char **out, const MPMarshallFormat outFormat, const MPMarshalledUser *user, MPMarshallError *error) { switch (outFormat) { case MPMarshallFormatFlat: return mpw_marshall_write_flat( out, user, error ); case MPMarshallFormatJSON: return mpw_marshall_write_json( out, user, error ); default: *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorFormat, mpw_str( "Unsupported output format: %u", outFormat ) }; return false; } } static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat( char *in, const char *masterPassword, MPMarshallError *error) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Unexpected internal error." }; // Parse import data. MPMasterKey masterKey = NULL; MPMarshalledUser *user = NULL; unsigned int format = 0, avatar = 0; char *fullName = NULL, *keyID = NULL; MPAlgorithmVersion algorithm = MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent, masterKeyAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)-1; MPResultType defaultType = MPResultTypeDefault; bool headerStarted = false, headerEnded = false, importRedacted = false; for (char *endOfLine, *positionInLine = in; (endOfLine = strstr( positionInLine, "\n" )); positionInLine = endOfLine + 1) { // Comment or header if (*positionInLine == '#') { ++positionInLine; if (!headerStarted) { if (*positionInLine == '#') // ## starts header headerStarted = true; // Comment before header continue; } if (headerEnded) // Comment after header continue; if (*positionInLine == '#') { // ## ends header headerEnded = true; continue; } // Header char *headerName = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, ":\n" ); char *headerValue = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, "\n" ); if (!headerName || !headerValue) { error->type = MPMarshallErrorStructure; error->description = mpw_str( "Invalid header: %s", strndup( positionInLine, (size_t)(endOfLine - positionInLine) ) ); return NULL; } if (strcmp( headerName, "Format" ) == 0) format = (unsigned int)atoi( headerValue ); if (strcmp( headerName, "Full Name" ) == 0 || strcmp( headerName, "User Name" ) == 0) fullName = strdup( headerValue ); if (strcmp( headerName, "Avatar" ) == 0) avatar = (unsigned int)atoi( headerValue ); if (strcmp( headerName, "Key ID" ) == 0) keyID = strdup( headerValue ); if (strcmp( headerName, "Algorithm" ) == 0) { int value = atoi( headerValue ); if (value < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || value > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid user algorithm version: %s", headerValue ) }; return NULL; } algorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)value; } if (strcmp( headerName, "Default Type" ) == 0) { int value = atoi( headerValue ); if (!mpw_nameForType( (MPResultType)value )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid user default type: %s", headerValue ) }; return NULL; } defaultType = (MPResultType)value; } if (strcmp( headerName, "Passwords" ) == 0) importRedacted = strcmp( headerValue, "VISIBLE" ) != 0; mpw_free_string( headerName ); mpw_free_string( headerValue ); continue; } if (!headerEnded) continue; if (!fullName) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorMissing, "Missing header: Full Name" }; return NULL; } if (positionInLine >= endOfLine) continue; if (!user) { if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, algorithm, fullName, masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't derive master key." }; return NULL; } if (keyID && !mpw_id_buf_equals( keyID, mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorMasterPassword, "Master password doesn't match key ID." }; return NULL; } if (!(user = mpw_marshall_user( fullName, masterPassword, algorithm ))) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't allocate a new user." }; return NULL; } user->redacted = importRedacted; user->avatar = avatar; user->defaultType = defaultType; } // Site char *siteLoginName = NULL, *siteName = NULL, *siteContent = NULL; char *str_lastUsed = NULL, *str_uses = NULL, *str_type = NULL, *str_algorithm = NULL, *str_counter = NULL; switch (format) { case 0: { str_lastUsed = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" ); str_uses = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" ); char *typeAndVersion = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" ); if (typeAndVersion) { str_type = strdup( strtok( typeAndVersion, ":" ) ); str_algorithm = strdup( strtok( NULL, "" ) ); mpw_free_string( typeAndVersion ); } str_counter = strdup( "1" ); siteLoginName = NULL; siteName = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, "\t\n" ); siteContent = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, "\n" ); break; } case 1: { str_lastUsed = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" ); str_uses = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" ); char *typeAndVersionAndCounter = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" ); if (typeAndVersionAndCounter) { str_type = strdup( strtok( typeAndVersionAndCounter, ":" ) ); str_algorithm = strdup( strtok( NULL, ":" ) ); str_counter = strdup( strtok( NULL, "" ) ); mpw_free_string( typeAndVersionAndCounter ); } siteLoginName = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, "\t\n" ); siteName = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, "\t\n" ); siteContent = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, "\n" ); break; } default: { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorFormat, mpw_str( "Unexpected import format: %u", format ) }; return NULL; } } if (siteName && str_type && str_counter && str_algorithm && str_uses && str_lastUsed) { MPResultType siteType = (MPResultType)atoi( str_type ); if (!mpw_nameForType( siteType )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site type: %s: %s", siteName, str_type ) }; return NULL; } long long int value = atoll( str_counter ); if (value < MPCounterValueFirst || value > MPCounterValueLast) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site counter: %s: %s", siteName, str_counter ) }; return NULL; } MPCounterValue siteCounter = (MPCounterValue)value; value = atoll( str_algorithm ); if (value < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || value > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site algorithm: %s: %s", siteName, str_algorithm ) }; return NULL; } MPAlgorithmVersion siteAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)value; time_t siteLastUsed = mpw_mktime( str_lastUsed ); if (!siteLastUsed) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site last used: %s: %s", siteName, str_lastUsed ) }; return NULL; } MPMarshalledSite *site = mpw_marshall_site( user, siteName, siteType, siteCounter, siteAlgorithm ); if (!site) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't allocate a new site." }; return NULL; } site->loginName = siteLoginName? strdup( siteLoginName ): NULL; site->uses = (unsigned int)atoi( str_uses ); site->lastUsed = siteLastUsed; if (siteContent && strlen( siteContent )) { if (!user->redacted) { // Clear Text if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, site->algorithm, fullName, masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't derive master key." }; return NULL; } site->content = mpw_siteState( masterKey, site->name, site->counter, MPKeyPurposeAuthentication, NULL, site->type, siteContent, site->algorithm ); } else // Redacted site->content = strdup( siteContent ); } } else { error->type = MPMarshallErrorMissing; error->description = mpw_str( "Missing one of: lastUsed=%s, uses=%s, type=%s, version=%s, counter=%s, loginName=%s, siteName=%s", str_lastUsed, str_uses, str_type, str_algorithm, str_counter, siteLoginName, siteName ); return NULL; } mpw_free_string( str_lastUsed ); mpw_free_string( str_uses ); mpw_free_string( str_type ); mpw_free_string( str_algorithm ); mpw_free_string( str_counter ); mpw_free_string( siteLoginName ); mpw_free_string( siteName ); mpw_free_string( siteContent ); } mpw_free_string( fullName ); mpw_free_string( keyID ); mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ); *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallSuccess }; return user; } static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_json( char *in, const char *masterPassword, MPMarshallError *error) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal }; // Parse JSON. enum json_tokener_error json_error = json_tokener_success; json_object *json_file = json_tokener_parse_verbose( in, &json_error ); if (!json_file || json_error != json_tokener_success) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorStructure, mpw_str( "JSON error: %s", json_tokener_error_desc( json_error ) ) }; return NULL; } // Parse import data. MPMasterKey masterKey = NULL; MPAlgorithmVersion masterKeyAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)-1; MPMarshalledUser *user = NULL; // Section: "export" unsigned int fileFormat = (unsigned int)mpw_get_json_int( json_file, "export.format", 0 ); if (fileFormat < 1) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorFormat, mpw_str( "Unsupported format: %u", fileFormat ) }; return NULL; } bool fileRedacted = mpw_get_json_boolean( json_file, "export.redacted", true ); // Section: "user" unsigned int avatar = (unsigned int)mpw_get_json_int( json_file, "user.avatar", 0 ); const char *fullName = mpw_get_json_string( json_file, "user.full_name", NULL ); const char *str_lastUsed = mpw_get_json_string( json_file, "user.last_used", NULL ); const char *keyID = mpw_get_json_string( json_file, "user.key_id", NULL ); int32_t value = mpw_get_json_int( json_file, "user.algorithm", MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent ); if (value < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || value > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid user algorithm version: %u", value ) }; return NULL; } MPAlgorithmVersion algorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)value; MPResultType defaultType = (MPResultType)mpw_get_json_int( json_file, "user.default_type", MPResultTypeDefault ); if (!mpw_nameForType( defaultType )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid user default type: %u", defaultType ) }; return NULL; } time_t lastUsed = mpw_mktime( str_lastUsed ); if (!lastUsed) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid user last used: %s", str_lastUsed ) }; return NULL; } if (!fullName || !strlen( fullName )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorMissing, "Missing value for full name." }; return NULL; } if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, algorithm, fullName, masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't derive master key." }; return NULL; } if (keyID && !mpw_id_buf_equals( keyID, mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorMasterPassword, "Master password doesn't match key ID." }; return NULL; } if (!(user = mpw_marshall_user( fullName, masterPassword, algorithm ))) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't allocate a new user." }; return NULL; } user->redacted = fileRedacted; user->avatar = avatar; user->defaultType = defaultType; user->lastUsed = lastUsed; // Section "sites" json_object_iter json_site; json_object *json_sites = mpw_get_json_section( json_file, "sites" ); json_object_object_foreachC( json_sites, json_site ) { const char *siteName = json_site.key; value = mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "algorithm", user->algorithm ); if (value < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || value > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site algorithm version: %s: %d", siteName, value ) }; return NULL; } MPAlgorithmVersion siteAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)value; MPResultType siteType = (MPResultType)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "type", user->defaultType ); if (!mpw_nameForType( siteType )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site type: %s: %u", siteName, siteType ) }; return NULL; } value = mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "counter", 1 ); if (value < MPCounterValueFirst || value > MPCounterValueLast) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site counter: %s: %d", siteName, value ) }; return NULL; } MPCounterValue siteCounter = (MPCounterValue)value; const char *siteContent = mpw_get_json_string( json_site.val, "password", NULL ); const char *siteLoginName = mpw_get_json_string( json_site.val, "login_name", NULL ); bool siteLoginGenerated = mpw_get_json_boolean( json_site.val, "login_generated", false ); unsigned int siteUses = (unsigned int)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "uses", 0 ); str_lastUsed = mpw_get_json_string( json_site.val, "last_used", NULL ); time_t siteLastUsed = mpw_mktime( str_lastUsed ); if (!siteLastUsed) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site last used: %s: %s", siteName, str_lastUsed ) }; return NULL; } json_object *json_site_mpw = mpw_get_json_section( json_site.val, "_ext_mpw" ); const char *siteURL = mpw_get_json_string( json_site_mpw, "url", NULL ); MPMarshalledSite *site = mpw_marshall_site( user, siteName, siteType, siteCounter, siteAlgorithm ); if (!site) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't allocate a new site." }; return NULL; } site->loginName = siteLoginName? strdup( siteLoginName ): NULL; site->loginGenerated = siteLoginGenerated; site->url = siteURL? strdup( siteURL ): NULL; site->uses = siteUses; site->lastUsed = siteLastUsed; if (siteContent && strlen( siteContent )) { if (!user->redacted) { // Clear Text if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, site->algorithm, fullName, masterPassword )) { *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorInternal, "Couldn't derive master key." }; return NULL; } site->content = mpw_siteState( masterKey, site->name, site->counter, MPKeyPurposeAuthentication, NULL, site->type, siteContent, site->algorithm ); } else // Redacted site->content = strdup( siteContent ); } json_object_iter json_site_question; json_object *json_site_questions = mpw_get_json_section( json_site.val, "questions" ); json_object_object_foreachC( json_site_questions, json_site_question ) mpw_marshal_question( site, json_site_question.key ); } json_object_put( json_file ); *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallSuccess }; return user; } MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read( char *in, const MPMarshallFormat inFormat, const char *masterPassword, MPMarshallError *error) { switch (inFormat) { case MPMarshallFormatFlat: return mpw_marshall_read_flat( in, masterPassword, error ); case MPMarshallFormatJSON: return mpw_marshall_read_json( in, masterPassword, error ); default: *error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorFormat, mpw_str( "Unsupported input format: %u", inFormat ) }; return NULL; } } const MPMarshallFormat mpw_formatWithName( const char *formatName) { // Lower-case to standardize it. size_t stdFormatNameSize = strlen( formatName ); char stdFormatName[stdFormatNameSize + 1]; for (size_t c = 0; c < stdFormatNameSize; ++c) stdFormatName[c] = (char)tolower( formatName[c] ); stdFormatName[stdFormatNameSize] = '\0'; if (strncmp( mpw_nameForFormat( MPMarshallFormatFlat ), stdFormatName, strlen( stdFormatName ) ) == 0) return MPMarshallFormatFlat; if (strncmp( mpw_nameForFormat( MPMarshallFormatJSON ), stdFormatName, strlen( stdFormatName ) ) == 0) return MPMarshallFormatJSON; dbg( "Not a format name: %s\n", stdFormatName ); return (MPMarshallFormat)ERR; } const char *mpw_nameForFormat( const MPMarshallFormat format) { switch (format) { case MPMarshallFormatFlat: return "flat"; case MPMarshallFormatJSON: return "json"; default: { dbg( "Unknown format: %d\n", format ); return NULL; } } } const char *mpw_marshall_format_extension( const MPMarshallFormat format) { switch (format) { case MPMarshallFormatFlat: return "mpsites"; case MPMarshallFormatJSON: return "mpsites.json"; default: { dbg( "Unknown format: %d\n", format ); return NULL; } } }