/* Copyright (c) 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #import "GTLUtilities.h" #include @implementation GTLUtilities #pragma mark String encoding // URL Encoding + (NSString *)stringByURLEncodingString:(NSString *)str { NSString *result = [str stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; return result; } // NSURL's stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: does not escape // some characters that should be escaped in URL parameters, like / and ?; // we'll use CFURL to force the encoding of those // // Reference: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt const CFStringRef kCharsToForceEscape = CFSTR("!*'();:@&=+$,/?%#[]"); + (NSString *)stringByURLEncodingForURI:(NSString *)str { NSString *resultStr = str; CFStringRef originalString = (CFStringRef) str; CFStringRef leaveUnescaped = NULL; CFStringRef escapedStr; escapedStr = CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(kCFAllocatorDefault, originalString, leaveUnescaped, kCharsToForceEscape, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (escapedStr) { resultStr = [(id)CFMakeCollectable(escapedStr) autorelease]; } return resultStr; } + (NSString *)stringByURLEncodingStringParameter:(NSString *)str { // For parameters, we'll explicitly leave spaces unescaped now, and replace // them with +'s NSString *resultStr = str; CFStringRef originalString = (CFStringRef) str; CFStringRef leaveUnescaped = CFSTR(" "); CFStringRef escapedStr; escapedStr = CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(kCFAllocatorDefault, originalString, leaveUnescaped, kCharsToForceEscape, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); if (escapedStr) { NSMutableString *mutableStr = [NSMutableString stringWithString:(NSString *)escapedStr]; CFRelease(escapedStr); // replace spaces with plusses [mutableStr replaceOccurrencesOfString:@" " withString:@"+" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [mutableStr length])]; resultStr = mutableStr; } return resultStr; } + (NSString *)stringByPercentEncodingUTF8ForString:(NSString *)inputStr { // Encode per http://bitworking.org/projects/atom/rfc5023.html#rfc.section.9.7 // // This is used for encoding upload slug headers // // Step through the string as UTF-8, and replace characters outside 20..7E // (and the percent symbol itself, 25) with percent-encodings // // We avoid creating an encoding string unless we encounter some characters // that require it const char* utf8 = [inputStr UTF8String]; if (utf8 == NULL) { return nil; } NSMutableString *encoded = nil; for (unsigned int idx = 0; utf8[idx] != '\0'; idx++) { unsigned char currChar = (unsigned char)utf8[idx]; if (currChar < 0x20 || currChar == 0x25 || currChar > 0x7E) { if (encoded == nil) { // Start encoding and catch up on the character skipped so far encoded = [[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithBytes:utf8 length:idx encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease]; } // append this byte as a % and then uppercase hex [encoded appendFormat:@"%%%02X", currChar]; } else { // This character does not need encoding // // Encoded is nil here unless we've encountered a previous character // that needed encoding [encoded appendFormat:@"%c", currChar]; } } if (encoded) { return encoded; } return inputStr; } #pragma mark Key-Value Coding Searches in an Array + (NSArray *)objectsFromArray:(NSArray *)sourceArray withValue:(id)desiredValue forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath { // Step through all entries, get the value from // the key path, and see if it's equal to the // desired value NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array]; for(id obj in sourceArray) { id val = [obj valueForKeyPath:keyPath]; if (GTL_AreEqualOrBothNil(val, desiredValue)) { // found a match; add it to the results array [results addObject:obj]; } } return results; } + (id)firstObjectFromArray:(NSArray *)sourceArray withValue:(id)desiredValue forKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath { for (id obj in sourceArray) { id val = [obj valueForKeyPath:keyPath]; if (GTL_AreEqualOrBothNil(val, desiredValue)) { // found a match; return it return obj; } } return nil; } #pragma mark Version helpers // compareVersion compares two strings in format // missing fields are interpreted as zeros, so 1.2 = + (NSComparisonResult)compareVersion:(NSString *)ver1 toVersion:(NSString *)ver2 { static NSCharacterSet* dotSet = nil; if (dotSet == nil) { dotSet = [[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"."] retain]; } if (ver1 == nil) ver1 = @""; if (ver2 == nil) ver2 = @""; NSScanner* scanner1 = [NSScanner scannerWithString:ver1]; NSScanner* scanner2 = [NSScanner scannerWithString:ver2]; [scanner1 setCharactersToBeSkipped:dotSet]; [scanner2 setCharactersToBeSkipped:dotSet]; int partA1 = 0, partA2 = 0, partB1 = 0, partB2 = 0; int partC1 = 0, partC2 = 0, partD1 = 0, partD2 = 0; if ([scanner1 scanInt:&partA1] && [scanner1 scanInt:&partB1] && [scanner1 scanInt:&partC1] && [scanner1 scanInt:&partD1]) { } if ([scanner2 scanInt:&partA2] && [scanner2 scanInt:&partB2] && [scanner2 scanInt:&partC2] && [scanner2 scanInt:&partD2]) { } if (partA1 != partA2) return ((partA1 < partA2) ? NSOrderedAscending : NSOrderedDescending); if (partB1 != partB2) return ((partB1 < partB2) ? NSOrderedAscending : NSOrderedDescending); if (partC1 != partC2) return ((partC1 < partC2) ? NSOrderedAscending : NSOrderedDescending); if (partD1 != partD2) return ((partD1 < partD2) ? NSOrderedAscending : NSOrderedDescending); return NSOrderedSame; } #pragma mark URL builder + (NSURL *)URLWithString:(NSString *)urlString queryParameters:(NSDictionary *)queryParameters { if ([urlString length] == 0) return nil; NSString *fullURLString; if ([queryParameters count] > 0) { NSMutableArray *queryItems = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[queryParameters count]]; // sort the custom parameter keys so that we have deterministic parameter // order for unit tests NSArray *queryKeys = [queryParameters allKeys]; NSArray *sortedQueryKeys = [queryKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]; for (NSString *paramKey in sortedQueryKeys) { NSString *paramValue = [queryParameters valueForKey:paramKey]; NSString *paramItem = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@=%@", [self stringByURLEncodingStringParameter:paramKey], [self stringByURLEncodingStringParameter:paramValue]]; [queryItems addObject:paramItem]; } NSString *paramStr = [queryItems componentsJoinedByString:@"&"]; BOOL hasQMark = ([urlString rangeOfString:@"?"].location == NSNotFound); char joiner = hasQMark ? '?' : '&'; fullURLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%c%@", urlString, joiner, paramStr]; } else { fullURLString = urlString; } NSURL *result = [NSURL URLWithString:fullURLString]; return result; } #pragma mark Collections + (NSMutableDictionary *)newStaticDictionary { NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; // make the dictionary ineligible for garbage collection #if !GTL_IPHONE [[NSGarbageCollector defaultCollector] disableCollectorForPointer:dict]; #endif return dict; } + (NSDictionary *)mergedClassDictionaryForSelector:(SEL)selector startClass:(Class)startClass ancestorClass:(Class)ancestorClass cache:(NSMutableDictionary *)cache { NSDictionary *result; @synchronized(cache) { result = [cache objectForKey:startClass]; if (result == nil) { // Collect the class's dictionary. NSDictionary *classDict = [startClass performSelector:selector]; // Collect the parent class's merged dictionary. NSDictionary *parentClassMergedDict; if ([startClass isEqual:ancestorClass]) { parentClassMergedDict = nil; } else { Class parentClass = class_getSuperclass(startClass); parentClassMergedDict = [GTLUtilities mergedClassDictionaryForSelector:selector startClass:parentClass ancestorClass:ancestorClass cache:cache]; } // Merge this class's into the parent's so things properly override. NSMutableDictionary *mergeDict; if (parentClassMergedDict != nil) { mergeDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:parentClassMergedDict]; } else { mergeDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; } if (classDict != nil) { [mergeDict addEntriesFromDictionary:classDict]; } // Make an immutable version. result = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:mergeDict]; // Save it. [cache setObject:result forKey:(id)startClass]; } } return result; } @end // isEqual: has the fatal flaw that it doesn't deal well with the receiver // being nil. We'll use this utility instead. BOOL GTL_AreEqualOrBothNil(id obj1, id obj2) { if (obj1 == obj2) { return YES; } if (obj1 && obj2) { BOOL areEqual = [obj1 isEqual:obj2]; return areEqual; } return NO; } BOOL GTL_AreBoolsEqual(BOOL b1, BOOL b2) { // avoid comparison problems with boolean types by negating // both booleans return (!b1 == !b2); } NSNumber *GTL_EnsureNSNumber(NSNumber *num) { // If the server returned a string object where we expect a number, try // to make a number object. if ([num isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { NSNumber *newNum; NSString *str = (NSString *)num; if ([str rangeOfString:@"."].location != NSNotFound) { // This is a floating-point number. // Force the parser to use '.' as the decimal separator. static NSLocale *usLocale = nil; @synchronized([GTLUtilities class]) { if (usLocale == nil) { usLocale = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US"]; } newNum = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:(NSString*)num locale:(id)usLocale]; } } else { // NSDecimalNumber +decimalNumberWithString:locale: // does not correctly create an NSNumber for large values like // 71100000000007780. if ([str hasPrefix:@"-"]) { newNum = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:[str longLongValue]]; } else { const char *utf8 = [str UTF8String]; unsigned long long ull = strtoull(utf8, NULL, 10); newNum = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:ull]; } } if (newNum) { num = newNum; } } return num; }