// This file is part of Master Password.
// Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Maarten Billemont.
// Master Password is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Master Password is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the
// LICENSE file. Alternatively, see .
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include "mpw-cli-util.h"
#define MPW_MAX_INPUT 60
#include "mpw-util.h"
const char *mpw_getenv(const char *variableName) {
char *envBuf = getenv( variableName );
return envBuf? mpw_strdup( envBuf ): NULL;
char *mpw_askpass(const char *prompt) {
const char *askpass = mpw_getenv( MP_ENV_askpass );
if (!askpass)
return NULL;
int pipes[2];
if (pipe( pipes ) == ERR) {
wrn( "Couldn't pipe: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
return NULL;
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == ERR) {
wrn( "Couldn't fork for askpass:\n %s: %s\n", askpass, strerror( errno ) );
return NULL;
if (!pid) {
// askpass fork
close( pipes[0] );
if (dup2( pipes[1], STDOUT_FILENO ) == ERR)
ftl( "Couldn't connect pipe to process: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
else if (execlp( askpass, askpass, prompt, NULL ) == ERR)
ftl( "Couldn't execute askpass:\n %s: %s\n", askpass, strerror( errno ) );
exit( EX_SOFTWARE );
close( pipes[1] );
char *answer = mpw_read_fd( pipes[0] );
close( pipes[0] );
int status;
if (waitpid( pid, &status, 0 ) == ERR) {
wrn( "Couldn't wait for askpass: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
mpw_free_string( &answer );
return NULL;
if (WIFEXITED( status ) && WEXITSTATUS( status ) == EXIT_SUCCESS && answer && strlen( answer )) {
// Remove trailing newline.
if (answer[strlen( answer ) - 1] == '\n')
answer[strlen( answer ) - 1] = '\0';
return answer;
mpw_free_string( &answer );
return NULL;
static const char *_mpw_getline(const char *prompt, bool silent) {
// Get answer from askpass.
char *answer = mpw_askpass( prompt );
if (answer)
return answer;
// Initialize a curses screen.
SCREEN *screen = newterm( NULL, stderr, stdin );
init_pair( 1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE );
init_pair( 2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE );
int rows, cols;
getmaxyx( stdscr, rows, cols );
// Display a dialog box.
int width = max( prompt? (int)strlen( prompt ): 0, MPW_MAX_INPUT ) + 6;
char *version = "mpw v" stringify_def( MP_VERSION );
mvprintw( rows - 1, (cols - (int)strlen( version )) / 2, "%s", version );
attron( A_BOLD );
color_set( 2, NULL );
mvprintw( rows / 2 - 1, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "*", width - 2, "", "*" );
mvprintw( rows / 2 - 1, (cols - (int)strlen( prompt )) / 2, "%s", prompt );
color_set( 1, NULL );
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 0, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "|", width - 2, "", "|" );
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "|", width - 2, "", "|" );
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 2, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "|", width - 2, "", "|" );
// Read response.
color_set( 2, NULL );
attron( A_STANDOUT );
int result = ERR;
char str[MPW_MAX_INPUT + 1];
if (silent) {
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - 5) / 2, "[ * ]" );
result = mvgetnstr( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - 1) / 2, str, MPW_MAX_INPUT );
} else {
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - (MPW_MAX_INPUT + 2)) / 2, "%*s", MPW_MAX_INPUT + 2, "" );
result = mvgetnstr( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - MPW_MAX_INPUT) / 2, str, MPW_MAX_INPUT );
attrset( 0 );
delscreen( screen );
return result == ERR? NULL: mpw_strndup( str, MPW_MAX_INPUT );
// Get password from terminal.
fprintf( stderr, "%s ", prompt );
size_t bufSize = 0;
ssize_t lineSize = getline( &answer, &bufSize, stdin );
if (lineSize <= 1) {
mpw_free_string( &answer );
return NULL;
// Remove trailing newline.
answer[lineSize - 1] = '\0';
return answer;
const char *mpw_getline(const char *prompt) {
return _mpw_getline( prompt, false );
const char *mpw_getpass(const char *prompt) {
return _mpw_getline( prompt, true );
const char *mpw_path(const char *prefix, const char *extension) {
// Resolve user's home directory.
char *homeDir = NULL;
if (!homeDir)
if ((homeDir = getenv( "HOME" )))
homeDir = mpw_strdup( homeDir );
if (!homeDir)
if ((homeDir = getenv( "USERPROFILE" )))
homeDir = mpw_strdup( homeDir );
if (!homeDir) {
const char *homeDrive = getenv( "HOMEDRIVE" ), *homePath = getenv( "HOMEPATH" );
if (homeDrive && homePath)
homeDir = mpw_strdup( mpw_str( "%s%s", homeDrive, homePath ) );
if (!homeDir) {
struct passwd *passwd = getpwuid( getuid() );
if (passwd)
homeDir = mpw_strdup( passwd->pw_dir );
if (!homeDir)
homeDir = getcwd( NULL, 0 );
// Compose filename.
char *path = mpw_strdup( mpw_str( "%s.%s", prefix, extension ) );
// This is a filename, remove all potential directory separators.
for (char *slash; (slash = strstr( path, "/" )); *slash = '_');
// Compose pathname.
if (homeDir) {
const char *homePath = mpw_str( "%s/.mpw.d/%s", homeDir, path );
free( homeDir );
free( path );
if (homePath)
path = mpw_strdup( homePath );
return path;
bool mpw_mkdirs(const char *filePath) {
if (!filePath)
return false;
// Save the cwd and for absolute paths, start at the root.
char *cwd = getcwd( NULL, 0 );
if (*filePath == '/')
if (chdir( "/" ) == ERR)
return false;
// The path to mkdir is the filePath without the last path component.
char *pathEnd = strrchr( filePath, '/' );
if (pathEnd)
return true;
// Walk the path.
bool success = true;
char *path = mpw_strndup( filePath, (size_t)(pathEnd - filePath) );
for (char *dirName = strtok( path, "/" ); success && dirName; dirName = strtok( NULL, "/" )) {
if (!strlen( dirName ))
success &= (mkdir( dirName, 0700 ) != ERR || errno == EEXIST) && chdir( dirName ) != ERR;
free( path );
if (chdir( cwd ) == ERR)
wrn( "Could not restore cwd:\n %s: %s\n", cwd, strerror( errno ) );
free( cwd );
return success;
char *mpw_read_fd(int fd) {
char *buf = NULL;
size_t blockSize = 4096, bufSize = 0, bufOffset = 0;
ssize_t readSize = 0;
while ((mpw_realloc( &buf, &bufSize, blockSize )) &&
((readSize = read( fd, buf + bufOffset, blockSize )) > 0));
if (readSize == ERR)
mpw_free( &buf, bufSize );
return buf;
char *mpw_read_file(FILE *file) {
if (!file)
return NULL;
char *buf = NULL;
size_t blockSize = 4096, bufSize = 0, bufOffset = 0, readSize = 0;
while ((mpw_realloc( &buf, &bufSize, blockSize )) &&
(bufOffset += (readSize = fread( buf + bufOffset, 1, blockSize, file ))) &&
(readSize == blockSize));
return buf;
static char *str_tputs;
static int str_tputs_cursor;
static const int str_tputs_max = 256;
static bool mpw_setupterm() {
if (!isatty( STDERR_FILENO ))
return false;
static bool termsetup;
if (!termsetup) {
int errret;
if (!(termsetup = (setupterm( NULL, STDERR_FILENO, &errret ) == OK))) {
wrn( "Terminal doesn't support color (setupterm errret %d).\n", errret );
return false;
return true;
static int mpw_tputc(int c) {
if (++str_tputs_cursor < str_tputs_max) {
str_tputs[str_tputs_cursor] = (char)c;
return OK;
return ERR;
static char *mpw_tputs(const char *str, int affcnt) {
if (str_tputs)
mpw_free( &str_tputs, str_tputs_max );
str_tputs = calloc( str_tputs_max, sizeof( char ) );
str_tputs_cursor = -1;
char *result = tputs( str, affcnt, mpw_tputc ) == ERR? NULL: mpw_strndup( str_tputs, str_tputs_max );
if (str_tputs)
mpw_free( &str_tputs, str_tputs_max );
return result;
const char *mpw_identicon_str(MPIdenticon identicon) {
char *colorString, *resetString;
#ifdef MPW_COLOR
if (mpw_setupterm()) {
colorString = mpw_tputs( tparm( tgetstr( "AF", NULL ), identicon.color ), 1 );
resetString = mpw_tputs( tgetstr( "me", NULL ), 1 );
colorString = calloc( 1, sizeof( char ) );
resetString = calloc( 1, sizeof( char ) );
const char *str = mpw_str( "%s%s%s%s%s%s",
colorString, identicon.leftArm, identicon.body, identicon.rightArm, identicon.accessory, resetString );
mpw_free_strings( &colorString, &resetString, NULL );
return mpw_strdup( str );