//============================================================================== // This file is part of Master Password. // Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Maarten Billemont. // // Master Password is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Master Password is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the // LICENSE file. Alternatively, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. //============================================================================== #import "MPSiteModel.h" #import "MPEntities.h" #import "MPAppDelegate_Shared.h" #import "MPAppDelegate_Store.h" #import "MPMacAppDelegate.h" @interface MPSiteModel() @property(nonatomic, strong) NSManagedObjectID *entityOID; @property(nonatomic) BOOL initialized; @end @implementation MPSiteModel - (instancetype)initWithEntity:(MPSiteEntity *)entity queryGroups:(NSArray *)queryGroups { if (!(self = [super init])) return nil; [self setEntity:entity queryGroups:queryGroups]; self.initialized = YES; return self; } - (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString *)siteName forUser:(MPUserEntity *)user { if (!(self = [super init])) return nil; [self setTransientSiteName:siteName forUser:user]; self.initialized = YES; return self; } - (void)setEntity:(MPSiteEntity *)entity queryGroups:(NSArray *)queryGroups { if ([self.entityOID isEqual:entity.permanentObjectID]) return; self.entityOID = entity.permanentObjectID; NSString *siteName = entity.name; NSMutableAttributedString *attributedSiteName = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:siteName?: @""]; if ([attributedSiteName length]) for (NSUInteger f = 0, s = 0; f < [queryGroups count]; ++f, ++s) { s = [siteName rangeOfString:queryGroups[f] options:NSDiacriticInsensitiveSearch | NSCaseInsensitiveSearch range:NSMakeRange( s, [siteName length] - s )].location; if (s == NSNotFound) break; [attributedSiteName addAttribute:NSBackgroundColorAttributeName value:[NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor] range:NSMakeRange( s, [queryGroups[f] length] )]; } NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [NSMutableParagraphStyle new]; paragraphStyle.alignment = NSCenterTextAlignment; [attributedSiteName addAttribute:NSParagraphStyleAttributeName value:paragraphStyle range:NSMakeRange( 0, [siteName length] )]; self.displayedName = attributedSiteName; self.name = siteName; self.algorithm = entity.algorithm; self.lastUsed = entity.lastUsed; self.type = entity.type; self.typeName = entity.typeName; self.uses = entity.uses_; self.counter = [entity isKindOfClass:[MPGeneratedSiteEntity class]]? [(MPGeneratedSiteEntity *)entity counter]: MPCounterValueInitial; self.loginGenerated = entity.loginGenerated; // Find all password types and the index of the current type amongst them. [self updateContent:entity]; } - (void)setTransientSiteName:(NSString *)siteName forUser:(MPUserEntity *)user { self.entityOID = nil; NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle = [NSMutableParagraphStyle new]; paragraphStyle.alignment = NSCenterTextAlignment; self.displayedName = stra( siteName, @{ NSBackgroundColorAttributeName: [NSColor alternateSelectedControlColor], NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraphStyle, } ); self.name = siteName; self.algorithm = MPAlgorithmDefault; self.lastUsed = nil; self.type = user.defaultType; self.typeName = [self.algorithm nameOfType:self.type]; self.uses = @0; self.counter = MPCounterValueDefault; // Find all password types and the index of the current type amongst them. [self updateContent]; } - (MPSiteEntity *)entityInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)moc { if (!self.entityOID) return nil; NSError *error; MPSiteEntity *entity = [moc existingObjectWithID:self.entityOID error:&error]; if (!entity) MPError( error, @"Couldn't retrieve active site." ); return entity; } - (void)setCounter:(MPCounterValue)counter { if (self.counter == counter) return; _counter = counter; if (!self.initialized) // This wasn't a change to the entity. return; if (self.entityOID) [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { MPSiteEntity *entity = [self entityInContext:context]; if ([entity isKindOfClass:[MPGeneratedSiteEntity class]]) { ((MPGeneratedSiteEntity *)entity).counter = counter; [context saveToStore]; [self updateContent:entity]; } }]; else [self updateContent]; } - (void)setLoginGenerated:(BOOL)loginGenerated { if (self.loginGenerated == loginGenerated) return; _loginGenerated = loginGenerated; if (!self.initialized) // This wasn't a change to the entity. return; if (self.entityOID) [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { MPSiteEntity *entity = [self entityInContext:context]; entity.loginGenerated = loginGenerated; [context saveToStore]; [self updateContent:entity]; }]; else [self updateContent]; } - (MPAlgorithmVersion)algorithmVersion { return self.algorithm.version; } - (void)setAlgorithmVersion:(MPAlgorithmVersion)algorithmVersion { if (algorithmVersion == self.algorithm.version) return; [self willChangeValueForKey:@"outdated"]; self.algorithm = MPAlgorithmForVersion( MIN( MPAlgorithmVersionLast, MAX( MPAlgorithmVersionFirst, algorithmVersion ) ) )?: self.algorithm; [self didChangeValueForKey:@"outdated"]; if (self.entityOID) [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { MPSiteEntity *entity = [self entityInContext:context]; entity.algorithm = self.algorithm; [context saveToStore]; [self updateContent:entity]; }]; else [self updateContent]; } - (void)setQuestion:(NSString *)question { if ([self.question isEqualToString:question]) return; _question = question; [self updateContent]; } - (BOOL)outdated { return self.algorithmVersion < MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent; } - (BOOL)generated { return (self.type & MPResultTypeClassTemplate) == MPResultTypeClassTemplate; } - (BOOL)stored { return (self.type & MPResultTypeClassStateful) == MPResultTypeClassStateful; } - (BOOL)transient { return self.entityOID == nil; } - (void)updateContent { if (self.entityOID) [MPMacAppDelegate managedObjectContextPerformBlock:^(NSManagedObjectContext *context) { [self updateContent:[MPSiteEntity existingObjectWithID:self.entityOID inContext:context]]; }]; else PearlNotMainQueue( ^{ [self updatePasswordWithResult: [self.algorithm mpwTemplateForSiteNamed:self.name ofType:self.type withCounter:self.counter usingKey:[MPAppDelegate_Shared get].key]]; [self updateLoginNameWithResult: [self.algorithm mpwLoginForSiteNamed:self.name usingKey:[MPAppDelegate_Shared get].key]]; [self updateAnswerWithResult: [self.algorithm mpwAnswerForSiteNamed:self.name onQuestion:self.question usingKey:[MPAppDelegate_Shared get].key]]; } ); } - (void)updateContent:(MPSiteEntity *)entity { [entity resolvePasswordUsingKey:[MPAppDelegate_Shared get].key result:^(NSString *result) { [self updatePasswordWithResult:result]; }]; [entity resolveLoginUsingKey:[MPAppDelegate_Shared get].key result:^(NSString *result) { [self updateLoginNameWithResult:result]; }]; [self updateAnswerWithResult:[self.algorithm mpwAnswerForSiteNamed:self.name onQuestion:self.question usingKey:[MPAppDelegate_Shared get].key]]; } - (void)updatePasswordWithResult:(NSString *)result { static NSRegularExpression *re_anyChar; static dispatch_once_t once = 0; dispatch_once( &once, ^{ re_anyChar = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"." options:0 error:nil]; } ); NSString *displayResult = result; if ([[MPConfig get].hidePasswords boolValue] && !([NSEvent modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask)) displayResult = [displayResult stringByReplacingMatchesOfExpression:re_anyChar withTemplate:@"●"]; PearlMainQueue( ^{ self.content = result; if (!([NSEvent modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask)) self.displayedContent = displayResult; } ); } - (void)updateLoginNameWithResult:(NSString *)loginName { PearlMainQueue( ^{ self.loginName = loginName; if ([NSEvent modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) self.displayedContent = loginName; } ); } - (void)updateAnswerWithResult:(NSString *)answer { PearlMainQueue( ^{ self.answer = answer; } ); } @end