### CMAKE project( mpw C ) cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.0.2 ) ### CONFIGURATION # Features. option( USE_SODIUM "Implement crypto functions with sodium (depends on libsodium)." ON ) option( USE_JSON "Support JSON-based user configuration format (depends on libjson-c)." ON ) option( USE_COLOR "Colorized identicon (depends on libncurses)." ON ) option( USE_XML "XML parsing (depends on libxml2)." ON ) option( BUILD_MPW "C CLI version of Master Password (needs: mpw_sodium, optional: mpw_color, mpw_json)." ON ) option( BUILD_MPW_BENCH "C CLI Master Password benchmark utility (needs: mpw_sodium)." OFF ) option( BUILD_MPW_TESTS "C Master Password algorithm test suite (needs: mpw_sodium, mpw_xml)." OFF ) # Default build flags. set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release ) set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-O3" ) # Version. file( READ "VERSION" mpw_version ) add_definitions( -DMP_VERSION=${VERSION} ) ### DEPENDENCIES function( use_mpw_sodium t r ) if( USE_SODIUM ) target_link_libraries( ${t} sodium ) target_compile_definitions( ${t} PUBLIC -DMPW_SODIUM=1 ) message(STATUS "${t}: USE_SODIUM is enabled.") elseif( r STREQUAL "required" ) message(FATAL_ERROR "${t}: USE_SODIUM was required but is not enabled. Please enable the option or remove this target.") else() message(STATUS "${t}: USE_SODIUM is supported but not enabled.") endif() endfunction() function( use_mpw_color t ) if( USE_COLOR ) target_link_libraries( ${t} curses) target_compile_definitions( ${t} PUBLIC -DMPW_COLOR=1 ) message(STATUS "${t}: USE_COLOR is enabled.") elseif( r STREQUAL "required" ) message(FATAL_ERROR "${t}: USE_COLOR was required but is not enabled. Please enable the option or remove this target.") else() message(STATUS "${t}: USE_COLOR is supported but not enabled.") endif() endfunction() function( use_mpw_json t ) if( USE_JSON ) target_link_libraries( ${t} json-c) target_compile_definitions( ${t} PUBLIC -DMPW_JSON=1 ) message(STATUS "${t}: USE_JSON is enabled.") elseif( r STREQUAL "required" ) message(FATAL_ERROR "${t}: USE_JSON was required but is not enabled. Please enable the option or remove this target.") else() message(STATUS "${t}: USE_JSON is supported but not enabled.") endif() endfunction() function( use_mpw_xml t r ) find_package( LIBXML2 ) if( USE_XML ) if ( LIBXML2_FOUND ) target_include_directories( ${t} PUBLIC ${LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR} ) target_link_libraries( ${t} ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES} ) target_compile_definitions( ${t} PUBLIC -DMPW_XML=1 ${LIBXML2_DEFINITIONS} ) message(STATUS "${t}: USE_XML is enabled.") elseif( r STREQUAL "required" ) message(FATAL_ERROR "${t}: USE_XML was enabled but is missing libxml2. Please install this library before continuing.") else() message(WARNING "${t}: USE_XML was enabled but is missing libxml2. Will continue with USE_XML disabled!") endif() elseif( r STREQUAL "required" ) message(FATAL_ERROR "${t}: USE_XML was required but is not enabled. Please enable the option or remove this target.") else() message(STATUS "${t}: USE_XML is supported but not enabled.") endif() endfunction() ### TARGET: MPW if( BUILD_MPW ) # target add_executable( mpw "core/base64.c" "core/mpw-algorithm.c" "core/mpw-types.c" "core/mpw-util.c" "core/mpw-marshall-util.c" "core/mpw-marshall.c" "cli/mpw-cli-util.c" "cli/mpw-cli.c" ) target_include_directories( mpw PUBLIC core cli ) # dependencies use_mpw_sodium( mpw required ) use_mpw_color( mpw optional ) use_mpw_json( mpw optional ) endif() ### TARGET: MPW-BENCH if( BUILD_MPW_BENCH ) # target add_executable( mpw_bench "core/base64.c" "core/mpw-algorithm.c" "core/mpw-types.c" "core/mpw-util.c" "cli/mpw-bench.c" ) target_include_directories( mpw_bench PUBLIC core cli ) # dependencies use_mpw_sodium( mpw_bench required ) endif() ### TARGET: MPW-TESTS if( BUILD_MPW_TESTS ) # target add_executable( mpw_tests "core/base64.c" "core/mpw-algorithm.c" "core/mpw-types.c" "core/mpw-util.c" "cli/mpw-tests-util.c" "cli/mpw-tests.c" ) target_include_directories( mpw_tests PUBLIC core cli ) # dependencies use_mpw_sodium( mpw_tests required ) use_mpw_xml( mpw_tests required ) endif() #FEATURE_SUMMARY( WHAT ALL )