#!/usr/bin/env bash source bashlib cdsource getword() { local cat=$1 pop_limit=$2 words=() while read pop word; do (( pop_limit && pop > pop_limit )) && break words+=( "$word" ) done < "words.txt.$cat" (( ${#words[@]} )) || { echo '1 -'; return 1; } echo "${#words[@]} ${words[RANDOM % ${#words[@]}]}" } declare -A categoryByCharacter=( ['a']=adj ['r']=adv ['n']=noun ['v']=verb ) templates=( ran # ~32.0 bit ) permutations=1 while getopts :t:p: arg; do case $arg in # The sentence template to use. t) template=$OPTARG ;; # Use only the top N most popular words. p) pop_limit=$OPTARG ;; esac done template=${template:-${templates[$((RANDOM % ${#templates[@]}))]}} printf 'sentence: ' while read -n1 character && [[ $character ]]; do category=${categoryByCharacter["$character"]} read p word < <(getword "$category" "$pop_limit") (( permutations *= p )) printf '%s ' "$word" done <<< "$template" echo printf 'permutations: %s, entropy: ~%.1f bit\n' "$permutations" "$(bc -l <<< "l($permutations) / l(2)")"