[FIXED] Bugs when importing mpsites when the user doesn't exist yet.
[FIXED] Activity now displayed using PearlOverlay, PearlAlert broke in iOS 7 for activity.
[ADDED] Advanced option to wipe cloud container.
[UPDATED] Love Lyndir completion.
[ADDED] Debugging with DCIntrospect and Reveal.
[REMOVED] A bunch of google+ files that are no longer necessary.
[FIXED] Type and formatting fixes for 64-bit platform types.
[UPDATED] Production logging of what StoreManager is doing to help people with trouble out.
[ADDED] Log reason for ubiquity error to checkpoint.
[FIXED] Remove obsolete icon Info.plist keys.
[FIXED] Auto-generated CFBundleVersion hash->decimal must be 9 digits long or version bump may end up lowering version number.
[UPDATED] Log out when user is no longer available.
[UPDATED] Re-enabled cloud store switching using new USM store enumeration facilities.
[UPDATED] Lower log level for test and crash logs so we can see why stuff fails.
[FIXED] Counter should default to 1, not 0.
[FIXED] Some issues with the status bar in the MPMainViewController.
[UPDATED] AppIcons and LaunchImages converted to asset catalog.
[ADDED] New iOS 7 size app icon images.
[UPDATED] Show users and sites in cloud stores of log VC.
[ADDED] Ability to turn off iCloud if corruption happens.
[ADDED] When switching iCloud on/off, provide user the option to migrate his current sites.
[ADDED] Ability to get to settings & logs from unlock VC.
[ADDED] Migration to file-based StoreUUID.
[IMPROVED] Cleaner, more modular, migration code.
[FIXED] Don't hook activation to show password window: too annoying when focus shifts.
[FIXED] Don't set the active user when just importing ubiquity changes, it causes a log-out.
[ADDED] Mac: Ability to rebuild iCloud.
[REMOVED] Mac: wasRunning logic to avoid password window appearance on first activation.
[FIXED] Mac: Retrieve siteName from main thread.
[ADDED] Log Inspector, shake on preference screen to open log.
[ADDED] Trace Mode: Log at trace level.
[FIXED] Log messages weren't being recorded for inclusion in feedback.
[ADDED] Ability to change style of password window.
[FIXED] Some window activation oddities (WIP).
[UPDATED] Renamed executable iOS/Mac specific in the hopes of helping with IDE conflicts.
[UPDATED] Made activeUser access follow same pattern as activeElement which makes it more clear what the thread model is like.
[FIXED] Save after update of all elements.
[UPDATED] Tool tips hidden in IB now; makes it less cluttered.
[FIXED] Dismissing view controllers when logging out.
[UPDATED] Simplified AllSites VC in IB (removed the unused navVC).
[UPDATED] Outdated sites are now shown in the AllSites VC.
[ADDED] An update-all-sites button when showing outdated sites in the AllSites VC.
[REMOVED] Search scopes.
[ADDED] Sorting elements by recency and usage count now.
[FIXED] Initial positioning of help container.
[ADDED] Setup VC for rememberLogin.
[FIXED] Setup wasn't showing up on app load.
[FIXED] More temporary moc fixes and main thread fixes.
[IMPROVED] Guide now plays an introduction animation.
[FIXED] Setup iCloud switch is now functional.
[FIXED] Pass along temporary mocs, they appear to be stored __weak in the object and we can't rely on them not being nil.
[ADDED] Setup flow for initially setting the iCloud preference.
[ADDED] New guide.
[IMPROVED] Hierarchy and flow of unlock -> main.
[IMPROVED] Migration code cleanup.
[FIXED] When local store migration fails, fall back to opening the old local store if possible.
[FIXED] Better migration of cloud preferences.
[FIXED] Better checking of when to perform cloud store migration.
[FIXED] Always migrate the local store, even when the cloud store is enabled.
[UPDATED] Removed the loading indicator in favor of a loading overlay.
[UPDATED] Sorted the file references lexicographically.