[ADDED] OS X: A status item to activate the MP window.
[ADDED] OS X: A global hotkey (cmd-ctrl-p) to activate the MP
[ADDED] OS X: Make the MP window dismissable by hitting Esc.
[ADDED] OS X: Copy the site content by hitting Enter.
[FIXED] OS X: Make the password field first responder.
[FIXED] OS X: Don't pop the password window multiple times if the
application gets activated while the key isn't set yet.
[IMPROVED] OS X: Remove the MP icon from the dock.
[REMOVED] OS X: Disabled ability to add new sites from OS X until I
have time to implement it properly without causing
duplicates etc.
[MOVED] iCloud and Core Data support was centralised to iOS and OS X
to make sure both platforms always use the same container
[FIXED] iCloud sync problems.
[REMOVED] iCloud KV is not used/needed.
[ADDED] OS X: Master password input and changing.
[ADDED] OS X: Autocompletion by searching Core Data for previously
used sites.
[ADDED] OS X: Working password generation for sites.
[FIXED] Bad ciphering on little endian machines: Convert bytes to
network endian before using them as numbers.
[FIXED] Opening of Core Data store when iCloud is unavailable.