[IMPROVED] Removed password logic out of MPEntities so that it can be backgrounded without relying on the persistence layer staying up.
[IMPROVED] Some workload removed from the main thread.
[IMPROVED] Migration code cleanup.
[FIXED] When local store migration fails, fall back to opening the old local store if possible.
[FIXED] Better migration of cloud preferences.
[FIXED] Better checking of when to perform cloud store migration.
[FIXED] Always migrate the local store, even when the cloud store is enabled.
[UPDATED] Removed the loading indicator in favor of a loading overlay.
[UPDATED] Sorted the file references lexicographically.
[FIXED] Properties in categories aren't synthesized. Using fancy new PearlAssociateObjectProperty from Pearl now to make a fake property.
[FIXED] Show overlay on UI thread.
[FIXED] ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = NO because weird codesign errors happen on second build with it set to YES.
modified: External/Pearl
[IMPROVED] A master password key is now better abstracted in an object.
[IMPROVED] A master password algorithm is now better astracted in an
[ADDED] Elements now have a specific algorithm version.
[ADDED] Automatic/explicit migration of elements.
[ADDED] Searching outdated elements.