[UPDATED] Allow lookup by short name.
[FIXED] GUI only supports generated types, only show generated types in its list.
[UPDATED] Update site password when type changes.
[FIXED] Exceptions on illegal input arguments for generation, eg. empty site name.
[REMOVED] Love Lyndir, just linking to http://thanks.lhunath.com now.
[UPDATED] PearlString -> strf
[ADDED] Catching commands when the sites table view is active too (enter/esc/..)
[FIXED] Initial intro window didn't always show up reliably.
[ADDED] Ability to temporarily reveal master password while typing it.
[IMPROVED] When you go down the sites list, fade out the fade-out gradient to prevent the selection from becoming invisible.
[ADDED] Ability to reset your master password.
[UPDATED] Initial screenshot of Master Password for Mac and iPhone.
[ADDED] hidePasswords to Mac app for hiding the passwords in the large passwords display, hold alt to reveal.
[ADDED] Way to easily open the Mac app's preferences.
[IMPROVED] Use transparent main window to improve the blur effect.
[ADDED] Key equivalent coach marks when holding alt.
[FIXED] Don't change sites table when site text field loses focus.
[ADDED] A new step-by-step guide which uses images and text to explain the basics of Master Password.
[FIXED] The setup flow didn't appear anymore.
[FIXED] When creating a new user, the master password field was auto-capitalized.
[ADDED] Option to hide passwords and reveal with long-touch.
[IMPROVED] More visible placeholder text.
[ADDED] Cancel button on search field.
[ADDED] Ability to copy user name.
[UPDATED] Use dark style keyboard throughout to avoid flickery switches.
[FIXED] Smaller ui fixes.