[UPDATED] Different Crashlytics for Mac/iOS.
[UPDATED] Mac build fixes.
[FIXED] Layout on rotation. WIP.
[ADDED] Link on marquee to thanks.lhunath.com.
[UPDATED] Layout of setup on 4" iPhones.
[UPDATED] iCloud description text.
[UPDATED] Show "gmail.com" in the guide's search bar.
[ADDED] A tooltip on the tip button.
[ADDED] Advanced option to mark self as corrupt.
[ADDED] Tell user initial cloud sync can take a moment.
[IMPROVED] Initial window now visible on full-screen spaces.
[FIXED] User name label.
[UPDATED] Fixed some warnings by explicitly type-casting NSNotFound checks.
[UPDATED] Fixed some Xcode 5 warnings by doing project configuration improvements.
[ADDED] Mac: Open at Login.
[UPDATED] Mac: Mark users menu item when no user selected.
[ADDED] Mac: Toggle open-at-login and enable-cloud from initial window.
[ADDED] On first start, show the status item by highlighting and opening it.
[UPDATED] Using RHStatusItemView for status item so we can highlight it programmatically.
[FIXED] Activate app on startup so apps window shows.
[ADDED] NSAlert when trying to open password window with no user selected.
[UPDATED] Crisper menu icon.
[ADDED] Window to advertise iOS app.
[FIXED] Under some conditions, quit didn't work reliably.
[UPDATED] Mac UI improvements.
[UPDATED] Mac Executable Name 'Master Password'.
[ADDED] Migration to file-based StoreUUID.
[IMPROVED] Cleaner, more modular, migration code.
[FIXED] Don't hook activation to show password window: too annoying when focus shifts.
[FIXED] Don't set the active user when just importing ubiquity changes, it causes a log-out.
[ADDED] Mac: Ability to rebuild iCloud.
[REMOVED] Mac: wasRunning logic to avoid password window appearance on first activation.
[FIXED] Mac: Retrieve siteName from main thread.
[ADDED] Ability to change style of password window.
[FIXED] Some window activation oddities (WIP).
[UPDATED] Renamed executable iOS/Mac specific in the hopes of helping with IDE conflicts.