[FIXED] A strange issue with reloading password cells.
[FIXED] Product identifiers and showing the first product in the store.
[ADDED] Restoring purchases made from other devices.
[REMOVED] iCloud entitlements.
[IMPROVED] -saveContent now returns YES if successful and NO if nothing changed.
[FIXED] Fix for unsetting the login key when key is saved due to a notification race.
[IMPROVED] UI improvements for login name.
[IMPROVED] Remove system fonts all-over and replace with Exo2.
[IMPROVED] Various UI improvements and fixes throughout.
[ADDED] Indicator when user needs to find the edit button to either set a password or login name.
[FIXED] Cell reuse when changing between transient / element.
[IMPROVED] Collection view item reloading now avoids reloading items that stay the same and animates better.
[REMOVED] Love Lyndir, just linking to http://thanks.lhunath.com now.
[UPDATED] PearlString -> strf
[ADDED] Catching commands when the sites table view is active too (enter/esc/..)
[ADDED] A new step-by-step guide which uses images and text to explain the basics of Master Password.
[FIXED] The setup flow didn't appear anymore.
[FIXED] When creating a new user, the master password field was auto-capitalized.
[ADDED] Option to hide passwords and reveal with long-touch.
[IMPROVED] More visible placeholder text.
[ADDED] Cancel button on search field.
[ADDED] Ability to copy user name.
[UPDATED] Use dark style keyboard throughout to avoid flickery switches.
[FIXED] Smaller ui fixes.
[FIXED] When a "new site" cell gets recycled as a "maximum security" entity's cell, we may not be able to scroll to the cell index for the type because the collection view's cell indexes weren't updated yet.
[UPDATED] Different Crashlytics for Mac/iOS.
[UPDATED] Mac build fixes.
[FIXED] Layout on rotation. WIP.
[ADDED] Link on marquee to thanks.lhunath.com.
[FIXED] Fixed an issue that caused stored passwords to be saved without encryption.
[ADDED] Logic to check for any data inconsistencies and fix them.
[ADDED] Support for using dictation in site search box.
[ADDED] Ability to change avatar while creating new user.
[FIXED] Transition oddness.
[IMPROVED] Remove passwordsVC while not needed.
[ADDED] Emergency generator.