Fall back to getline if ncurses cannot be initialized (eg. TERM not set).

This commit is contained in:
Maarten Billemont 2018-09-22 11:00:08 -04:00
parent 06ebe954f1
commit e4837a284a

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@ -104,64 +104,67 @@ static const char *_mpw_getline(const char *prompt, bool silent) {
// Initialize a curses screen.
SCREEN *screen = newterm( NULL, stderr, stdin );
init_pair( 1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE );
init_pair( 2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE );
int rows, cols;
getmaxyx( stdscr, rows, cols );
if (screen) {
init_pair( 1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE );
init_pair( 2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE );
int rows, cols;
getmaxyx( stdscr, rows, cols );
// Display a dialog box.
int width = max( prompt? (int)strlen( prompt ): 0, MPW_MAX_INPUT ) + 6;
char *version = "mpw v" stringify_def( MP_VERSION );
mvprintw( rows - 1, (cols - (int)strlen( version )) / 2, "%s", version );
attron( A_BOLD );
color_set( 2, NULL );
mvprintw( rows / 2 - 1, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "*", width - 2, "", "*" );
mvprintw( rows / 2 - 1, (cols - (int)strlen( prompt )) / 2, "%s", prompt );
color_set( 1, NULL );
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 0, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "|", width - 2, "", "|" );
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "|", width - 2, "", "|" );
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 2, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "|", width - 2, "", "|" );
// Display a dialog box.
int width = max( prompt? (int)strlen( prompt ): 0, MPW_MAX_INPUT ) + 6;
char *version = "mpw v" stringify_def( MP_VERSION );
mvprintw( rows - 1, (cols - (int)strlen( version )) / 2, "%s", version );
attron( A_BOLD );
color_set( 2, NULL );
mvprintw( rows / 2 - 1, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "*", width - 2, "", "*" );
mvprintw( rows / 2 - 1, (cols - (int)strlen( prompt )) / 2, "%s", prompt );
color_set( 1, NULL );
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 0, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "|", width - 2, "", "|" );
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "|", width - 2, "", "|" );
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 2, (cols - width) / 2, "%s%*s%s", "|", width - 2, "", "|" );
// Read response.
color_set( 2, NULL );
attron( A_STANDOUT );
int result = ERR;
char str[MPW_MAX_INPUT + 1];
if (silent) {
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - 5) / 2, "[ * ]" );
// Read response.
color_set( 2, NULL );
attron( A_STANDOUT );
int result = ERR;
char str[MPW_MAX_INPUT + 1];
if (silent) {
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - 5) / 2, "[ * ]" );
result = mvgetnstr( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - 1) / 2, str, MPW_MAX_INPUT );
} else {
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - (MPW_MAX_INPUT + 2)) / 2, "%*s", MPW_MAX_INPUT + 2, "" );
result = mvgetnstr( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - 1) / 2, str, MPW_MAX_INPUT );
else {
mvprintw( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - (MPW_MAX_INPUT + 2)) / 2, "%*s", MPW_MAX_INPUT + 2, "" );
result = mvgetnstr( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - MPW_MAX_INPUT) / 2, str, MPW_MAX_INPUT );
result = mvgetnstr( rows / 2 + 1, (cols - MPW_MAX_INPUT) / 2, str, MPW_MAX_INPUT );
attrset( 0 );
delscreen( screen );
return result == ERR? NULL: mpw_strndup( str, MPW_MAX_INPUT );
attrset( 0 );
delscreen( screen );
return result == ERR? NULL: mpw_strndup( str, MPW_MAX_INPUT );
// Get password from terminal.
fprintf( stderr, "%s ", prompt );
size_t bufSize = 0;
ssize_t lineSize = getline( &answer, &bufSize, stdin );
ssize_t lineSize = getline( (char **)&answer, &bufSize, stdin );
if (lineSize <= 1) {
mpw_free_string( &answer );
return NULL;
// Remove trailing newline.
answer[lineSize - 1] = '\0';
mpw_replace_string( answer, mpw_strndup( answer, (size_t)lineSize - 1 ) );
return answer;
const char *mpw_getline(const char *prompt) {