WIP - parsing JSON format.

This commit is contained in:
Maarten Billemont 2017-07-23 09:57:48 -04:00
parent 04ab276d93
commit b65fedf40d
5 changed files with 167 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -38,6 +38,18 @@ static char *mpw_get_token(char **in, char *eol, char *delim) {
return token;
static time_t mpw_mktime(
const char *time) {
struct tm tm = { .tm_isdst = -1, .tm_gmtoff = 0 };
sscanf( time, "%4d-%2d-%2dT%2d:%2d:%2dZ",
&tm.tm_year, &tm.tm_mon, &tm.tm_mday,
&tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &tm.tm_sec );
tm.tm_year -= 1900; // tm_year 0 = rfc3339 year 1900
tm.tm_mon -= 1; // tm_mon 0 = rfc3339 month 1
return mktime( &tm );
static bool mpw_update_masterKey(MPMasterKey *masterKey, MPAlgorithmVersion *masterKeyAlgorithm, MPAlgorithmVersion targetKeyAlgorithm,
const char *fullName, const char *masterPassword) {
@ -69,7 +81,7 @@ MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_user(
.redacted = true,
.avatar = 0,
.defaultType = MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong,
.defaultType = MPSiteTypeDefault,
.lastUsed = 0,
.sites_count = 0,
@ -215,11 +227,11 @@ bool mpw_marshall_write_json(
marshalledUser->algorithm, marshalledUser->name, marshalledUser->masterPassword ))
return false;
json_object *json_out = json_object_new_object();
json_object *json_file = json_object_new_object();
// Section: "export"
json_object *json_export = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_out, "export", json_export );
json_object_object_add( json_file, "export", json_export );
json_object_object_add( json_export, "format", json_object_new_int( 1 ) );
json_object_object_add( json_export, "redacted", json_object_new_boolean( marshalledUser->redacted ) );
@ -231,7 +243,7 @@ bool mpw_marshall_write_json(
// Section: "user"
json_object *json_user = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_out, "user", json_user );
json_object_object_add( json_file, "user", json_user );
json_object_object_add( json_user, "avatar", json_object_new_int( marshalledUser->avatar ) );
json_object_object_add( json_user, "full_name", json_object_new_string( marshalledUser->name ) );
@ -244,7 +256,7 @@ bool mpw_marshall_write_json(
// Section "sites"
json_object *json_sites = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_out, "sites", json_sites );
json_object_object_add( json_file, "sites", json_sites );
for (int s = 0; s < marshalledUser->sites_count; ++s) {
MPMarshalledSite site = marshalledUser->sites[s];
@ -298,9 +310,9 @@ bool mpw_marshall_write_json(
json_object_object_add( json_site_mpw, "url", json_object_new_string( site.url ) );
try_asprintf( out, "%s\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext( json_out, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY | JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED ) );
try_asprintf( out, "%s\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext( json_file, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY | JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED ) );
mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize );
json_object_put( json_out );
json_object_put( json_file );
return true;
@ -327,7 +339,7 @@ MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
unsigned int importFormat = 0, importAvatar = 0;
char *importUserName = NULL, *importKeyID = NULL, *importDate = NULL;
MPAlgorithmVersion importAlgorithm = MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent, masterKeyAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)-1;
MPSiteType importDefaultType = (MPSiteType)0;
MPSiteType importDefaultType = MPSiteTypeDefault;
bool headerStarted = false, headerEnded = false, importRedacted = false;
for (char *endOfLine, *positionInLine = in; (endOfLine = strstr( positionInLine, "\n" )); positionInLine = endOfLine + 1) {
@ -404,7 +416,7 @@ MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
return false;
if (!(user = mpw_marshall_user( importUserName, masterPassword, importAlgorithm ))) {
err( "Couldn't allocate a new user." );
err( "Couldn't allocate a new user.\n" );
return false;
@ -456,6 +468,10 @@ MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
if (siteName && type && counter && version && uses && lastUsed) {
MPMarshalledSite *site = mpw_marshall_site( user, siteName,
(MPSiteType)atoi( type ), (uint32_t)atoi( counter ), (MPAlgorithmVersion)atoi( version ) );
site->loginName = loginName;
site->uses = (unsigned int)atoi( uses );
site->lastUsed = mpw_mktime( lastUsed );
if (exportContent) {
if (user->redacted) {
if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm,
@ -468,16 +484,6 @@ MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
site->content = exportContent;
site->loginName = loginName;
site->uses = (unsigned int)atoi( uses );
struct tm lastUsed_tm = { .tm_isdst = -1, .tm_gmtoff = 0 };
sscanf( lastUsed, "%4d-%2d-%2dT%2d:%2d:%2dZ",
&lastUsed_tm.tm_year, &lastUsed_tm.tm_mon, &lastUsed_tm.tm_mday,
&lastUsed_tm.tm_hour, &lastUsed_tm.tm_min, &lastUsed_tm.tm_sec );
lastUsed_tm.tm_year -= 1900; // tm_year 0 = rfc3339 year 1900
lastUsed_tm.tm_mon -= 1; // tm_mon 0 = rfc3339 month 1
site->lastUsed = mktime( &lastUsed_tm );
wrn( "Skipping: lastUsed=%s, uses=%s, type=%s, version=%s, counter=%s, loginName=%s, siteName=%s\n",
@ -500,10 +506,146 @@ MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
return user;
static json_object *mpw_marshall_get_json_section(
json_object *obj, const char *section) {
json_object *json_value = obj;
char *sectionTokenizer = strdup( section ), *sectionToken = sectionTokenizer;
for (sectionToken = strtok( sectionToken, "." ); sectionToken; sectionToken = strtok( NULL, "." ))
if (!json_object_object_get_ex( json_value, sectionToken, &json_value ) || !json_value) {
err( "While resolving: %s: Missing value for: %s\n", section, sectionToken );
json_value = NULL;
free( sectionTokenizer );
return json_value;
static const char *mpw_marshall_get_json_string(
json_object *obj, const char *section, const char *defaultValue) {
json_object *json_value = mpw_marshall_get_json_section( obj, section );
if (!json_value)
return defaultValue;
return json_object_get_string( json_value );
static int32_t mpw_marshall_get_json_int(
json_object *obj, const char *section, int32_t defaultValue) {
json_object *json_value = mpw_marshall_get_json_section( obj, section );
if (!json_value)
return defaultValue;
return json_object_get_int( json_value );
static bool mpw_marshall_get_json_boolean(
json_object *obj, const char *section, bool defaultValue) {
json_object *json_value = mpw_marshall_get_json_section( obj, section );
if (!json_value)
return defaultValue;
return json_object_get_boolean( json_value ) == TRUE;
MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_json(
char *in, const char *masterPassword) {
return NULL;
enum json_tokener_error error = json_tokener_success;
json_object *json_file = json_tokener_parse_verbose( in, &error );
if (error != json_tokener_success)
err( "JSON error: %s\n", json_tokener_error_desc( error ) );
if (!json_file)
return NULL;
// Parse import data.
MPMasterKey masterKey = NULL;
MPAlgorithmVersion masterKeyAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)-1;
MPMarshalledUser *user = NULL;
// Section: "export"
unsigned int importFormat = (unsigned int)mpw_marshall_get_json_int( json_file, "export.format", 0 );
if (importFormat < 1) {
err( "Unsupported format: %d\n", importFormat );
return NULL;
bool importRedacted = mpw_marshall_get_json_boolean( json_file, "export.redacted", true );
const char *importDate = mpw_marshall_get_json_string( json_file, "export.date", NULL );
// Section: "user"
unsigned int importAvatar = (unsigned int)mpw_marshall_get_json_int( json_file, "user.avatar", 0 );
const char *importUserName = mpw_marshall_get_json_string( json_file, "user.full_name", NULL );
const char *importLastUsed = mpw_marshall_get_json_string( json_file, "user.last_used", NULL );
const char *importKeyID = mpw_marshall_get_json_string( json_file, "user.key_id", NULL );
importAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)mpw_marshall_get_json_int( json_file, "user.algorithm", MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent );
MPSiteType importDefaultType = (MPSiteType)mpw_marshall_get_json_int( json_file, "user.default_type", MPSiteTypeDefault );
if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm,
importAlgorithm, importUserName, masterPassword ))
return false;
if (importKeyID && !mpw_id_buf_equals( importKeyID, mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) )) {
err( "Incorrect master password for user import file: %s != %s\n", importKeyID, mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) );
return false;
if (!(user = mpw_marshall_user( importUserName, masterPassword, importAlgorithm ))) {
err( "Couldn't allocate a new user.\n" );
return false;
user->redacted = importRedacted;
user->avatar = importAvatar;
user->defaultType = importDefaultType;
user->lastUsed = mpw_mktime( importLastUsed );
// Section "sites"
json_object_iter json_site;
json_object *json_sites = mpw_marshall_get_json_section( json_file, "sites" );
json_object_object_foreachC( json_sites, json_site ) {
MPSiteType siteType = (MPSiteType)mpw_marshall_get_json_int( json_site.val, "type", user->defaultType );
uint32_t siteCounter = (uint32_t)mpw_marshall_get_json_int( json_site.val, "counter", 1 );
MPAlgorithmVersion algorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)mpw_marshall_get_json_int( json_site.val, "algorithm", user->algorithm );
const char *exportContent = mpw_marshall_get_json_string( json_site.val, "password", NULL );
const char *loginName = mpw_marshall_get_json_string( json_site.val, "login_name", NULL );
bool loginGenerated = mpw_marshall_get_json_boolean( json_site.val, "login_generated", false );
unsigned int uses = (unsigned int)mpw_marshall_get_json_int( json_site.val, "uses", 0 );
const char *lastUsed = mpw_marshall_get_json_string( json_site.val, "last_used", NULL );
json_object *json_site_mpw = mpw_marshall_get_json_section( json_site.val, "_ext_mpw" );
const char *url = mpw_marshall_get_json_string( json_site_mpw, "url", NULL );
MPMarshalledSite *site = mpw_marshall_site( user, json_site.key, siteType, siteCounter, algorithm );
site->loginName = loginName;
site->loginGenerated = loginGenerated;
site->url = url;
site->uses = uses;
site->lastUsed = mpw_mktime( lastUsed );
if (exportContent) {
if (user->redacted) {
if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm,
site->algorithm, importUserName, masterPassword ))
return false;
// TODO: Encrypt Personal Passwords
//site->content = aes128_cbc( masterKey, exportContent );
site->content = exportContent;
json_object_iter json_site_question;
json_object *json_site_questions = mpw_marshall_get_json_section( json_site.val, "questions" );
json_object_object_foreachC( json_site_questions, json_site_question )
mpw_marshal_question( site, json_site_question.key );
json_object_put( json_file );
return user;
MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read(

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ const MPSiteType mpw_typeWithName(const char *typeName) {
return MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase;
ftl( "Not a generated type name: %s", stdTypeName );
return MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong;
return MPSiteTypeDefault;
const char **mpw_templatesForType(MPSiteType type, size_t *count) {

View File

@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ typedef enum( unsigned int, MPSiteType ) {
MPSiteTypeStoredPersonal = 0x0 | MPSiteTypeClassStored | MPSiteFeatureExportContent,
MPSiteTypeStoredDevicePrivate = 0x1 | MPSiteTypeClassStored | MPSiteFeatureDevicePrivate,
MPSiteTypeDefault = MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong,
//// Type utilities.

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
const char *masterPassword = "banana colored duckling";
const char *siteName = "masterpasswordapp.com";
const uint32_t siteCounter = 1;
const MPSiteType siteType = MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong;
const MPSiteType siteType = MPSiteTypeDefault;
const MPSiteVariant siteVariant = MPSiteVariantPassword;
const char *siteContext = NULL;
struct timeval startTime;

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
// Master Password defaults.
const char *fullName = NULL, *masterPassword = NULL, *siteName = NULL;
MPSiteType siteType = MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong;
MPSiteType siteType = MPSiteTypeDefault;
MPSiteVariant siteVariant = MPSiteVariantPassword;
MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion = MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent;
uint32_t siteCounter = 1;