Allow migration of redacted state & show URL.

This commit is contained in:
Maarten Billemont 2017-08-07 18:57:10 -04:00
parent c044ae79cd
commit b26f5a82d7
2 changed files with 64 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -622,13 +622,13 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_json(
json_object *json_sites = mpw_get_json_section( json_file, "sites" );
json_object_object_foreachC( json_sites, json_site ) {
const char *siteName = json_site.key;
value = mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "algorithm", (int)user->algorithm );
value = mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "algorithm", user->algorithm );
if (value < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || value > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
*error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site algorithm version: %s: %d", siteName, value ) };
return NULL;
MPAlgorithmVersion siteAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)value;
MPPasswordType siteType = (MPPasswordType)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "type", (int)user->defaultType );
MPPasswordType siteType = (MPPasswordType)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "type", user->defaultType );
if (!mpw_nameForType( siteType )) {
*error = (MPMarshallError){ MPMarshallErrorIllegal, mpw_str( "Invalid site type: %s: %u", siteName, siteType ) };
return NULL;

View File

@ -22,17 +22,19 @@
static void usage() {
inf( ""
"Usage: mpw [-u|-U name] [-t type] [-c counter] [-a algorithm] [-p purpose] [-C context] [-f|-F format] [-v|-q] [-h] site\n\n" );
"Usage: mpw [-u|-U name] [-t type] [-c counter] [-a algorithm] [-p purpose]"
" [-C context] [-f|-F format] [-R 0|1] [-v|-q] [-h] site-name\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -u name Specify the full name of the user.\n"
" -u checks the master password against the config, -U allows updating to a new master password.\n"
" -u checks the master password against the config,"
" -U allows updating to a new master password.\n"
" Defaults to %s in env or prompts.\n\n", MP_env_fullName );
inf( ""
" -t type Specify the password's template.\n"
" Defaults to 'long' for auth, 'name' for ident and 'phrase' for recovery.\n"
" Defaults to 'long' (auth), 'name' (ident) or 'phrase'(recovery).\n"
" x, max, maximum | 20 characters, contains symbols.\n"
" l, long | Copy-friendly, 14 characters, contains symbols.\n"
" m, med, medium | Copy-friendly, 8 characters, contains symbols.\n"
" l, long | Copy-friendly, 14 characters, symbols.\n"
" m, med, medium | Copy-friendly, 8 characters, symbols.\n"
" b, basic | 8 characters, no symbols.\n"
" s, short | Copy-friendly, 4 characters, no symbols.\n"
" i, pin | 4 numbers.\n"
@ -58,11 +60,15 @@ static void usage() {
" -p r, rec | Most significant word in security question.\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -f|F format The mpsites format to use for reading/writing site parameters.\n"
" -F forces the use of the given format, -f allows fallback/migration.\n"
" -F forces the use of the given format,"
" -f allows fallback/migration.\n"
" Defaults to json, falls back to plain.\n"
" f, flat | ~/.mpw.d/Full Name.%s\n"
" j, json | ~/.mpw.d/Full Name.%s\n\n",
mpw_marshall_format_extension( MPMarshallFormatFlat ), mpw_marshall_format_extension( MPMarshallFormatJSON ) );
inf( ""
" -R redacted Whether to save the mpsites in redacted format or not.\n"
" Defaults to 1, redacted.\n\n" );
inf( ""
" -v Increase output verbosity (can be repeated).\n"
" -q Decrease output verbosity (can be repeated).\n\n" );
@ -133,15 +139,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
MPKeyPurpose keyPurpose = MPKeyPurposeAuthentication;
MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion = MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent;
MPMarshallFormat sitesFormat = MPMarshallFormatDefault;
bool allowPasswordUpdate = false, sitesFormatFixed = false;
bool allowPasswordUpdate = false, sitesFormatFixed = false, sitesRedacted = true;
// Read the environment.
const char *fullNameArg = getenv( MP_env_fullName ), *masterPasswordArg = NULL;
const char *fullNameArg = getenv( MP_env_fullName ), *masterPasswordArg = NULL, *siteNameArg = NULL;
const char *passwordTypeArg = NULL, *siteCounterArg = NULL, *algorithmVersionArg = getenv( MP_env_algorithm );
const char *keyPurposeArg = NULL, *keyContextArg = NULL, *sitesFormatArg = NULL, *siteNameArg = NULL;
const char *keyPurposeArg = NULL, *keyContextArg = NULL, *sitesFormatArg = NULL, *sitesRedactedArg = NULL;
// Read the command-line options.
for (int opt; (opt = getopt( argc, argv, "u:U:P:t:c:a:p:C:f:F:vqh" )) != EOF;)
for (int opt; (opt = getopt( argc, argv, "u:U:P:t:c:a:p:C:f:F:R:vqh" )) != EOF;)
switch (opt) {
case 'u':
fullNameArg = optarg;
@ -178,6 +184,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
sitesFormatArg = optarg;
sitesFormatFixed = true;
case 'R':
sitesRedactedArg = optarg;
case 'v':
@ -218,6 +227,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
keyPurposeArg = keyPurposeArg && strlen( keyPurposeArg )? keyPurposeArg: NULL;
keyContextArg = keyContextArg && strlen( keyContextArg )? keyContextArg: NULL;
sitesFormatArg = sitesFormatArg && strlen( sitesFormatArg )? sitesFormatArg: NULL;
sitesRedactedArg = sitesRedactedArg && strlen( sitesRedactedArg )? sitesRedactedArg: NULL;
siteNameArg = siteNameArg && strlen( siteNameArg )? siteNameArg: NULL;
// Determine fullName, siteName & masterPassword.
@ -323,6 +333,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
masterPassword = strdup( user->masterPassword );
algorithmVersion = user->algorithm;
passwordType = user->defaultType;
sitesRedacted = user->redacted;
if (!sitesRedacted && !sitesRedactedArg)
wrn( "Sites configuration is not redacted. Use -R 1 to change this.\n" );
for (size_t s = 0; s < user->sites_count; ++s) {
site = &user->sites[s];
if (strcmp( siteName, site->name ) != 0) {
@ -339,6 +354,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
// Parse default/config-overriding command-line parameters.
if (sitesRedactedArg)
sitesRedacted = strcmp( sitesRedactedArg, "1" ) == 0;
if (siteCounterArg) {
long long int siteCounterInt = atoll( siteCounterArg );
if (siteCounterInt < 0 || siteCounterInt > UINT32_MAX) {
@ -447,6 +464,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
fprintf( stdout, "%s\n", sitePassword );
mpw_free_string( sitePassword );
if (site && site->url)
inf( "See: %s\n", site->url );
mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize );
mpw_free_string( siteName );
mpw_free_string( keyContext );
@ -488,6 +507,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
if (!sitesFormatFixed)
sitesFormat = MPMarshallFormatDefault;
user->redacted = sitesRedacted;
sitesPath = mpw_path( user->fullName, mpw_marshall_format_extension( sitesFormat ) );
dbg( "Updating: %s (%s)\n", sitesPath, mpw_nameForFormat( sitesFormat ) );