Improvement to distribution script and create release signature.

This commit is contained in:
Maarten Billemont 2017-04-06 15:04:15 -04:00
parent 21d5ef823f
commit b01e370fc0

View File

@ -2,19 +2,28 @@
set -e
cd "${BASH_SOURCE%/*}"
tag=$(git describe)
commit=$(git describe --long --dirty)
[[ $tag && $commit = $tag* ]] || exit 1
tag=$(git describe --match '*-cli*')
commit=$(git describe --long --dirty --match '*-cli*')
[[ $commit != *-dirty ]] || { echo >&2 "Tree is dirty, first commit any changes."; exit 1; }
git show --show-signature --pretty=format:%H --quiet "$tag" > VERSION
[[ -e $mpwArchive ]] && echo "WARNING: $mpwArchive already exists. Will overwrite."
[[ -e $mpwArchive ]] && echo >&2 "WARNING: $mpwArchive already exists. Will overwrite."
read -n1 -p "Will prepare and release $mpwArchive. Press a key to continue or ^C to abort."
echo "Creating archive $mpwArchive .."
git ls-files -z . | xargs -0 tar -Lcvzf "$mpwArchive"
echo "$mpwArchive ready, SHA256: $(openssl sha -sha256 < "$mpwArchive")"
echo "Creating archive signature $mpwArchive.sig .."
gpg --detach-sign "$mpwArchive"
echo "Installing archive and signature in current site .."
cd ../../public/site/current
ln -sf "../../../platform-independent/cli-c/$mpwArchive"; [[ -e $_ ]]
ln -sf "../../../platform-independent/cli-c/$mpwArchive.sig"; [[ -e $_ ]]
ln -sf "$mpwArchive" "masterpassword-cli.tar.gz"; [[ -e $_ ]]
echo "Linked from site, please update your hyperlinks to point to https://ssl.masterpasswordapp.com/$mpwArchive"
ln -sf "$mpwArchive.sig" "masterpassword-cli.tar.gz.sig"; [[ -e $_ ]]
echo "Done. Don't forget to publish the site."
echo "package: $mpwArchive"
echo "signature: $mpwArchive.sig"