Fixed icon and version references in Info.plist.

[FIXED]     Remove obsolete icon Info.plist keys.
[FIXED]     Auto-generated CFBundleVersion hash->decimal must be 9 digits long or version bump may end up lowering version number.
This commit is contained in:
Maarten Billemont 2013-09-17 00:13:21 -04:00
parent 07dd98823f
commit 7fd322a5c6
2 changed files with 1 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -27,12 +27,6 @@

View File

@ -3236,7 +3236,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = "/bin/bash -e";
shellScript = "PATH+=:/usr/libexec\n\naddPlistWithKey() {\n local key=$1 type=$2 value=$3 plist=${4:-\"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$INFOPLIST_PATH\"}\n \n PlistBuddy -c \"Delete :'$key'\" \"$plist\" 2>/dev/null || true\n PlistBuddy -c \"Add :'$key' '$type' '$value'\" \"$plist\"\n}\nsetPlistWithKey() {\n local key=$1 value=$2 plist=${3:-\"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$INFOPLIST_PATH\"}\n \n PlistBuddy -c \"Set :'$key' '$value'\" \"$plist\"\n}\ngetPlistWithKey() {\n local key=$1 plist=${2:-\"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$INFOPLIST_PATH\"}\n \n PlistBuddy -c \"Print :'$key'\" \"$plist\"\n}\nsetSettingWithTitle() {\n local i title=$1 value=$2 plist=${3:-\"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH/Settings.bundle/Root.plist\"}\n \n for (( i=0; 1; ++i )); do\n PlistBuddy -c \"Print :PreferenceSpecifiers:$i\" \"$plist\" &>/dev/null || break\n echo \"Checking preference specifier $i\"\n \n [[ $(PlistBuddy -c \"Print :PreferenceSpecifiers:$i:Title\" \"$plist\" 2>/dev/null) = $title ]] || continue\n \n echo \"Correct title, setting value.\"\n PlistBuddy -c \"Set :PreferenceSpecifiers:$i:DefaultValue $value\" \"$plist\"\n break\n done\n}\n\ndescription=$(git describe --always --dirty --long)\ncommit=${description##*-g} commit=$((0x$commit))\nversion=${description%-g*} version=${version//-/.}\n\naddPlistWithKey GITDescription string \"$description\"\nsetPlistWithKey CFBundleVersion \"${version//.}$commit\" # No separator between version and commit because I had already submitted a CFBundleVersion with a really high major. Cry.\nsetPlistWithKey CFBundleShortVersionString \"$version\"\n\nsetSettingWithTitle \"Build\" \"$commit\"\nsetSettingWithTitle \"Version\" \"$version\"\nsetSettingWithTitle \"Copyright\" \"$(getPlistWithKey NSHumanReadableCopyright)\"\n\nif [[ $DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION = YES ]]; then\n # This build is a release. Do some release checks.\n passed=1\n [[ $description != *-dirty ]] || \\\n { passed=0; echo >&2 \"ERROR: Cannot release a dirty version, first commit any changes.\"; }\n [[ $(PlistBuddy -c \"Print :'API Key'\" \"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH/Crashlytics.plist\") ]] || \\\n { passed=0; echo >&2 \"ERROR: Cannot release: Crashlytics API key is missing.\"; }\n [[ $(PlistBuddy -c \"Print :'ClientID'\" \"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH/Google+.plist\") ]] || \\\n { passed=0; echo >&2 \"ERROR: Cannot release: Google+ ClientID is missing.\"; }\n [[ $(PlistBuddy -c \"Print :'Key.distribution'\" \"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH/Localytics.plist\") ]] || \\\n { passed=0; echo >&2 \"ERROR: Cannot release: Localytics distribution key is missing.\"; }\n (( passed )) || \\\n { echo >&2 \"Failed to pass release checks. Fix the above errors and re-try. Aborting.\"; exit 1; }\nfi";
shellScript = "PATH+=:/usr/libexec\n\naddPlistWithKey() {\n local key=$1 type=$2 value=$3 plist=${4:-\"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$INFOPLIST_PATH\"}\n \n PlistBuddy -c \"Delete :'$key'\" \"$plist\" 2>/dev/null || true\n PlistBuddy -c \"Add :'$key' '$type' '$value'\" \"$plist\"\n}\nsetPlistWithKey() {\n local key=$1 value=$2 plist=${3:-\"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$INFOPLIST_PATH\"}\n \n PlistBuddy -c \"Set :'$key' '$value'\" \"$plist\"\n}\ngetPlistWithKey() {\n local key=$1 plist=${2:-\"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$INFOPLIST_PATH\"}\n \n PlistBuddy -c \"Print :'$key'\" \"$plist\"\n}\nsetSettingWithTitle() {\n local i title=$1 value=$2 plist=${3:-\"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH/Settings.bundle/Root.plist\"}\n \n for (( i=0; 1; ++i )); do\n PlistBuddy -c \"Print :PreferenceSpecifiers:$i\" \"$plist\" &>/dev/null || break\n echo \"Checking preference specifier $i\"\n \n [[ $(PlistBuddy -c \"Print :PreferenceSpecifiers:$i:Title\" \"$plist\" 2>/dev/null) = $title ]] || continue\n \n echo \"Correct title, setting value.\"\n PlistBuddy -c \"Set :PreferenceSpecifiers:$i:DefaultValue $value\" \"$plist\"\n break\n done\n}\n\ndescription=$(git describe --always --dirty --long)\nversion=${description%-g*} version=${version//-/.}\ncommit=\nprintf -v commit '%09d' \"$((16#${description##*-g}))\"\n\naddPlistWithKey GITDescription string \"$description\"\nsetPlistWithKey CFBundleVersion \"${version//.}$commit\" # No separator between version and commit because I had already submitted a CFBundleVersion with a really high major. Cry.\nsetPlistWithKey CFBundleShortVersionString \"$version\"\n\nsetSettingWithTitle \"Build\" \"$commit\"\nsetSettingWithTitle \"Version\" \"$version\"\nsetSettingWithTitle \"Copyright\" \"$(getPlistWithKey NSHumanReadableCopyright)\"\n\nif [[ $DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION = YES ]]; then\n # This build is a release. Do some release checks.\n passed=1\n [[ $description != *-dirty ]] || \\\n { passed=0; echo >&2 \"ERROR: Cannot release a dirty version, first commit any changes.\"; }\n [[ $(PlistBuddy -c \"Print :'API Key'\" \"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH/Crashlytics.plist\") ]] || \\\n { passed=0; echo >&2 \"ERROR: Cannot release: Crashlytics API key is missing.\"; }\n [[ $(PlistBuddy -c \"Print :'ClientID'\" \"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH/Google+.plist\") ]] || \\\n { passed=0; echo >&2 \"ERROR: Cannot release: Google+ ClientID is missing.\"; }\n [[ $(PlistBuddy -c \"Print :'Key.distribution'\" \"$BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR/$CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH/Localytics.plist\") ]] || \\\n { passed=0; echo >&2 \"ERROR: Cannot release: Localytics distribution key is missing.\"; }\n (( passed )) || \\\n { echo >&2 \"Failed to pass release checks. Fix the above errors and re-try. Aborting.\"; exit 1; }\nfi";
DAD3125D155288AA00A3F9ED /* Run Script: Crashlytics */ = {
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;