Updates to new site layout.
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# Site settings
title: Your awesome title
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description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this
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url: "http://yourdomain.com" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
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# Build settings
title: Master Password
email: info@masterpasswordapp.com
url: "http://masterpasswordapp.com"
github_username: Lyndir
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@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ nav: how
<section id="how">
<h1>How does it work?</h1>
<h2><img src="/img/password_offer.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/key-delivery/944292/" />
<h1>How do I use it?</h1>
<h2><img src="/img/password_offer_944292.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/key-delivery/944292/" />
One, two, enter.</h2>
<p>Good security depends on ease of use.</p>
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ nav: how
<p>Most browsers will then ask you to "save" the site's password. If you're comfortable with that, it's a good way of skipping the above steps and logging in even faster next time.</p>
<h2><img src="/img/getting_started.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/rocket/162761/" />
<h2><img src="/img/getting_started_162761.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/rocket/162761/" />
Getting started.</h2>
<p>As explained, Master Password is not a password manager or a vault. It is not made to hold your existing site passwords — that would violate the principles it stands for and break the advantages it offers over ordinary password managers.</p>
@ -52,4 +53,5 @@ nav: how
<p>When Robert created the site in Master Password, it copied the password to his pasteboard. Now, Robert just switches back to Safari and pastes his brand-new password he doesn't care to remember in twitter's password field. All done!</p>
<h2><img src="http://masterpasswordapp.com/img/thumb-iphone-types.png"></h2>
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<section id="intro">
<h2><img src="/img/frustrated.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/professor/625996/" />
Passwords are frustrating.</h2>
<p>We all struggle so hard, trying to keep our accounts secure.</p>
<p>But we're admittedly terrible at it, and what's more, we really don't <i>want</i> to have to bother with it.</p>
<p>There's a lot of noise about passwords lately. Accounts of popular people and friends alike getting hacked. Huge data leaks have become common news. And every time we're reminded of our need to be good virtual citizens — <q>keep good passwords</q>, <q>use unique passwords for every site</q>, <q>nothing predictable or simple</q>. How do we keep up?<br>And even more importantly so, how do we keep safe without sacrificing our freedom for that safety?</p>
<p>Do you really <i>have</i> passwords? Or does something or someone else <i>have</i> them for you?</p>
<h2><img src="/img/password_head.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/password/336886/" />
A password is something you know,<br>
not something you have.</h2>
<p>You walk up to the entrance of an invite-only night club.<br>
At the entrance, a large man, thick leather vest, stops you in your tracks. <q>Password, please?</q></p>
<p>Passwords are secrets which we are expected to remember. Writing passwords down is highly frowned upon — and rightly so. The secret leaves your head and is out in the open. It's like confiding in your friend, and then she goes and puts it in her diary, which anyone could find.</p>
<p>Things we know are things we can keep secret, they are locked away safely in our head where none can get to them.<br>
Things we have, car keys, a badge, the garage remote, are things we can lose or get stolen from us. We need to keep them safe, protected and always on-hand. This is a real hassle, and we don't want that headache for our dozens of passwords.</p>
<p>And yet, we are now expected by websites everywhere, to make and remember secret passwords for each of them, while also making them non-personal and unique? This is intolerable. No wonder many of us defect and write our passwords down wherever we can — often in the form of digital notes or password "vaults". But this is a panicked reaction to a problem we simply don't know how to handle:<br>The problem of passwords for everything.</p>
<h2><img src="/img/password_generate.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/expert/861293/" />
Know one password.<br>
Generate all the others.</h2>
<p>Master Password is the answer to the problem websites put on us.</p>
<p>Master Password is not a password manager. It is not a secure vault or a digital notebook. It is something else entirely, and yet something so simple.</p>
<p>Think of it, as a store-bought calculator. If your name was <code title="leet">1337</code>, your master password was <code title="lies">5317</code> and your site was named <code title="egg.lol">707.993</code>, take any calculator in the world and type in <code>1337 + 5317 + 707.993</code> to get your site's account password, <code>= 7361.993</code>.<br>
Master Password performs a similar but <i>cryptographically secure</i> operation, while making everything else easy for you.</p>
<p>Now, remember only your name and one password. Your master password. Forget everything else.</p>
<p>With Master Password you leave no passwords laying around. You no longer store passwords in commercial, proprietory apps and no longer send them off to the cloud. You are no longer tied to your laptop or the internet if you need to look one up. Even if a personal or natural catastrophe causes you loss, you can never lose your account passwords — all you ever need is your one and only master password and anyone's Master Password calculator.</p>
<!--section id="what">
<h1>Passwords are terrible,<br>
Password managers are too.</h1>
<img class="right" src="http://masterpasswordapp.com/img/thumb-iphone-broken.png">
Master Password is not a password manager.
<h2><img src="/img/password_forgot_882804.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/forget/882804/" />
What's your <input type="password" value="password" size="5">?</h2>
<p>Passwords have slowly become regarded as a "necessary evil" to having accounts online. We accept they are they way things are done and try to adapt.<br>
But upon reflection, we find that we've adapted quite poorly.<br>
<p>Sites everywhere expect us to come up with a secure and unique password for them. We try our best to compensate for this unrealistic demand; we keep track of passwords in note books, apps, on our computers, or we simplify them so we won't forget.<br>
<b>We've become symptomatic</b>.</p>
<h2><img src="/img/thinking_882797.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/thinking/882797/" />
The real issue.</h2>
<p>Humans are no good at remembering lots of passwords. But writing them down or saving them is dangerous, too.</p>
<p>Master Password avoids all the pitfalls: a cryptographic algorithm calculates your site's password for you, from thin air, only when you need it.<br>
When you're done, it throws the password out of memory, so it can't be stolen.</p>
Passwords have slowly become regarded as a "necessary evil" to having accounts online. We accept they are they way things are done and try to adapt. But upon inspection, we find that we do so very poorly.<br>
Master Password's unique approach makes you safer from loss, theft, problems with backups, sync, confiscation, snooping, and more.
Take a little test to see how Master Password can help you:
<p>Let's see how Master Password could help you:
<li class="item_toggler">
<input type="checkbox" id="mp_test_1">
<label for="mp_test_1">My accounts are not too well protected. I don't use cryptographically secure unique passwords for each site.</label>
<label for="mp_test_1">My passwords are pretty simple. Certainly not very complex or cryptographically opaque.</label>
<p class="toggle_item">
Master Password was designed to generate high-entropy cryptographically strong and unique passwords for each of your sites.<br>
Stop trying to think of good passwords for your sites and just use the password created for the site by Master Password. Your accounts will become as safe as they can be against hacks, hoaxes and leaks.
Humans are not good at thinking of strong passwords, use the password created for your site by Master Password. Your accounts will become as safe as they can be against hacks, hoaxes and leaks.
<li class="item_toggler">
<input type="checkbox" id="mp_test_2">
<label for="mp_test_2">I use an app to store and remember my passwords for me.</label>
<p class="toggle_item">
Master Password was designed to generate high-entropy cryptographically strong and unique passwords for each of your sites.<br>
Stop trying to think of good passwords for your sites and just use the password created for the site by Master Password. Your accounts will become as safe as they can be against hacks, hoaxes and leaks.
Password vaults come with many caveats and render you dependant upon your app and your phone. You could lose either, your device could be stolen or your data copied. And how much should we really be trusting the Cloud?<br>
Master Password operates completely off-line. It saves no secrets on your device, meaning there's nothing to lose or copy. Just like a store-bought calculator, you can lose it and replace it with a new one, and still get the exact same results, making you immune to loss.
<li class="item_toggler">
<input type="checkbox" id="mp_test_3">
<label for="mp_test_3">I keep my passwords in the cloud or get them from an internet site.</label>
<label for="mp_test_3">I keep my passwords in the cloud, or sync them between all of my devices.</label>
<p class="toggle_item">
Master Password was designed to generate high-entropy cryptographically strong and unique passwords for each of your sites.<br>
Stop trying to think of good passwords for your sites and just use the password created for the site by Master Password. Your accounts will become as safe as they can be against hacks, hoaxes and leaks.
It seems like every month we hear about a new high-profile data leak or foreign hack. How much can we really trust that our passwords are safe in the cloud?<br>
Master Password was designed to operate entirely off-line, keeping all of your secrets close to heart. They don't even get saved on your phone after you look them up, meaning there's nothing left to steal or confiscate. Take back control over your own identity.
<li class="item_toggler">
<input type="checkbox" id="mp_test_4">
<label for="mp_test_4">I share some of my accounts with friends or family.</label>
<p class="toggle_item">
Master Password was designed to generate high-entropy cryptographically strong and unique passwords for each of your sites.<br>
Stop trying to think of good passwords for your sites and just use the password created for the site by Master Password. Your accounts will become as safe as they can be against hacks, hoaxes and leaks.
Sharing passwords is a great way to give trusted people access to your accounts. But what happens when a relationship degrades? Especially if these passwords you shared were used for many of your accounts?<br>
Master Password is based on the principle that each account should have its own dedicated password. Sharing passwords is fine; if you need to rescind a password, all you need to do is increment the site's counter in Master Password and update the account with the new password we've generated for you, locking out the people you need no longer trust.
<li class="item_toggler">
<input type="checkbox" id="mp_test_5">
<label for="mp_test_5">My main struggle with passwords is remembering what they are.</label>
<p class="toggle_item">
Master Password was designed to generate high-entropy cryptographically strong and unique passwords for each of your sites.<br>
Stop trying to think of good passwords for your sites and just use the password created for the site by Master Password. Your accounts will become as safe as they can be against hacks, hoaxes and leaks.
This is the core problem with passwords: we need to be able to remember them.<br>
Master Password solves this by embracing the fact that it is impossible to remember passwords for sites. Instead, remember only one password: your master password. Use it only with your Master Password app to look up the key to use for logging into any site you like.
Master Password returns us to how passwords were supposed to be done.<br>
Instead of using the same password for every site, or using random passwords that need to be saved securely; Master Password does away with all of this, lets you remember only a single password, and doesn't make you depend on a website, your hard disk - not even the internet.
Master Password's unique approach makes you safer from loss, theft, problems with backups, sync, confiscation, snooping, and more.
<img class="left" src="http://masterpasswordapp.com/img/thumb-iphone-types.png">
How does it work?<br>
Instead of storing passwords in the app, Master Password acts as little more than a deterministic password calculator. You log in with your name and master password and the app gives you the passwords to use for your sites.
Nothing is stored on your phone - passwords are simply the result of a cryptographic algorithm. If your phone breaks down or is lost, you can use any other phone or app to get to your passwords: a friend's, spouse's or even stranger's, without needing internet access and without leaving your passwords behind anywhere after usage.<br>
If your phone is taken from you or copied, you can rest assured: your passwords aren't even on it.
Master Password needs to be adopted.<br>
Since using Master Password is completely different from using a password manager, adopting Master Password means you'll need to go through a phase of updating the passwords of your existing sites to secure Master Password-generated versions. Master Password for iOS and Mac currently support a hybrid mode that allows you to store custom passwords in the app, similar to regular password managers, but note that these types of passwords are not protected by the guarantees regular
Master Password protected account passwords have.
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
!function($){"use strict";var r=$("[data-paroller-factor]"),t={bgVertical:function(r,t){return r.css({"background-position":"center "+-t+"px"})},bgHorizontal:function(r,t){return r.css({"background-position":-t+"px center"})},vertical:function(r,t){return r.css({"-webkit-transform":"translateY("+t+"px)","-moz-transform":"translateY("+t+"px)",transform:"translateY("+t+"px)"})},horizontal:function(r,t){return r.css({"-webkit-transform":"translateX("+t+"px)","-moz-transform":"translateX("+t+"px)",transform:"translateX("+t+"px)"})}};$.fn.paroller=function(o){var a=$(window).height(),n=$(document).height(),o=$.extend({factor:0,type:"background",direction:"vertical"},o);r.each(function(){var r=$(this),e=r.offset().top,i=r.outerHeight(),c=r.data("paroller-factor"),l=r.data("paroller-type"),s=r.data("paroller-direction"),u=c?c:o.factor,f=l?l:o.type,d=s?s:o.direction,p=Math.round(e*u),h=Math.round((e-a/2+i)*u);"background"==f?"vertical"==d?t.bgVertical(r,p):"horizontal"==d&&t.bgHorizontal(r,p):"foreground"==f&&("vertical"==d?t.vertical(r,h):"horizontal"==d&&t.horizontal(r,h)),$(window).on("scroll",function(){var o=$(this).scrollTop();p=Math.round((e-o)*u),h=Math.round((e-a/2+i-o)*u),"background"==f?"vertical"==d?t.bgVertical(r,p):"horizontal"==d&&t.bgHorizontal(r,p):"foreground"==f&&n>o&&("vertical"==d?t.vertical(r,h):"horizontal"==d&&t.horizontal(r,h))})})}}(jQuery);
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
$(function() {
$("*[data-hero]").hover(function() {
let active = this;
$(this).parents("header").addClass( "hero_" + $(this).attr("data-hero") );
$("*[data-hero]").each(function() {
if (this != active)
$(this).parents("header").removeClass( "hero_" + $(this).attr("data-hero") );
var lhs = null;
var operator = null;
function calculator_apply() {
var display = $("#calculator input[type=text]");
if (lhs && operator == '-')
display.val(parseInt(lhs) - parseInt(display.val()));
else if (lhs && operator == '+')
display.val(parseInt(lhs) + parseInt(display.val()));
$("#calculator input[type=button]").click(function() {
var display = $("#calculator input[type=text]");
var value = $(this).val();
if (value == '-' || value == '+') {
if (operator == value && !display.val())
operator = null;
else {
operator = value;
lhs = display.val();
} else if (value == 'C') {
operator = null;
lhs = null;
} else if (value == '=')
display.val(display.val() + '' + value);
$("#calculator input").removeClass('selected');
if (operator)
$("#calculator input[value='" + operator + "']").addClass('selected');
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
layout: default
nav: what
<section id="intro">
<h1>What does it do?</h1>
<h2><img src="/img/password_generate_861293.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/expert/861293/" />
Know one password.<br>
Generate all the others.</h2>
<p>Master Password is the answer to the problem that websites have forced on us.</p>
<p>Master Password is not a password manager. It is not a secure vault or a digital notebook. It is something else entirely, and yet something so simple.</p>
<p>Think of it as, a store-bought calculator. If your name was <code title="leet">1337</code>, your master password was <code title="lies">5317</code> and your site was named <code title="lol">707</code>, take any calculator in the world and type in <code>1337 + 5317 + 707</code> to get your site's account password, <code>= 7361</code>.</p>
<div id="calculator">
<th colspan="4"><input type="text" disabled></th>
<input type="button" value="7">
<input type="button" value="8">
<input type="button" value="9">
<input type="button" value="-">
<input type="button" value="4">
<input type="button" value="5">
<input type="button" value="6">
<input type="button" value="+">
<input type="button" value="1">
<input type="button" value="2">
<input type="button" value="3">
<td rowspan="2">
<input type="button" value="=">
<td colspan="2">
<input type="button" value="0">
<input type="button" value="C">
<p>Can somebody steal your password? Just hit <input type="button" value="C" disabled>.<br>
What are you going to do if you forget your site's password? Just redo the math.<br>
What if you lose or break your device? Borrow a buddy's, get a new one, math is universal.<br>
Does a calculator need to sync with the cloud before you can use it? No, just remember your own name and master password.</p>
<p>This is the freedom Master Password gives you.<br>
Master Password performs a similar but <i>cryptographically secure</i> operation, while making everything else easy for you.</p>
<p>With Master Password you leave no passwords laying around. You no longer store passwords in commercial, proprietory apps and no longer send them off to the cloud. You are no longer tied to your laptop or the internet if you need to look one up. Even if a personal or natural catastrophe causes you loss, you can never lose your account passwords — all you ever need is your one and only secret master password and anyone's Master Password calculator app.</p>
<h2><img src="http://masterpasswordapp.com/img/thumb-iphone-types.png"></h2>
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
layout: default
nav: why
<section id="intro">
<h1>Why bother?</h1>
<h2><img src="/img/frustrated_625996.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/professor/625996/" />
Passwords are frustrating.</h2>
<p>We all struggle so hard, trying to keep our accounts secure.</p>
<p>But we're admittedly terrible at it, and what's more, we really don't <i>want</i> to have to bother with it.</p>
<p>There's a lot of noise about passwords lately. Accounts of popular people and friends alike getting hacked. Huge data leaks have become common news. And every time we're reminded of our need to be good virtual citizens — <q>keep good passwords</q>, <q>use unique passwords for every site</q>, <q>nothing predictable or simple</q>. How do we keep up?<br>And even more importantly so, how do we keep safe without sacrificing our freedom for that safety?</p>
<p>Do you really <i>have</i> passwords?<br>
Or does something or someone else <i>have</i> them for you?</p>
<h2><img src="/img/password_head_336886.svg" title="https://thenounproject.com/term/password/336886/" />
A password is something you know,<br>
not something you have.</h2>
<p>You walk up to the entrance of an invite-only night club.<br>
At the entrance, a large man, thick leather vest, stops you in your tracks. <q>Password, please?</q></p>
<p>Passwords are secrets which we are expected to remember. Writing passwords down is highly frowned upon — and rightly so. The secret leaves your head and is out in the open. It's like confiding in your friend, and then she goes and puts it in her diary, which anyone could find.</p>
<p>Things we <i>have</i> — car keys, a badge, the garage remote — are things we can lose or get stolen. We need to keep them safe, protected and always on-hand. This is a real hassle, and we don't want that headache for our dozens of passwords.<br>
Things we <i>know</i> are things we can keep secret, they are locked away safely in our head where none can get to them.</p>
<p>And yet, we are now expected by websites everywhere, to make and remember secret passwords for each of them, while also making them non-personal and unique? This is intolerable. No wonder many of us defect and write our passwords down wherever we can — often in the form of digital notes or password "vaults".</p>
<p>But this is a panicked reaction to a problem we simply don't know how to handle:<br>
<b>The problem of passwords for everything</b>.</p>
<h2><img src="http://masterpasswordapp.com/img/thumb-iphone-types.png"></h2>