More improvements to error handling.

This commit is contained in:
Maarten Billemont 2017-08-02 14:26:41 -04:00
parent 03080b9ccd
commit 10f2c107c6
7 changed files with 130 additions and 79 deletions

View File

@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ static const char *mpw_templateForType_v0(MPPasswordType type, uint16_t seedByte
static const char mpw_characterFromClass_v0(char characterClass, uint16_t seedByte) {
const char *classCharacters = mpw_charactersInClass( characterClass );
if (!classCharacters)
return '\0';
return classCharacters[seedByte % strlen( classCharacters )];
@ -131,9 +134,10 @@ static const char *mpw_sitePassword_v0(
const char *_siteKey = (const char *)siteKey;
const char *template = mpw_templateForType_v0( passwordType, htons( _siteKey[0] ) );
trc( "type %d, template: %s\n", passwordType, template );
if (!template)
return NULL;
if (strlen( template ) > MPSiteKeySize) {
ftl( "Template too long for password seed: %lu", strlen( template ) );
mpw_free( _siteKey, sizeof( _siteKey ) );
return NULL;

View File

@ -115,9 +115,10 @@ static const char *mpw_sitePassword_v1(
// Determine the template.
const char *template = mpw_templateForType( passwordType, siteKey[0] );
trc( "type %d, template: %s\n", passwordType, template );
if (!template)
return NULL;
if (strlen( template ) > MPSiteKeySize) {
ftl( "Template too long for password seed: %lu", strlen( template ) );
mpw_free( siteKey, sizeof( siteKey ) );
return NULL;

View File

@ -115,9 +115,10 @@ static const char *mpw_sitePassword_v2(
// Determine the template.
const char *template = mpw_templateForType( passwordType, siteKey[0] );
trc( "type %d, template: %s\n", passwordType, template );
if (!template)
return NULL;
if (strlen( template ) > MPSiteKeySize) {
ftl( "Template too long for password seed: %lu", strlen( template ) );
mpw_free( siteKey, sizeof( siteKey ) );
return NULL;

View File

@ -115,9 +115,10 @@ static const char *mpw_sitePassword_v3(
// Determine the template.
const char *template = mpw_templateForType( passwordType, siteKey[0] );
trc( "type %d, template: %s\n", passwordType, template );
if (!template)
return NULL;
if (strlen( template ) > MPSiteKeySize) {
ftl( "Template too long for password seed: %lu", strlen( template ) );
mpw_free( siteKey, sizeof( siteKey ) );
return NULL;

View File

@ -335,10 +335,10 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
// Parse import data.
MPMasterKey masterKey = NULL;
MPMarshalledUser *user = NULL;
unsigned int importFormat = 0, importAvatar = 0;
char *importUserName = NULL, *importKeyID = NULL, *importDate = NULL;
MPAlgorithmVersion importAlgorithm = MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent, masterKeyAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)-1;
MPPasswordType importDefaultType = MPPasswordTypeDefault;
unsigned int format = 0, avatar = 0;
char *fullName = NULL, *keyID = NULL;
MPAlgorithmVersion algorithm = MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent, masterKeyAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)-1;
MPPasswordType defaultType = MPPasswordTypeDefault;
bool headerStarted = false, headerEnded = false, importRedacted = false;
for (char *endOfLine, *positionInLine = in; (endOfLine = strstr( positionInLine, "\n" )); positionInLine = endOfLine + 1) {
@ -372,26 +372,31 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
if (strcmp( headerName, "Format" ) == 0)
importFormat = (unsigned int)atoi( headerValue );
if (strcmp( headerName, "Date" ) == 0)
importDate = strdup( headerValue );
format = (unsigned int)atoi( headerValue );
if (strcmp( headerName, "Full Name" ) == 0 || strcmp( headerName, "User Name" ) == 0)
importUserName = strdup( headerValue );
fullName = strdup( headerValue );
if (strcmp( headerName, "Avatar" ) == 0)
importAvatar = (unsigned int)atoi( headerValue );
avatar = (unsigned int)atoi( headerValue );
if (strcmp( headerName, "Key ID" ) == 0)
importKeyID = strdup( headerValue );
keyID = strdup( headerValue );
if (strcmp( headerName, "Algorithm" ) == 0) {
int importAlgorithmInt = atoi( headerValue );
if (importAlgorithmInt < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || importAlgorithmInt > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
int value = atoi( headerValue );
if (value < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || value > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
err( "Invalid algorithm version: %s\n", headerValue );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
importAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)importAlgorithmInt;
algorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)value;
if (strcmp( headerName, "Default Type" ) == 0) {
int value = atoi( headerValue );
if (!mpw_nameForType( (MPPasswordType)value )) {
err( "Invalid user default type: %s\n", headerValue );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
defaultType = (MPPasswordType)value;
if (strcmp( headerName, "Default Type" ) == 0)
importDefaultType = (MPPasswordType)atoi( headerValue );
if (strcmp( headerName, "Passwords" ) == 0)
importRedacted = strcmp( headerValue, "VISIBLE" ) != 0;
@ -401,7 +406,7 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
if (!headerEnded)
if (!importUserName) {
if (!fullName) {
err( "Missing header: Full Name\n" );
*error = MPMarshallErrorMissing;
return NULL;
@ -410,52 +415,52 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
if (!user) {
if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, importAlgorithm, importUserName, masterPassword )) {
if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, algorithm, fullName, masterPassword )) {
err( "Couldn't derive master key.\n" );
return NULL;
if (importKeyID && !mpw_id_buf_equals( importKeyID, mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) )) {
err( "Incorrect master password for user import file: %s != %s\n", importKeyID, mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) );
if (keyID && !mpw_id_buf_equals( keyID, mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) )) {
err( "Incorrect master password for user import file: %s != %s\n", keyID, mpw_id_buf( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize ) );
*error = MPMarshallErrorMasterPassword;
return NULL;
if (!(user = mpw_marshall_user( importUserName, masterPassword, importAlgorithm ))) {
if (!(user = mpw_marshall_user( fullName, masterPassword, algorithm ))) {
err( "Couldn't allocate a new user.\n" );
return NULL;
user->redacted = importRedacted;
user->avatar = importAvatar;
user->defaultType = importDefaultType;
user->avatar = avatar;
user->defaultType = defaultType;
// Site
char *siteLastUsed = NULL, *siteUses = NULL, *siteType = NULL, *siteAlgorithm = NULL, *siteCounter = NULL;
char *siteLoginName = NULL, *siteName = NULL, *siteContent = NULL;
switch (importFormat) {
char *str_lastUsed = NULL, *str_uses = NULL, *str_type = NULL, *str_algorithm = NULL, *str_counter = NULL;
switch (format) {
case 0: {
siteLastUsed = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
siteUses = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
str_lastUsed = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
str_uses = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
char *typeAndVersion = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
if (typeAndVersion) {
siteType = strdup( strtok( typeAndVersion, ":" ) );
siteAlgorithm = strdup( strtok( NULL, "" ) );
str_type = strdup( strtok( typeAndVersion, ":" ) );
str_algorithm = strdup( strtok( NULL, "" ) );
mpw_free_string( typeAndVersion );
siteCounter = strdup( "1" );
str_counter = strdup( "1" );
siteLoginName = NULL;
siteName = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, "\t\n" );
siteContent = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, "\n" );
case 1: {
siteLastUsed = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
siteUses = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
str_lastUsed = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
str_uses = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
char *typeAndVersionAndCounter = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, " \t\n" );
if (typeAndVersionAndCounter) {
siteType = strdup( strtok( typeAndVersionAndCounter, ":" ) );
siteAlgorithm = strdup( strtok( NULL, ":" ) );
siteCounter = strdup( strtok( NULL, "" ) );
str_type = strdup( strtok( typeAndVersionAndCounter, ":" ) );
str_algorithm = strdup( strtok( NULL, ":" ) );
str_counter = strdup( strtok( NULL, "" ) );
mpw_free_string( typeAndVersionAndCounter );
siteLoginName = mpw_get_token( &positionInLine, endOfLine, "\t\n" );
@ -464,33 +469,46 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
default: {
err( "Unexpected import format: %u\n", importFormat );
err( "Unexpected import format: %u\n", format );
*error = MPMarshallErrorFormat;
return NULL;
if (siteName && siteType && siteCounter && siteAlgorithm && siteUses && siteLastUsed) {
MPAlgorithmVersion siteAlgorithmInt = (MPAlgorithmVersion)atoi( siteAlgorithm );
if (siteAlgorithmInt < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || siteAlgorithmInt > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
err( "Invalid site algorithm version: %u\n", siteAlgorithmInt );
if (siteName && str_type && str_counter && str_algorithm && str_uses && str_lastUsed) {
MPPasswordType siteType = (MPPasswordType)atoi( str_type );
if (!mpw_nameForType( siteType )) {
err( "Invalid site algorithm version: %s: %s\n", siteName, str_type );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
int value = atoi( str_algorithm );
if (value < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || value > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
err( "Invalid site algorithm version: %s: %s\n", siteName, str_algorithm );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
MPAlgorithmVersion siteAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)value;
time_t siteLastUsed = mpw_mktime( str_lastUsed );
if (!siteLastUsed) {
err( "Invalid site last used date: %s: %s\n", siteName, str_lastUsed );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
MPMarshalledSite *site = mpw_marshall_site( user, siteName,
(MPPasswordType)atoi( siteType ), (uint32_t)atoi( siteCounter ), siteAlgorithmInt );
MPMarshalledSite *site = mpw_marshall_site(
user, siteName, siteType, (uint32_t)atoi( str_counter ), siteAlgorithm );
if (!site) {
err( "Couldn't allocate a new site.\n" );
return NULL;
site->loginName = siteLoginName? strdup( siteLoginName ): NULL;
site->uses = (unsigned int)atoi( siteUses );
site->lastUsed = mpw_mktime( siteLastUsed );
site->uses = (unsigned int)atoi( str_uses );
site->lastUsed = siteLastUsed;
if (siteContent && strlen( siteContent )) {
if (user->redacted) {
if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, site->algorithm, importUserName, masterPassword )) {
if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, site->algorithm, fullName, masterPassword )) {
err( "Couldn't derive master key.\n" );
return NULL;
@ -504,20 +522,19 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_flat(
wrn( "Skipping: lastUsed=%s, uses=%s, type=%s, version=%s, counter=%s, loginName=%s, siteName=%s\n",
siteLastUsed, siteUses, siteType, siteAlgorithm, siteCounter, siteLoginName, siteName );
str_lastUsed, str_uses, str_type, str_algorithm, str_counter, siteLoginName, siteName );
mpw_free_string( siteLastUsed );
mpw_free_string( siteUses );
mpw_free_string( siteType );
mpw_free_string( siteAlgorithm );
mpw_free_string( siteCounter );
mpw_free_string( str_lastUsed );
mpw_free_string( str_uses );
mpw_free_string( str_type );
mpw_free_string( str_algorithm );
mpw_free_string( str_counter );
mpw_free_string( siteLoginName );
mpw_free_string( siteName );
mpw_free_string( siteContent );
mpw_free_string( importUserName );
mpw_free_string( importKeyID );
mpw_free_string( importDate );
mpw_free_string( fullName );
mpw_free_string( keyID );
mpw_free( masterKey, MPMasterKeySize );
*error = MPMarshallSuccess;
@ -552,21 +569,31 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_json(
return NULL;
bool fileRedacted = mpw_get_json_boolean( json_file, "export.redacted", true );
//const char *fileDate = mpw_get_json_string( json_file, "export.date", NULL ); // unused
// Section: "user"
unsigned int avatar = (unsigned int)mpw_get_json_int( json_file, "user.avatar", 0 );
const char *fullName = mpw_get_json_string( json_file, "user.full_name", NULL );
const char *lastUsed = mpw_get_json_string( json_file, "user.last_used", NULL );
const char *str_lastUsed = mpw_get_json_string( json_file, "user.last_used", NULL );
const char *keyID = mpw_get_json_string( json_file, "user.key_id", NULL );
MPAlgorithmVersion algorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)mpw_get_json_int( json_file, "user.algorithm", MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent );
if (algorithm < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || algorithm > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
err( "Invalid user algorithm version: %u\n", algorithm );
int value = mpw_get_json_int( json_file, "user.algorithm", MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent );
if (value < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || value > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
err( "Invalid user algorithm version: %u\n", value );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
MPAlgorithmVersion algorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)value;
MPPasswordType defaultType = (MPPasswordType)mpw_get_json_int( json_file, "user.default_type", MPPasswordTypeDefault );
if (!mpw_nameForType( defaultType )) {
err( "Invalid user default type: %u\n", defaultType );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
time_t lastUsed = mpw_mktime( str_lastUsed );
if (!lastUsed) {
err( "Invalid last used date: %s\n", str_lastUsed );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
if (!fullName || !strlen( fullName )) {
err( "Missing value for full name.\n" );
*error = MPMarshallErrorMissing;
@ -585,29 +612,40 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_json(
err( "Couldn't allocate a new user.\n" );
return NULL;
user->redacted = fileRedacted;
user->avatar = avatar;
user->defaultType = defaultType;
user->lastUsed = mpw_mktime( lastUsed );
user->lastUsed = lastUsed;
// Section "sites"
json_object_iter json_site;
json_object *json_sites = mpw_get_json_section( json_file, "sites" );
json_object_object_foreachC( json_sites, json_site ) {
MPPasswordType siteType = (MPPasswordType)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "type", (int)user->defaultType );
uint32_t siteCounter = (uint32_t)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "counter", 1 );
MPAlgorithmVersion siteAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "algorithm", (int)user->algorithm );
if (siteAlgorithm < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || siteAlgorithm > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
err( "Invalid site algorithm version: %u\n", siteAlgorithm );
value = mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "algorithm", (int)user->algorithm );
if (value < MPAlgorithmVersionFirst || value > MPAlgorithmVersionLast) {
err( "Invalid site algorithm version: %u\n", value );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
MPAlgorithmVersion siteAlgorithm = (MPAlgorithmVersion)value;
MPPasswordType siteType = (MPPasswordType)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "type", (int)user->defaultType );
if (!mpw_nameForType( siteType )) {
err( "Invalid site type: %u\n", siteType );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
uint32_t siteCounter = (uint32_t)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "counter", 1 );
const char *siteContent = mpw_get_json_string( json_site.val, "password", NULL );
const char *siteLoginName = mpw_get_json_string( json_site.val, "login_name", NULL );
bool siteLoginGenerated = mpw_get_json_boolean( json_site.val, "login_generated", false );
unsigned int siteUses = (unsigned int)mpw_get_json_int( json_site.val, "uses", 0 );
const char *siteLastUsed = mpw_get_json_string( json_site.val, "last_used", NULL );
str_lastUsed = mpw_get_json_string( json_site.val, "last_used", NULL );
time_t siteLastUsed = mpw_mktime( str_lastUsed );
if (!siteLastUsed) {
err( "Invalid last used date: %s\n", str_lastUsed );
*error = MPMarshallErrorIllegal;
return NULL;
json_object *json_site_mpw = mpw_get_json_section( json_site.val, "_ext_mpw" );
const char *siteURL = mpw_get_json_string( json_site_mpw, "url", NULL );
@ -622,7 +660,7 @@ static MPMarshalledUser *mpw_marshall_read_json(
site->loginGenerated = siteLoginGenerated;
site->url = siteURL? strdup( siteURL ): NULL;
site->uses = siteUses;
site->lastUsed = mpw_mktime( siteLastUsed );
site->lastUsed = siteLastUsed;
if (siteContent && strlen( siteContent )) {
if (user->redacted) {
if (!mpw_update_masterKey( &masterKey, &masterKeyAlgorithm, site->algorithm, fullName, masterPassword )) {

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ const char *mpw_nameForType(MPPasswordType passwordType) {
return "device";
default: {
ftl( "Unknown password type: %d", passwordType );
return "";
return NULL;
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ const char *mpw_templateForType(MPPasswordType type, uint8_t seedByte) {
const char **templates = mpw_templatesForType( type, &count );
char const *template = templates && count? templates[seedByte % count]: NULL;
free( templates );
return template;
@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ const char *mpw_nameForPurpose(MPKeyPurpose purpose) {
return "recovery";
default: {
ftl( "Unknown purpose: %d", purpose );
return "";
return NULL;
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ const char *mpw_scopeForPurpose(MPKeyPurpose purpose) {
return "com.lyndir.masterpassword.answer";
default: {
ftl( "Unknown purpose: %d", purpose );
return "";
return NULL;
@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ const char *mpw_charactersInClass(char characterClass) {
return " ";
default: {
ftl( "Unknown character class: %c", characterClass );
return "";
return NULL;
@ -240,5 +241,8 @@ const char *mpw_charactersInClass(char characterClass) {
const char mpw_characterFromClass(char characterClass, uint8_t seedByte) {
const char *classCharacters = mpw_charactersInClass( characterClass );
if (!classCharacters)
return '\0';
return classCharacters[seedByte % strlen( classCharacters )];

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ int mpw_verbosity = inf_level;
bool mpw_push_buf(uint8_t **const buffer, size_t *const bufferSize, const void *pushBuffer, const size_t pushSize) {
if (!buffer || !*buffer || !bufferSize || !pushBuffer || !pushSize)
return false;
if (*bufferSize == (size_t)-1)
// The buffer was marked as broken, it is missing a previous push. Abort to avoid corrupt content.
return false;
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ bool mpw_push_buf(uint8_t **const buffer, size_t *const bufferSize, const void *
bool mpw_push_string(uint8_t **buffer, size_t *const bufferSize, const char *pushString) {
return mpw_push_buf( buffer, bufferSize, pushString, strlen( pushString ) );
return pushString && mpw_push_buf( buffer, bufferSize, pushString, strlen( pushString ) );
bool mpw_push_int(uint8_t **const buffer, size_t *const bufferSize, const uint32_t pushInt) {
@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ static unsigned int mpw_hex_buf_i = 0;
const char *mpw_hex(const void *buf, size_t length) {
// FIXME: Not thread-safe
if (!mpw_hex_buf) {
mpw_hex_buf = malloc( 10 * sizeof( char * ) );
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
@ -288,7 +290,7 @@ static int mpw_utf8_sizeof(unsigned char utf8Byte) {
const size_t mpw_utf8_strlen(const char *utf8String) {
// TODO: is this ever different from strlen?
// TODO: is this ever different from strlen? If not, remove.
size_t charlen = 0;
char *remainingString = (char *)utf8String;
for (int charByteSize; (charByteSize = mpw_utf8_sizeof( (unsigned char)*remainingString )); remainingString += charByteSize)