externNSString*constTFOptionDisableInAppUpdates;// Defaults to @NO. Setting to @YES, disables the in app update screen shown in BETA apps when there is a new version available on TestFlight.
externNSString*constTFOptionFlushSecondsInterval;// Defaults to @60. Set to a number. @0 turns off the flush timer. 30 seconds is the minimum flush interval.
externNSString*constTFOptionLogOnCheckpoint;// Defaults to @YES. Because logging is synchronous, if you have a high preformance app, you might want to turn this off.
externNSString*constTFOptionLogToConsole;// Defaults to @YES. Prints remote logs to Apple System Log.
externNSString*constTFOptionLogToSTDERR;// Defaults to @YES. Sends remote logs to STDERR when debugger is attached.
externNSString*constTFOptionReinstallCrashHandlers;// If set to @YES: Reinstalls crash handlers, to be used if a third party library installs crash handlers overtop of the TestFlight Crash Handlers.
externNSString*constTFOptionReportCrashes;// Defaults to @YES. If set to @NO, crash handlers are never installed. Must be set **before** calling `takeOff:`.
externNSString*constTFOptionSendLogOnlyOnCrash;// Defaults to @NO. Setting to @YES stops remote logs from being sent when sessions end. They would only be sent in the event of a crash.
externNSString*constTFOptionSessionKeepAliveTimeout;// Defaults to @30. This is the amount of time a user can leave the app for and still continue the same session when they come back. If they are away from the app for longer, a new session is created when they come back. Must be a number. Change to @0 to turn off.