
523 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// This file is part of Master Password.
// Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Maarten Billemont.
// Master Password is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Master Password is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License in the
// LICENSE file. Alternatively, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <json-c/json.h>
#include "mpw-marshall.h"
#include "mpw-util.h"
MPMarshalledUser mpw_marshall_user(
const char *fullName, MPMasterKey masterKey, const MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion) {
return (MPMarshalledUser){
.name = fullName,
.key = masterKey,
.version = algorithmVersion,
.avatar = 0,
.defaultType = MPSiteTypeGeneratedLong,
.lastUsed = 0,
.sites_count = 0,
.sites = NULL,
MPMarshalledSite mpw_marshall_site(
MPMarshalledUser *marshalledUser,
const char *siteName, const MPSiteType siteType, const uint32_t siteCounter, const MPAlgorithmVersion algorithmVersion) {
marshalledUser->sites = realloc( marshalledUser->sites, marshalledUser->sites_count + 1 );
return marshalledUser->sites[marshalledUser->sites_count++] = (MPMarshalledSite){
.name = siteName,
.type = siteType,
.counter = siteCounter,
.version = algorithmVersion,
.loginName = NULL,
.loginGenerated = 0,
.url = NULL,
.uses = 0,
.lastUsed = 0,
.questions_count = 0,
.questions = NULL,
MPMarshalledQuestion mpw_marshal_question(
MPMarshalledSite *marshalledSite, const char *keyword) {
marshalledSite->questions = realloc( marshalledSite->questions, marshalledSite->questions_count + 1 );
return marshalledSite->questions[marshalledSite->questions_count++] = (MPMarshalledQuestion){
.keyword = keyword,
#define try_asprintf(...) ({ if (asprintf( __VA_ARGS__ ) < 0) return false; })
bool mpw_marshall_write_flat(
char **out, bool redacted, const MPMarshalledUser *marshalledUser) {
try_asprintf( out, "# Master Password site export\n" );
if (redacted)
try_asprintf( out, "# Export of site names and passwords in clear-text.\n" );
try_asprintf( out, "# Export of site names and stored passwords (unless device-private) encrypted with the master key.\n" );
try_asprintf( out, "# \n" );
try_asprintf( out, "##\n" );
try_asprintf( out, "# Format: %d\n", 1 );
size_t dateSize = 21;
char dateString[dateSize];
time_t now = time( NULL );
if (strftime( dateString, dateSize, "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'", gmtime( &now ) ))
try_asprintf( out, "# Date: %s\n", dateString );
try_asprintf( out, "# User Name: %s\n", marshalledUser->name );
try_asprintf( out, "# Full Name: %s\n", marshalledUser->name );
try_asprintf( out, "# Avatar: %u\n", marshalledUser->avatar );
try_asprintf( out, "# Key ID: %s\n", mpw_id_buf( marshalledUser->key, MPMasterKeySize ) );
try_asprintf( out, "# Algorithm: %d\n", marshalledUser->version );
try_asprintf( out, "# Default Type: %d\n", marshalledUser->defaultType );
try_asprintf( out, "# Passwords: %s\n", redacted? "PROTECTED": "VISIBLE" );
try_asprintf( out, "##\n" );
try_asprintf( out, "#\n" );
try_asprintf( out, "# Last Times Password Login\t Site\tSite\n" );
try_asprintf( out, "# used used type name\t name\tpassword\n" );
// Sites.
for (int s = 0; s < marshalledUser->sites_count; ++s) {
MPMarshalledSite site = marshalledUser->sites[s];
const char *content = NULL;
if (!redacted && site.type & MPSiteTypeClassGenerated)
content = mpw_passwordForSite( marshalledUser->key, site.name, site.type, site.counter,
MPSiteVariantPassword, NULL, site.version );
// TODO: Personal Passwords
if (strftime( dateString, dateSize, "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'", gmtime( &site.lastUsed ) ))
try_asprintf( out, "%s %8ld %lu:%lu:%lu %25s\t%25s\t%s\n",
dateString, (long)site.uses, (long)site.type, (long)site.version, (long)site.counter,
site.loginName?: "", site.name, content?: "" );
return true;
bool mpw_marshall_write_json(
char **out, bool redacted, const MPMarshalledUser *marshalledUser) {
json_object *json_out = json_object_new_object();
// Section: "export"
json_object *json_export = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_out, "export", json_export );
json_object_object_add( json_export, "format", json_object_new_int( 1 ) );
json_object_object_add( json_export, "redacted", json_object_new_boolean( redacted ) );
size_t dateSize = 21;
char dateString[dateSize];
time_t now = time( NULL );
if (strftime( dateString, dateSize, "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'", gmtime( &now ) ))
json_object_object_add( json_export, "date", json_object_new_string( dateString ) );
json_object_put( json_export );
// Section: "user"
json_object *json_user = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_out, "user", json_user );
json_object_object_add( json_user, "avatar", json_object_new_int( marshalledUser->avatar ) );
json_object_object_add( json_user, "full_name", json_object_new_string( marshalledUser->name ) );
if (strftime( dateString, dateSize, "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'", gmtime( &marshalledUser->lastUsed ) ))
json_object_object_add( json_user, "last_used", json_object_new_string( dateString ) );
json_object_object_add( json_user, "key_id", json_object_new_string( mpw_id_buf( marshalledUser->key, MPMasterKeySize ) ) );
json_object_object_add( json_user, "algorithm", json_object_new_int( marshalledUser->version ) );
json_object_object_add( json_user, "default_type", json_object_new_int( marshalledUser->defaultType ) );
json_object_put( json_user );
// Section "sites"
json_object *json_sites = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_out, "sites", json_sites );
for (int s = 0; s < marshalledUser->sites_count; ++s) {
MPMarshalledSite site = marshalledUser->sites[s];
const char *content = site.content;
if (!redacted && site.type & MPSiteTypeClassGenerated)
content = mpw_passwordForSite( marshalledUser->key, site.name, site.type, site.counter,
MPSiteVariantPassword, NULL, site.version );
// TODO: Personal Passwords
//else if (redacted && content)
// content = aes128_cbc( marshalledUser->key, content );
json_object *json_site = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_sites, site.name, json_site );
json_object_object_add( json_site, "type", json_object_new_int( site.type ) );
json_object_object_add( json_site, "counter", json_object_new_int( site.counter ) );
json_object_object_add( json_site, "algorithm", json_object_new_int( site.version ) );
if (content)
json_object_object_add( json_site, "password", json_object_new_string( content ) );
json_object_object_add( json_site, "login_name", json_object_new_string( site.loginName?: "" ) );
json_object_object_add( json_site, "login_generated", json_object_new_boolean( site.loginGenerated ) );
json_object_object_add( json_site, "uses", json_object_new_int( site.uses ) );
if (strftime( dateString, dateSize, "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'", gmtime( &site.lastUsed ) ))
json_object_object_add( json_site, "last_used", json_object_new_string( dateString ) );
json_object *json_site_questions = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_site, "questions", json_site_questions );
for (int q = 0; q < site.questions_count; ++q) {
MPMarshalledQuestion question = site.questions[q];
json_object *json_site_question = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_site_questions, question.keyword, json_site_question );
if (!redacted)
json_object_object_add( json_site_question, "answer", json_object_new_string(
mpw_passwordForSite( marshalledUser->key, site.name, MPSiteTypeGeneratedPhrase, 1,
MPSiteVariantAnswer, question.keyword, site.version ) ) );
json_object_put( json_site_question );
json_object_put( json_site_questions );
json_object *json_site_mpw = json_object_new_object();
json_object_object_add( json_site, "_ext_mpw", json_site_mpw );
json_object_object_add( json_site_mpw, "url", json_object_new_string( site.url ) );
json_object_put( json_site_mpw );
json_object_put( json_site );
json_object_put( json_sites );
try_asprintf( out, "%s\n", json_object_to_json_string_ext( json_out, JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY ) );
json_object_put( json_out );
return true;
bool mpw_marshall_write(
char **out, const MPMarshallFormat outFormat, bool redacted,
const MPMarshalledUser *marshalledUser) {
switch (outFormat) {
case MPMarshallFormatFlat:
return mpw_marshall_write_flat( out, redacted, marshalledUser );
case MPMarshallFormatJSON:
return mpw_marshall_write_json( out, redacted, marshalledUser );
return false;
MPMarshalledUser mpw_marshall_read_flat(
char *in) {
// // Compile patterns.
// static NSRegularExpression *headerPattern;
// static NSArray *sitePatterns;
// NSError *error = NULL;
// if (!headerPattern) {
// headerPattern = [[NSRegularExpression alloc]
// initWithPattern:"^#[[:space:]]*([^:]+): (.*)"
// options:(NSRegularExpressionOptions)0 error:&error];
// if (error) {
// MPError( error, "Error loading the header pattern." );
// return MPImportResultInternalError;
// }
// }
// if (!sitePatterns) {
// sitePatterns = @[
// [[NSRegularExpression alloc] // Format 0
// initWithPattern:"^([^ ]+) +([[:digit:]]+) +([[:digit:]]+)(:[[:digit:]]+)? +([^\t]+)\t(.*)"
// options:(NSRegularExpressionOptions)0 error:&error],
// [[NSRegularExpression alloc] // Format 1
// initWithPattern:"^([^ ]+) +([[:digit:]]+) +([[:digit:]]+)(:[[:digit:]]+)?(:[[:digit:]]+)? +([^\t]*)\t *([^\t]+)\t(.*)"
// options:(NSRegularExpressionOptions)0 error:&error]
// ];
// if (error) {
// MPError( error, "Error loading the site patterns." );
// return MPImportResultInternalError;
// }
// }
// Parse import data.
int importFormat = 0;
MPMarshalledUser user;
int importAvatar = -1;
int importKeyID;
char *importUserName = NULL;
MPAlgorithmVersion importAlgorithm = MPAlgorithmVersionCurrent;
MPSiteType importDefaultType = (MPSiteType)0;
bool headerStarted = false, headerEnded = false, clearText = false;
// NSMutableSet *sitesToDelete = [NSMutableSet set];
// NSMutableArray *importedSiteSites = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[importedSiteLines count]];
// NSFetchRequest *siteFetchRequest = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:NSStringFromClass( [MPSiteEntity class] )];
// for (NSString *importedSiteLine in importedSiteLines) {
// if ([importedSiteLine hasPrefix:"#"]) {
// // Comment or header
// if (!headerStarted) {
// if ([importedSiteLine isEqualToString:"##"])
// headerStarted = YES;
// continue;
// }
// if (headerEnded)
// continue;
// if ([importedSiteLine isEqualToString:"##"]) {
// headerEnded = YES;
// continue;
// }
// // Header
// if ([headerPattern numberOfMatchesInString:importedSiteLine options:(NSMatchingOptions)0
// range:NSMakeRange( 0, [importedSiteLine length] )] != 1) {
// err( "Invalid header format in line: %", importedSiteLine );
// return MPImportResultMalformedInput;
// }
// NSTextCheckingResult *headerSites = [[headerPattern matchesInString:importedSiteLine options:(NSMatchingOptions)0
// range:NSMakeRange( 0, [importedSiteLine length] )] lastObject];
// NSString *headerName = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[headerSites rangeAtIndex:1]];
// NSString *headerValue = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[headerSites rangeAtIndex:2]];
// if ([headerName isEqualToString:"Format"]) {
// importFormat = (NSUInteger)[headerValue integerValue];
// if (importFormat >= [sitePatterns count]) {
// err( "Unsupported import format: %lu", (unsigned long)importFormat );
// return MPImportResultInternalError;
// }
// }
// if (([headerName isEqualToString:"User Name"] || [headerName isEqualToString:"Full Name"]) && !importUserName) {
// importUserName = headerValue;
// NSFetchRequest *userFetchRequest = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:NSStringFromClass( [MPUserEntity class] )];
// userFetchRequest.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:"name == %", importUserName];
// NSArray *users = [context executeFetchRequest:userFetchRequest error:&error];
// if (!users) {
// MPError( error, "While looking for user: %@.", importUserName );
// return MPImportResultInternalError;
// }
// if ([users count] > 1) {
// err( "While looking for user: %@, found more than one: %lu", importUserName, (unsigned long)[users count] );
// return MPImportResultInternalError;
// }
// user = [users lastObject];
// dbg( "Existing user? %", [user debugDescription] );
// }
// if ([headerName isEqualToString:"Avatar"])
// importAvatar = (NSUInteger)[headerValue integerValue];
// if ([headerName isEqualToString:"Key ID"])
// importKeyID = [headerValue decodeHex];
// if ([headerName isEqualToString:"Version"]) {
// importBundleVersion = headerValue;
// importAlgorithm = MPAlgorithmDefaultForBundleVersion( importBundleVersion );
// }
// if ([headerName isEqualToString:"Algorithm"])
// importAlgorithm = MPAlgorithmForVersion( (MPAlgorithmVersion)[headerValue integerValue] );
// if ([headerName isEqualToString:"Default Type"])
// importDefaultType = (MPSiteType)[headerValue integerValue];
// if ([headerName isEqualToString:"Passwords"]) {
// if ([headerValue isEqualToString:"VISIBLE"])
// clearText = YES;
// }
// continue;
// }
// if (!headerEnded)
// continue;
// if (![importUserName length])
// return MPImportResultMalformedInput;
// if (![importedSiteLine length])
// continue;
// // Site
// NSRegularExpression *sitePattern = sitePatterns[importFormat];
// if ([sitePattern numberOfMatchesInString:importedSiteLine options:(NSMatchingOptions)0
// range:NSMakeRange( 0, [importedSiteLine length] )] != 1) {
// err( "Invalid site format in line: %", importedSiteLine );
// return MPImportResultMalformedInput;
// }
// NSTextCheckingResult *siteElements = [[sitePattern matchesInString:importedSiteLine options:(NSMatchingOptions)0
// range:NSMakeRange( 0, [importedSiteLine length] )] lastObject];
// NSString *lastUsed, *uses, *type, *version, *counter, *siteName, *loginName, *exportContent;
// switch (importFormat) {
// case 0:
// lastUsed = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:1]];
// uses = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:2]];
// type = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:3]];
// version = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:4]];
// if ([version length])
// version = [version substringFromIndex:1]; // Strip the leading colon.
// counter = "";
// loginName = "";
// siteName = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:5]];
// exportContent = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:6]];
// break;
// case 1:
// lastUsed = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:1]];
// uses = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:2]];
// type = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:3]];
// version = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:4]];
// if ([version length])
// version = [version substringFromIndex:1]; // Strip the leading colon.
// counter = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:5]];
// if ([counter length])
// counter = [counter substringFromIndex:1]; // Strip the leading colon.
// loginName = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:6]];
// siteName = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:7]];
// exportContent = [importedSiteLine substringWithRange:[siteElements rangeAtIndex:8]];
// break;
// default:
// err( "Unexpected import format: %lu", (unsigned long)importFormat );
// return MPImportResultInternalError;
// }
// // Find existing site.
// if (user) {
// siteFetchRequest.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:"name == %@ AND user == %", siteName, user];
// NSArray *existingSites = [context executeFetchRequest:siteFetchRequest error:&error];
// if (!existingSites) {
// MPError( error, "Lookup of existing sites failed for site: %@, user: %@.", siteName, user.userID );
// return MPImportResultInternalError;
// }
// if ([existingSites count]) {
// dbg( "Existing sites: %", existingSites );
// [sitesToDelete addObjectsFromArray:existingSites];
// }
// }
// [importedSiteSites addObject:@[ lastUsed, uses, type, version, counter, loginName, siteName, exportContent ]];
// dbg( "Will import site: lastUsed=%@, uses=%@, type=%@, version=%@, counter=%@, loginName=%@, siteName=%@, exportContent=%",
// lastUsed, uses, type, version, counter, loginName, siteName, exportContent );
// }
// // Ask for confirmation to import these sites and the master password of the user.
// inf( "Importing %lu sites, deleting %lu sites, for user: %", (unsigned long)[importedSiteSites count],
// (unsigned long)[sitesToDelete count], [MPUserEntity idFor:importUserName] );
// NSString *userMasterPassword = askUserPassword( user? user.name: importUserName, [importedSiteSites count],
// [sitesToDelete count] );
// if (!userMasterPassword) {
// inf( "Import cancelled." );
// return MPImportResultCancelled;
// }
// MPKey *userKey = [[MPKey alloc] initForFullName:user? user.name: importUserName withMasterPassword:userMasterPassword];
// if (user && ![[userKey keyIDForAlgorithm:user.algorithm] isEqualToData:user.keyID])
// return MPImportResultInvalidPassword;
// __block MPKey *importKey = userKey;
// if (importKeyID && ![[importKey keyIDForAlgorithm:importAlgorithm] isEqualToData:importKeyID])
// importKey = [[MPKey alloc] initForFullName:importUserName withMasterPassword:askImportPassword( importUserName )];
// if (importKeyID && ![[importKey keyIDForAlgorithm:importAlgorithm] isEqualToData:importKeyID])
// return MPImportResultInvalidPassword;
// // Delete existing sites.
// if (sitesToDelete.count)
// [sitesToDelete enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, bool *stop) {
// inf( "Deleting site: %@, it will be replaced by an imported site.", [obj name] );
// [context deleteObject:obj];
// }];
// // Make sure there is a user.
// if (user) {
// if (importAvatar != NSNotFound)
// user.avatar = importAvatar;
// if (importDefaultType)
// user.defaultType = importDefaultType;
// dbg( "Updating User: %", [user debugDescription] );
// }
// else {
// user = [MPUserEntity insertNewObjectInContext:context];
// user.name = importUserName;
// user.algorithm = MPAlgorithmDefault;
// user.keyID = [userKey keyIDForAlgorithm:user.algorithm];
// user.defaultType = importDefaultType?: user.algorithm.defaultType;
// if (importAvatar != NSNotFound)
// user.avatar = importAvatar;
// dbg( "Created User: %", [user debugDescription] );
// }
// // Import new sites.
// for (NSArray *siteElements in importedSiteSites) {
// NSDate *lastUsed = [[NSDateFormatter rfc3339DateFormatter] dateFromString:siteElements[0]];
// NSUInteger uses = (unsigned)[siteElements[1] integerValue];
// MPSiteType type = (MPSiteType)[siteElements[2] integerValue];
// MPAlgorithmVersion version = (MPAlgorithmVersion)[siteElements[3] integerValue];
// NSUInteger counter = [siteElements[4] length]? (unsigned)[siteElements[4] integerValue]: NSNotFound;
// NSString *loginName = [siteElements[5] length]? siteElements[5]: NULL;
// NSString *siteName = siteElements[6];
// NSString *exportContent = siteElements[7];
// // Create new site.
// id<MPAlgorithm> algorithm = MPAlgorithmForVersion( version );
// Class entityType = [algorithm classOfType:type];
// if (!entityType) {
// err( "Invalid site type in import file: %@ has type %lu", siteName, (long)type );
// return MPImportResultInternalError;
// }
// MPSiteEntity *site = (MPSiteEntity *)[entityType insertNewObjectInContext:context];
// site.name = siteName;
// site.loginName = loginName;
// site.user = user;
// site.type = type;
// site.uses = uses;
// site.lastUsed = lastUsed;
// site.algorithm = algorithm;
// if ([exportContent length]) {
// if (clearText)
// [site.algorithm importClearTextPassword:exportContent intoSite:site usingKey:userKey];
// else
// [site.algorithm importProtectedPassword:exportContent protectedByKey:importKey intoSite:site usingKey:userKey];
// }
// if ([site isKindOfClass:[MPGeneratedSiteEntity class]] && counter != NSNotFound)
// ((MPGeneratedSiteEntity *)site).counter = counter;
// dbg( "Created Site: %", [site debugDescription] );
// }
// if (![context saveToStore])
// return MPImportResultInternalError;
// inf( "Import completed successfully." );
// [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:MPSitesImportedNotification object:NULL userInfo:@{
// MPSitesImportedNotificationUserKey: user
// }];
// return MPImportResultSuccess;
return (MPMarshalledUser){};
MPMarshalledUser mpw_marshall_read_json(
char *in) {
return (MPMarshalledUser){};
MPMarshalledUser mpw_marshall_read(
char *in, const MPMarshallFormat outFormat) {
switch (outFormat) {
case MPMarshallFormatFlat:
return mpw_marshall_read_flat( in );
case MPMarshallFormatJSON:
return mpw_marshall_read_json( in );
return (MPMarshalledUser){};