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<p><strong>Master Password is <em>different</em></strong>: it is based on an ingenious password generation algorithm that guarantees your passwords <em>can never be lost</em>.</p>
<p>While password managers generally save your passwords in an encrypted vault or upload them to the cloud for safe-keeping, they make you dependent on syncing, backups or Internet access.</p>
<p>Master Password has none of these downsides. Its passwords aren't stored: they are <b>generated on-demand</b> from your name, the site and your master password; <em>even on a brand-new iPhone</em> without restoring any backups or Internet access.</p>
<p>Master Password is based on a stateless algorithm which frees it from the reliance on storage of secrets.</p>
<p>Since your generated passwords aren't saved to your device, there is <strong>no risk you'll be forced to divulge them to aggressive peers</strong>. And since these passwords don't need to be backed up or synchronized between devices over the network, there is <strong>no risk of them getting intercepted</strong>.</p>
<p>Finally, Master Password is <ahref="http://github.com/Lyndir/MasterPassword/"onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outbound/github']);">free software (GPLv3)</a>, its algorithm <ahref="/algorithm.html">extensively documented</a> and does not require you to trust any external party. This is particularly interesting in a society where things like <ahref="http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/06/us-tech-giants-nsa-data"
onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outbound/prism']);">PRISM</a> and <ahref="http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/may/20/why-did-lavabit-shut-down-snowden-email"onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outbound/gag']);">gag orders</a> are a real threat.</p>
<p>Contrary to other password solutions, Master Password <strong>doesn't need to send your passwords over the network</strong> to make them ubiquitously available. Just add your user and site names to each of your devices and your passwords will be available instantly on all of them.</p>
<p>No cloud provider to trust, no backups to maintain and no data connection for keeping in sync. Since Master Password generates your passwords on-demand based on your user name and master password, you don't have any of these fragile dependencies. This gives you massive availability advantages, but also helps thwart man-in-the-middle attacks, snooping and trust issues related to cloud providers.</p>
<p>Master Password comes with a variety of built-in password types. These types make your site's password look different, become more secure or more compatible with a site's password policy.</p>
<p>The default password is a great balance between security, compatibility and convenience. It is designed to provide great entropy (security) whilst still being easy to manually enter or remember if needed.</p>
<p>You can generate a more secure password, or switch it to a PIN type to use for your bank card or cell phone's SIM lock.</p>
<p>Master Password also implements a hybrid solution allowing you to save custom passwords in the app. These passwords are AES encrypted using a large key derived from your master password. This grants people who are forced to use a certain password (eg. by their systems administrators) a maximally secure solution given their situational constraints.</p>