#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Environment setup script for the local project. Intended to be used with automation # to create a repeatable local environment for tests to be run in. The python env # this script creates can be accessed at the location defined by the CI_VENV variable # below. # # POETRY_VERSION can be set to install a specific version of Poetry set -e; CI_CACHE=$HOME/.cache; INSTALL_POETRY_VERSION="${POETRY_VERSION:-1.3.2}"; mkdir --parents "$CI_CACHE"; command -v python; python3.10 --version; curl --location https://install.python-poetry.org \ --output "$CI_CACHE/install-poetry.py" \ --silent \ --show-error; python "$CI_CACHE/install-poetry.py" \ --version "$INSTALL_POETRY_VERSION" \ --yes; poetry --version --no-ansi; poetry run pip --version; poetry install \ --sync \ --no-ansi \ --no-root \ --only ci; poetry env info; poetry run tox --version;