[tox] envlist = py3{7-11}, static, static-tests, security isolated_build = true skip_missing_interpreters = true [testenv] description = Run the tests require_locked_deps = true require_poetry = true extras = ansible poetry_dep_groups = test commands = pytest {toxinidir}/tests/ \ --cov vault2vault \ --cov-config {toxinidir}/.coveragerc \ --cov-report term-missing [testenv:static] description = Static formatting and quality enforcement basepython = python3.10 platform = linux ignore_errors = true poetry_dep_groups = dev commands = pre-commit run \ --all-files pylint {toxinidir}/vault2vault.py \ --rcfile {toxinidir}/.pylintrc mypy {toxinidir}/vault2vault.py \ --ignore-missing-imports \ --no-strict-optional [testenv:static-tests] description = Static formatting and quality enforcement for the tests basepython = python3.10 platform = linux ignore_errors = true locked_deps = pylint pytest mypy types-toml commands = pylint {toxinidir}/tests/ \ --rcfile {toxinidir}/.pylintrc mypy {toxinidir}/tests/ \ --ignore-missing-imports \ --no-strict-optional [testenv:security] description = Security checks basepython = python3.10 platform = linux ignore_errors = true skip_install = true poetry_dep_groups = security commands = bandit {toxinidir}/vault2vault.py \ --recursive \ --quiet bandit {toxinidir}/tests/ \ --recursive \ --quiet \ --skip B101 poetry export \ --format requirements.txt \ --output {envtmpdir}/requirements.txt \ --without-hashes # For now these groups are disabled until this bug is resolved # in poetry-plugin-export: # https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry-plugin-export/issues/176 # --with dev \ # --with ci \ # --with security \ # --with test safety check \ --file {envtmpdir}/requirements.txt \ --json