mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 15:03:31 +00:00
Update dependencies to fix security flags
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,6 +46,24 @@ typed-ast = {version = ">=1.4.0,<2.0", markers = "implementation_name == \"cpyth
typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.10", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""}
wrapt = ">=1.11,<2"
name = "asttokens"
version = "2.2.1"
description = "Annotate AST trees with source code positions"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
files = [
{file = "asttokens-2.2.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:6b0ac9e93fb0335014d382b8fa9b3afa7df546984258005da0b9e7095b3deb1c"},
{file = "asttokens-2.2.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4622110b2a6f30b77e1473affaa97e711bc2f07d3f10848420ff1898edbe94f3"},
six = "*"
test = ["astroid", "pytest"]
name = "atomicwrites"
version = "1.4.1"
@ -732,6 +750,21 @@ https = ["urllib3 (>=1.24.1)"]
paramiko = ["paramiko"]
pgp = ["gpg"]
name = "executing"
version = "1.2.0"
description = "Get the currently executing AST node of a frame, and other information"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
files = [
{file = "executing-1.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0314a69e37426e3608aada02473b4161d4caf5a4b244d1d0c48072b8fee7bacc"},
{file = "executing-1.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:19da64c18d2d851112f09c287f8d3dbbdf725ab0e569077efb6cdcbd3497c107"},
tests = ["asttokens", "littleutils", "pytest", "rich"]
name = "filelock"
version = "3.9.0"
@ -894,14 +927,14 @@ files = [
name = "ipython"
version = "7.34.0"
version = "8.11.0"
description = "IPython: Productive Interactive Computing"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
{file = "ipython-7.34.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:c175d2440a1caff76116eb719d40538fbb316e214eda85c5515c303aacbfb23e"},
{file = "ipython-7.34.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:af3bdb46aa292bce5615b1b2ebc76c2080c5f77f54bda2ec72461317273e7cd6"},
{file = "ipython-8.11.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:5b54478e459155a326bf5f42ee4f29df76258c0279c36f21d71ddb560f88b156"},
{file = "ipython-8.11.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:735cede4099dbc903ee540307b9171fbfef4aa75cfcacc5a273b2cda2f02be04"},
@ -913,21 +946,23 @@ jedi = ">=0.16"
matplotlib-inline = "*"
pexpect = {version = ">4.3", markers = "sys_platform != \"win32\""}
pickleshare = "*"
prompt-toolkit = ">=2.0.0,<3.0.0 || >3.0.0,<3.0.1 || >3.0.1,<3.1.0"
pygments = "*"
setuptools = ">=18.5"
traitlets = ">=4.2"
prompt-toolkit = ">=3.0.30,<3.0.37 || >3.0.37,<3.1.0"
pygments = ">=2.4.0"
stack-data = "*"
traitlets = ">=5"
all = ["Sphinx (>=1.3)", "ipykernel", "ipyparallel", "ipywidgets", "nbconvert", "nbformat", "nose (>=0.10.1)", "notebook", "numpy (>=1.17)", "pygments", "qtconsole", "requests", "testpath"]
doc = ["Sphinx (>=1.3)"]
all = ["black", "curio", "docrepr", "ipykernel", "ipyparallel", "ipywidgets", "matplotlib", "matplotlib (!=3.2.0)", "nbconvert", "nbformat", "notebook", "numpy (>=1.21)", "pandas", "pytest (<7)", "pytest (<7.1)", "pytest-asyncio", "qtconsole", "setuptools (>=18.5)", "sphinx (>=1.3)", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "stack-data", "testpath", "trio", "typing-extensions"]
black = ["black"]
doc = ["docrepr", "ipykernel", "matplotlib", "pytest (<7)", "pytest (<7.1)", "pytest-asyncio", "setuptools (>=18.5)", "sphinx (>=1.3)", "sphinx-rtd-theme", "stack-data", "testpath", "typing-extensions"]
kernel = ["ipykernel"]
nbconvert = ["nbconvert"]
nbformat = ["nbformat"]
notebook = ["ipywidgets", "notebook"]
parallel = ["ipyparallel"]
qtconsole = ["qtconsole"]
test = ["ipykernel", "nbformat", "nose (>=0.10.1)", "numpy (>=1.17)", "pygments", "requests", "testpath"]
test = ["pytest (<7.1)", "pytest-asyncio", "testpath"]
test-extra = ["curio", "matplotlib (!=3.2.0)", "nbformat", "numpy (>=1.21)", "pandas", "pytest (<7.1)", "pytest-asyncio", "testpath", "trio"]
name = "isort"
@ -1374,16 +1409,19 @@ setuptools = "*"
name = "packaging"
version = "23.0"
version = "21.3"
description = "Core utilities for Python packages"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
python-versions = ">=3.6"
files = [
{file = "packaging-23.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:714ac14496c3e68c99c29b00845f7a2b85f3bb6f1078fd9f72fd20f0570002b2"},
{file = "packaging-23.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:b6ad297f8907de0fa2fe1ccbd26fdaf387f5f47c7275fedf8cce89f99446cf97"},
{file = "packaging-21.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:ef103e05f519cdc783ae24ea4e2e0f508a9c99b2d4969652eed6a2e1ea5bd522"},
{file = "packaging-21.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:dd47c42927d89ab911e606518907cc2d3a1f38bbd026385970643f9c5b8ecfeb"},
pyparsing = ">=2.0.2,<3.0.5 || >3.0.5"
name = "parso"
version = "0.8.3"
@ -1656,6 +1694,21 @@ files = [
{file = "ptyprocess-0.7.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5c5d0a3b48ceee0b48485e0c26037c0acd7d29765ca3fbb5cb3831d347423220"},
name = "pure-eval"
version = "0.2.2"
description = "Safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
files = [
{file = "pure_eval-0.2.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:01eaab343580944bc56080ebe0a674b39ec44a945e6d09ba7db3cb8cec289350"},
{file = "pure_eval-0.2.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2b45320af6dfaa1750f543d714b6d1c520a1688dec6fd24d339063ce0aaa9ac3"},
tests = ["pytest"]
name = "py"
version = "1.11.0"
@ -1720,6 +1773,21 @@ typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.10.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""
testutil = ["gitpython (>3)"]
name = "pyparsing"
version = "3.0.9"
description = "pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6.8"
files = [
{file = "pyparsing-3.0.9-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:5026bae9a10eeaefb61dab2f09052b9f4307d44aee4eda64b309723d8d206bbc"},
{file = "pyparsing-3.0.9.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2b020ecf7d21b687f219b71ecad3631f644a47f01403fa1d1036b0c6416d70fb"},
diagrams = ["jinja2", "railroad-diagrams"]
name = "pyproject-hooks"
version = "1.0.0"
@ -2098,22 +2166,27 @@ files = [
name = "safety"
version = "1.10.3"
description = "Checks installed dependencies for known vulnerabilities."
version = "2.3.5"
description = "Checks installed dependencies for known vulnerabilities and licenses."
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
python-versions = "*"
files = [
{file = "safety-1.10.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:5f802ad5df5614f9622d8d71fedec2757099705c2356f862847c58c6dfe13e84"},
{file = "safety-1.10.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:30e394d02a20ac49b7f65292d19d38fa927a8f9582cdfd3ad1adbbc66c641ad5"},
{file = "safety-2.3.5-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:2227fcac1b22b53c1615af78872b48348661691450aa25d6704a5504dbd1f7e2"},
{file = "safety-2.3.5.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:a60c11f8952f412cbb165d70cb1f673a3b43a2ba9a93ce11f97e6a4de834aa3a"},
Click = ">=6.0"
dparse = ">=0.5.1"
packaging = "*"
Click = ">=8.0.2"
dparse = ">=0.6.2"
packaging = ">=21.0,<22.0"
requests = "*"
setuptools = "*"
"ruamel.yaml" = ">=0.17.21"
setuptools = ">=19.3"
github = ["jinja2 (>=3.1.0)", "pygithub (>=1.43.3)"]
gitlab = ["python-gitlab (>=1.3.0)"]
name = "secretstorage"
@ -2184,6 +2257,26 @@ files = [
{file = "smmap-5.0.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:c840e62059cd3be204b0c9c9f74be2c09d5648eddd4580d9314c3ecde0b30936"},
name = "stack-data"
version = "0.6.2"
description = "Extract data from python stack frames and tracebacks for informative displays"
category = "dev"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
files = [
{file = "stack_data-0.6.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:cbb2a53eb64e5785878201a97ed7c7b94883f48b87bfb0bbe8b623c74679e4a8"},
{file = "stack_data-0.6.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:32d2dd0376772d01b6cb9fc996f3c8b57a357089dec328ed4b6553d037eaf815"},
asttokens = ">=2.1.0"
executing = ">=1.2.0"
pure-eval = "*"
tests = ["cython", "littleutils", "pygments", "pytest", "typeguard"]
name = "stevedore"
version = "3.5.2"
@ -2605,4 +2698,4 @@ poetry = ["poetry", "cleo"]
lock-version = "2.0"
python-versions = "^3.7"
content-hash = "bc9d94389c22f16b9bcf013c0f8bd92b610019795b007f0174eea20d2267317b"
content-hash = "dff1e9d94224325b53a79980b1596f71d772306d9c6b1f58b0aa80f9485de10e"
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ tox = "^3.8.0"
bandit = "^1.6.2"
black = "^22.3.0"
blacken-docs = "^1.8.0"
ipython = "^7.18.1"
ipython = {version = "^8.10.1", python = "^3.8"}
mdformat = "^0.6"
mdformat-gfm = "^0.2"
mypy = "^0.930"
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ pylint = "^2.13.0"
pytest = "^6.0.2"
pytest-cov = "^2.10.1"
reorder-python-imports = "^2.3.5"
safety = "^1.9.0"
safety = "^2.2.0"
toml = "^0.10.1"
tox = "^3.20.0"
types-toml = "^0.10.1"
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