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@ -2,20 +2,18 @@
See also: [Github Release Page](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/releases).
## Version 0.6.4
View this release on:
* Remove custom package compatibility checking logic from transient dependency resolution process
* Add integration with Poetry's compatibility
- Remove custom package compatibility checking logic from transient dependency resolution
- Add integration with Poetry's compatibility
object system for determining package
compatibility with the current platform ([#43](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/43))
* Add missing PyPI classifier for Python 3
object system for determining package compatibility with the current platform ([#43](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/43))
- Add missing PyPI classifier for Python 3
## Version 0.6.3
@ -23,12 +21,11 @@ View this release on:
* Update required `tox` version from `^3.0` to `^3.8` to avoid compatibility issues
* Update logging messages to improve UX
* Fix transient dependency packages being installed in a pseudo-random order due to Python
- Update required `tox` version from `^3.0` to `^3.8` to avoid compatibility issues
- Update logging messages to improve UX
- Fix transient dependency packages being installed in a pseudo-random order due to Python
sets being unordered ([#41](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/41))
* Fix outdated docstrings
- Fix outdated docstrings
## Version 0.6.2
@ -36,14 +33,15 @@ View this release on:
* Update locked version of `py` to `1.10.0` to address
- Update locked version of `py` to `1.10.0` to address
* Fix dependency identification failing when the package under test is a transient dependency
of a locked dependency specified for installation
* Fix `AttributeError` being raised while creating the Tox self-provisioned environment when
using either the [`minversion`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-minversion)
or [`requires`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-requires) Tox config options
- Fix dependency identification failing when the package under test is a transient
dependency of a locked dependency specified for installation
- Fix `AttributeError` being raised while creating the Tox self-provisioned environment when
using either the
[`minversion`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-minversion) or
[`requires`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-requires) Tox config
## Version 0.6.1
@ -51,40 +49,37 @@ View this release on:
* Update logging around transient dependency processing to improve debugging of dependency
- Update logging around transient dependency processing to improve debugging of dependency
installation problems
* Fix regression around handling of Poetry's unsafe packages when the unsafe package is a
- Fix regression around handling of Poetry's unsafe packages when the unsafe package is a
transient dependency ([#33](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/33))
* Fix handling of Poetry's unsafe packages when the unsafe package is a primary (environment
- Fix handling of Poetry's unsafe packages when the unsafe package is a primary (environment
or package) dependency
## Version 0.6.0
View this release on:
* Add `poetry` extra to support installing Poetry as a direct dependency of the plugin
* Add `--require-poetry` runtime option to force Tox failure if Poetry is not installed
* Update logging messages to improve UX around non-verbose messaging
* Update error logging to avoid dumping stack traces
* Update integration with Tox's `action` object to better manage internal state at runtime
* Update documentation to more clearly cover more use cases
* Remove `poetry` as a required dependency to support external Poetry installations
- Add `poetry` extra to support installing Poetry as a direct dependency of the plugin
- Add `--require-poetry` runtime option to force Tox failure if Poetry is not installed
- Update logging messages to improve UX around non-verbose messaging
- Update error logging to avoid dumping stack traces
- Update integration with Tox's `action` object to better manage internal state at runtime
- Update documentation to more clearly cover more use cases
- Remove `poetry` as a required dependency to support external Poetry installations
First beta release :tada:
## Version 0.5.2
View this release on:
* Fix always attempting to install dependencies with incompatible python version constraints
* Fix always attempting to install dependencies with incompatible python platforms
- Fix always attempting to install dependencies with incompatible python version constraints
- Fix always attempting to install dependencies with incompatible python platforms
## Version 0.5.1
@ -92,11 +87,10 @@ View this release on:
* Add CI/Tox tests for Python-3.9
* Update dependency processing to reduce duplication during installation
* Update minimum python requirement to `3.6.1`
* Fix `UnboundLocal` exception when not installing project dependencies
- Add CI/Tox tests for Python-3.9
- Update dependency processing to reduce duplication during installation
- Update minimum python requirement to `3.6.1`
- Fix `UnboundLocal` exception when not installing project dependencies
## Version 0.5.0
@ -104,16 +98,16 @@ View this release on:
* Add option `locked_deps` to better support both locked and unlocked dependencies in a
- Add option `locked_deps` to better support both locked and unlocked dependencies in a
single environment
* Add blocking functionality when using `require_locked_deps = true` to prevent other
hooks from running after this one
* Update documentation to include new configuration options and errors
* Update documentation to improve future maintainability
* Update module structure to move from single-file module to multi-file directory module
* Fix `RecursionError` when installing locked dependencies that specify recursive dependencies
* Fix always reinstalling all locked dependencies on every run regardless of update status
- Add blocking functionality when using `require_locked_deps = true` to prevent other hooks
from running after this one
- Update documentation to include new configuration options and errors
- Update documentation to improve future maintainability
- Update module structure to move from single-file module to multi-file directory module
- Fix `RecursionError` when installing locked dependencies that specify recursive
- Fix always reinstalling all locked dependencies on every run regardless of update status
## Version 0.4.0
@ -121,20 +115,18 @@ View this release on:
* Add `install_dev_deps` configuration option for automatically installing all Poetry
- Add `install_dev_deps` configuration option for automatically installing all Poetry
dev-dependencies into a Tox testenv
## Version 0.3.1
View this release on:
* Fix error when installing an environment with no extras specified in the configuration
* Fix problem where only the dependencies of the sequentially last extra would be installed
* Fix regression causing no project dependencies to be installed
- Fix error when installing an environment with no extras specified in the configuration
- Fix problem where only the dependencies of the sequentially last extra would be installed
- Fix regression causing no project dependencies to be installed
## Version 0.3.0
@ -142,12 +134,12 @@ View this release on:
* Add support for the Tox [`extras`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-extras)
configuration parameter
* Update runtime-skip-conditional checks to improve clarity and ease of future maintenance
* Update lockfile parsing to avoid parsing it multiple times for a single testenv
* Fix missing `poetry-core` dependency when using Poetry<1.1.0
- Add support for the Tox
[`extras`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-extras) configuration
- Update runtime-skip-conditional checks to improve clarity and ease of future maintenance
- Update lockfile parsing to avoid parsing it multiple times for a single testenv
- Fix missing `poetry-core` dependency when using Poetry\<1.1.0
## Version 0.2.4
@ -155,9 +147,8 @@ View this release on:
* Fix support for Poetry-1.1 ([#2](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/2))
* Include tests in sdist ([#8](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/8))
- Fix support for Poetry-1.1 ([#2](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/2))
- Include tests in sdist ([#8](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/8))
## Version 0.2.3
@ -165,9 +156,8 @@ View this release on:
* Fix usage of the plugin in non-Poetry based projects ([#1](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/1))
* Fix treating dependency names as case sensitive when they shouldn't be ([#7](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/7))
- Fix usage of the plugin in non-Poetry based projects ([#1](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/1))
- Fix treating dependency names as case sensitive when they shouldn't be ([#7](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/7))
## Version 0.2.2
@ -175,9 +165,8 @@ View this release on:
* Fix breaking when running Tox in projects that do not use Poetry for their environment/dependency
management ([#1](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/1))
- Fix breaking when running Tox in projects that do not use Poetry for their
environment/dependency management ([#1](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/1))
## Version 0.2.1
@ -185,10 +174,9 @@ View this release on:
* Fix duplicate installation of transient environment dependencies
* Fix logging error indicating all environments always have zero dependencies
* Fix installing main dependencies when `skip_install` is false but `skipdist` is true
- Fix duplicate installation of transient environment dependencies
- Fix logging error indicating all environments always have zero dependencies
- Fix installing main dependencies when `skip_install` is false but `skipdist` is true
## Version 0.2.0
@ -196,17 +184,16 @@ View this release on:
* Add support for per-environment configuration setting `require_locked_deps`
* Add support for per-dependency lock requirement setting using `@poetry` suffix
* Add support for coexisting locked and unlocked dependencies in a single test environment
* Update documentation to include more usage examples
* Update documentation to improve clarity around problems and drawbacks
* Fix logging messages being inconsistently formatted
* Fix raising the same exception for "locked dependency not found" and "locked dependency
- Add support for per-environment configuration setting `require_locked_deps`
- Add support for per-dependency lock requirement setting using `@poetry` suffix
- Add support for coexisting locked and unlocked dependencies in a single test environment
- Update documentation to include more usage examples
- Update documentation to improve clarity around problems and drawbacks
- Fix logging messages being inconsistently formatted
- Fix raising the same exception for "locked dependency not found" and "locked dependency
specifies alternate version" errors
* Fix plugin errors not reporting to Tox that they happened
* Fix plugin errors not causing Tox to mark the env as failed
- Fix plugin errors not reporting to Tox that they happened
- Fix plugin errors not causing Tox to mark the env as failed
## Version 0.1.3
@ -214,25 +201,25 @@ View this release on:
* Fix core functionality of installing dependencies from lockfile for the package-under-development
("dev-package") built by Tox
* Fix log messages not being displayed with Tox output
* Add additional logging output for diagnostics
* Update Poetry requirement to exclude upcoming Poetry-1.1.0 release which will break compatibility
- Fix core functionality of installing dependencies from lockfile for the
package-under-development ("dev-package") built by Tox
- Fix log messages not being displayed with Tox output
- Add additional logging output for diagnostics
- Update Poetry requirement to exclude upcoming Poetry-1.1.0 release which will break
This is the first release where the core functionality actually works as expected :tada:
## Version 0.1.2
View this release on:
* Test trivial functionality on Python-3.6 and Python-3.7
* Fix disagreement between `pyproject.toml` and module metadata on what the current version is
* Fix constant named for PEP-440 that should have been named for PEP-508
- Test trivial functionality on Python-3.6 and Python-3.7
- Fix disagreement between `pyproject.toml` and module metadata on what the current version
- Fix constant named for PEP-440 that should have been named for PEP-508
## Version 0.1.1
@ -240,17 +227,17 @@ View this release on:
* Add/update project documentation
* Add static analysis and formatting enforcement automation to toxfile
* Add security analysis to toxfile
* Fix raising `KeyError` for unlocked dependencies
* Fix mishandling of Poetry's "unsafe dependencies"
* Lint, blacken, and generally improve code quality
- Add/update project documentation
- Add static analysis and formatting enforcement automation to toxfile
- Add security analysis to toxfile
- Fix raising `KeyError` for unlocked dependencies
- Fix mishandling of Poetry's "unsafe dependencies"
- Lint, blacken, and generally improve code quality
## Version 0.1.0
View this release on:
* Add support for installing Tox environment dependencies using Poetry from the Poetry lockfile
- Add support for installing Tox environment dependencies using Poetry from the Poetry
@ -1,129 +1,115 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
and orientation.
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a
harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or
invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance,
race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse,
inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
overall community
- Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
- Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
- Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
- Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning
from the experience
- Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
advances of any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
address, without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
- The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
- Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
- Public or private harassment
- Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their
explicit permission
- Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
or harmful.
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable
behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior
that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
decisions when appropriate.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments,
commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this
Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event.
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an
individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of
representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an
official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or
offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the
community leaders responsible for enforcement at \[INSERT CONTACT METHOD\]. All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
reporter of any incident.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of
any incident.
## Enforcement Guidelines
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining the
consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
### 1. Correction
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing clarity
around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the behavior was
inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
### 2. Warning
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
of actions.
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series of actions.
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
permanent ban.
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No interaction with
the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of
Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding interactions in community
spaces as well as external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a
temporary or permanent ban.
### 3. Temporary Ban
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
sustained inappropriate behavior.
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained
inappropriate behavior.
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with
the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the
people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of
Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
### 4. Permanent Ban
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards,
including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression
toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
the community.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 2.0, available at
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 2.0,
available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct.html.
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct
enforcement ladder](https://github.com/mozilla/diversity).
[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq. Translations are available at
[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
## Copyright 2020 Ethan Paul
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of
the Software.
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.
@ -12,61 +12,64 @@ dependencies to be installed using [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) from its
[](https://www.python.org)
[](https://github.com/psf/black)
See the [Changelog](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/blob/devel/CHANGELOG.md) for release history.
See the
[Changelog](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/blob/devel/CHANGELOG.md) for
release history.
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Install](#install)
* [Quick Start](#quick-start)
* [Why would I use this?](#why-would-i-use-this) (What problems does this solve?)
* [Reference](#reference)
* [Configuration Options](#configuration-options)
* [Command-line Arguments](#command-line-arguments)
* [Errors](#errors)
* [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
* [Developing](#developing)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Roadmap](#roadmap)
* [Path to Beta](#path-to-beta)
* [Path to Stable](#path-to-stable)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Install](#install)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Why would I use this?](#why-would-i-use-this) (What problems does this solve?)
- [Reference](#reference)
- [Configuration Options](#configuration-options)
- [Command-line Arguments](#command-line-arguments)
- [Errors](#errors)
- [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
- [Developing](#developing)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Roadmap](#roadmap)
- [Path to Beta](#path-to-beta)
- [Path to Stable](#path-to-stable)
Related resources:
* [Poetry Python Project Manager](https://python-poetry.org/)
* [Tox Automation Project](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
* [Other Tox plugins](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins.html)
- [Poetry Python Project Manager](https://python-poetry.org/)
- [Tox Automation Project](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
- [Other Tox plugins](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins.html)
Similar projects:
* [Poetry Dev-Dependencies Tox Plugin](https://github.com/sinoroc/tox-poetry-dev-dependencies)
* [Poetry Tox Plugin](https://github.com/tkukushkin/tox-poetry)
- [Poetry Dev-Dependencies Tox Plugin](https://github.com/sinoroc/tox-poetry-dev-dependencies)
- [Poetry Tox Plugin](https://github.com/tkukushkin/tox-poetry)
## Introduction
This is a plugin to unify two great projects in the Python ecosystem: the
[Tox](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) automation project and the
[Poetry](https://python-poetry.org) project/dependency manager. Specifically it allows
the repeatable dependency resolution and installation tools that Poetry uses to benefit
the isolated environments that Tox uses to run automated tests. The motivation to write
this plugin came from a need for a single source of truth for the versions of all
packages that should be installed to an environment.
[Poetry](https://python-poetry.org) project/dependency manager. Specifically it allows the
repeatable dependency resolution and installation tools that Poetry uses to benefit the
isolated environments that Tox uses to run automated tests. The motivation to write this
plugin came from a need for a single source of truth for the versions of all packages that
should be installed to an environment.
When in use this plugin will allow a Tox environment to install its required
dependencies using the versions specified in the Poetry lockfile. This eliminates
needing to specify package versions in multiple places as well as ensures that the Tox
environment has the exact same versions of a given package as the Poetry environment.
This reduces (or hopefully eliminates) hard to debug problems caused by subtle
differences in the dependency graph of the active development environment (the one managed
by Poetry) and the automated test environment(s) created by Tox.
When in use this plugin will allow a Tox environment to install its required dependencies
using the versions specified in the Poetry lockfile. This eliminates needing to specify
package versions in multiple places as well as ensures that the Tox environment has the
exact same versions of a given package as the Poetry environment. This reduces (or
hopefully eliminates) hard to debug problems caused by subtle differences in the
dependency graph of the active development environment (the one managed by Poetry) and the
automated test environment(s) created by Tox.
To learn more about the problems this plugin aims to solve jump ahead to
[What problems does this solve?](#why-would-i-use-this).
Otherwise keep reading to get started.
[What problems does this solve?](#why-would-i-use-this). Otherwise keep reading to get
### Install
The recommended way to install the plugin is to add it to a project's `pyproject.toml`
and lockfile using Poetry:
The recommended way to install the plugin is to add it to a project's `pyproject.toml` and
lockfile using Poetry:
poetry add tox-poetry-installer[poetry] --dev
@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ pip install tox-poetry-installer[poetry] == 0.6.0
The plugin can also be installed using the Tox
configuration option. Note however that dependencies installed via the `requires` option
are not handled by the plugin and will be installed the same way as a `pip install ...`
above. For this reason it is also recommended to always pin to a specific version when
@ -115,9 +118,9 @@ information on this use case.
### Quick Start
Before making any changes to `tox.ini` the project is already benefiting from having
the plugin installed: all dependencies of the root project package are installed using
the Poetry backend to all Tox environments that install the root package without any
Before making any changes to `tox.ini` the project is already benefiting from having the
plugin installed: all dependencies of the root project package are installed using the
Poetry backend to all Tox environments that install the root package without any
configuration changes.
To add dependencies from the lockfile to a Tox environment, add the option
@ -151,8 +154,8 @@ deps =
commands = ...
Alternatively, to quickly install all Poetry dev-dependencies to a Tox environment, add the
[`install_dev_deps`](#install_dev_deps) option to the environment configuration:
Alternatively, to quickly install all Poetry dev-dependencies to a Tox environment, add
the [`install_dev_deps`](#install_dev_deps) option to the environment configuration:
@ -160,21 +163,21 @@ description = Some very cool tests
install_dev_deps = true
See the [Reference](#reference) section for more details on available
configuration options and the [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage) section for some
unusual use cases.
See the [Reference](#reference) section for more details on available configuration
options and the [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage) section for some unusual use cases.
### Why would I use this?
**The Problem**
By default Tox uses Pip to install the [PEP-508](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/)
compliant dependencies to a test environment. This plugin extends the default Tox
dependency installation behavior to support installing dependencies using a Poetry-based
installation method that makes use of the dependency metadata from Poetry's lockfile.
By default Tox uses Pip to install the
[PEP-508](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/) compliant dependencies to a test
environment. This plugin extends the default Tox dependency installation behavior to
support installing dependencies using a Poetry-based installation method that makes use of
the dependency metadata from Poetry's lockfile.
Environment dependencies for a Tox environment are usually specified in PEP-508 format, like
the below example:
Environment dependencies for a Tox environment are usually specified in PEP-508 format,
like the below example:
@ -185,55 +188,58 @@ deps =
Let's assume these dependencies are also useful during development, so they can be added to the
Poetry environment using this command:
Let's assume these dependencies are also useful during development, so they can be added
to the Poetry environment using this command:
poetry add --dev \
foo==1.2.3 \
bar>=1.3,<2.0 \
poetry add --dev \
foo==1.2.3 \
bar>=1.3,<2.0 \
However there is a potential problem that could arise from each of these environment
dependencies that would _only_ appear in the Tox environment and not in the Poetry
environment in use by a developer:
However there is a potential problem that could arise from each of these environment
dependencies that would _only_ appear in the Tox environment and not in the Poetry
environment in use by a developer:
* **The `foo` dependency is pinned to a specific version:** let's imagine a security
vulnerability is discovered in `foo` and the maintainers release version `1.2.4` to fix
it. A developer can run `poetry remove foo` and then `poetry add foo^1.2` to get the new
version, but the Tox environment is left unchanged. The development environment, as defined by
the lockfile, is now patched against the vulnerability but the Tox environment is not.
- **The `foo` dependency is pinned to a specific version:** let's imagine a security
vulnerability is discovered in `foo` and the maintainers release version `1.2.4` to fix
it. A developer can run `poetry remove foo` and then `poetry add foo^1.2` to get the new
version, but the Tox environment is left unchanged. The development environment, as
defined by the lockfile, is now patched against the vulnerability but the Tox environment
is not.
* **The `bar` dependency specifies a dynamic range:** a dynamic range allows a range of
- **The `bar` dependency specifies a dynamic range:** a dynamic range allows a range of
versions to be installed, but the lockfile will have an exact version specified so that
the Poetry environment is reproducible; this allows versions to be updated with
`poetry update` rather than with the `remove` and `add` commands used above. If the
maintainers of `bar` release version `1.6.0` then the Tox environment will install it
because it is valid for the specified version range. Meanwhile the Poetry environment will
continue to install the version from the lockfile until `poetry update bar` explicitly
updates it. The development environment is now has a different version of `bar` than the Tox
updates it. The development environment is now has a different version of `bar` than the
Tox environment.
* **The `baz` dependency is unpinned:** unpinned dependencies are
- **The `baz` dependency is unpinned:** unpinned dependencies are
[generally a bad idea](https://python-poetry.org/docs/faq/#why-are-unbound-version-constraints-a-bad-idea),
but here it can cause real problems. Poetry will interpret an unbound dependency using
[the carrot requirement](https://python-poetry.org/docs/dependency-specification/#caret-requirements)
but Pip (via Tox) will interpret it as a wildcard. If the latest version of `baz` is `1.0.0`
then `poetry add baz` will result in a constraint of `baz>=1.0.0,<2.0.0` while the Tox
environment will have a constraint of `baz==*`. The Tox environment can now install an
incompatible version of `baz` and any errors that causes cannot be replicated using `poetry update`.
but Pip (via Tox) will interpret it as a wildcard. If the latest version of `baz` is
`1.0.0` then `poetry add baz` will result in a constraint of `baz>=1.0.0,<2.0.0` while the
Tox environment will have a constraint of `baz==*`. The Tox environment can now install an
incompatible version of `baz` and any errors that causes cannot be replicated using
`poetry update`.
All of these problems can apply not only to the dependencies specified for a Tox environment,
but also to the dependencies of those dependencies, those dependencies' dependencies, and so on.
All of these problems can apply not only to the dependencies specified for a Tox
environment, but also to the dependencies of those dependencies, those dependencies'
dependencies, and so on.
**The Solution**
This plugin allows dependencies specified in Tox environment take their version directly from
the Poetry lockfile without needing an independent version to be specified in the Tox
environment configuration. The modified version of the example environment given below appears
less stable than the one presented above because it does not specify any versions for its
This plugin allows dependencies specified in Tox environment take their version directly
from the Poetry lockfile without needing an independent version to be specified in the Tox
environment configuration. The modified version of the example environment given below
appears less stable than the one presented above because it does not specify any versions
for its dependencies:
@ -246,11 +252,10 @@ locked_deps =
However with the `tox-poetry-installer` plugin installed Tox will install these
dependencies from the Poetry lockfile so that the version installed to the Tox
environment exactly matches the version Poetry is managing. When `poetry update` updates
the lockfile with new versions of these dependencies, Tox will automatically install
these new versions without needing any changes to the configuration.
dependencies from the Poetry lockfile so that the version installed to the Tox environment
exactly matches the version Poetry is managing. When `poetry update` updates the lockfile
with new versions of these dependencies, Tox will automatically install these new versions
without needing any changes to the configuration.
## Reference
@ -260,14 +265,14 @@ All options listed below are Tox environment options and can be applied to one o
environment sections of the `tox.ini` file. They cannot be applied to the global Tox
configuration section.
**NOTE:** Environment settings applied to the main `testenv` environment will be
inherited by child environments (i.e. `testenv:foo`) unless they are explicitly
overridden by the child environment's configuration.
**NOTE:** Environment settings applied to the main `testenv` environment will be inherited
by child environments (i.e. `testenv:foo`) unless they are explicitly overridden by the
child environment's configuration.
#### `locked_deps`
* **Type:** multi-line list
* **Default:** `[]`
- **Type:** multi-line list
- **Default:** `[]`
Names of packages in the Poetry lockfile to install to the Tox environment. All
dependencies specified here will be installed to the Tox environment using the details
@ -275,24 +280,23 @@ given by the Poetry lockfile.
#### `require_locked_deps`
- **Type:** boolean
- **Default:** `false`
* **Type:** boolean
* **Default:** `false`
Whether the environment should allow unlocked dependencies (dependencies not in the
Poetry lockfile) to be installed alongside locked dependencies. If `true` then an error
will be raised if the environment specifies unlocked dependencies to install and the
plugin will block any other plugins from using the
Whether the environment should allow unlocked dependencies (dependencies not in the Poetry
lockfile) to be installed alongside locked dependencies. If `true` then an error will be
raised if the environment specifies unlocked dependencies to install and the plugin will
block any other plugins from using the
#### `install_dev_deps`
* **Type:** boolean
* **Default:** `false`
- **Type:** boolean
- **Default:** `false`
Whether all Poetry dev-dependencies should be installed to the environment. If `true`
then all dependencies specified in the
Whether all Poetry dev-dependencies should be installed to the environment. If `true` then
all dependencies specified in the
section of `pyproject.toml` will be installed automatically.
@ -307,82 +311,79 @@ Indicates that Poetry is expected to be available to Tox and, if it is not, then
run should fail. If provided and the `poetry` package is not installed to the same
environment as the `tox` package then Tox will fail.
**NOTE:** See [Advanced Usage](#installing-alongside-an-existing-poetry-installation)
for more information.
**NOTE:** See [Advanced Usage](#installing-alongside-an-existing-poetry-installation) for
more information.
### Errors
If the plugin encounters an error while processing a Tox environment then it will mark
the environment as failed and set the environment status to one of the values below:
If the plugin encounters an error while processing a Tox environment then it will mark the
environment as failed and set the environment status to one of the values below:
**NOTE:** In addition to the reasons noted below, the plugin can encounter errors if the
Poetry lockfile is not up-to-date with `pyproject.toml`. To resynchronize the
lockfile with the `pyproject.toml` run one of
Poetry lockfile is not up-to-date with `pyproject.toml`. To resynchronize the lockfile
with the `pyproject.toml` run one of
[`poetry update`](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#update) or
[`poetry lock`](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#lock)
#### Poetry Not Installed Error
* **Status value:** `PoetryNotInstalledError`
* **Cause:** Indicates that the `poetry` module could not be imported from the same
- **Status value:** `PoetryNotInstalledError`
- **Cause:** Indicates that the `poetry` module could not be imported from the same
environment as the running `tox` module and the runtime flags specified
* **Resolution options:**
* Install Poetry: ensure that `poetry` is installed to the same environment as `tox`.
* Skip running the plugin: remove the `--require-poetry` flag from the runtime options.
- **Resolution options:**
- Install Poetry: ensure that `poetry` is installed to the same environment as `tox`.
- Skip running the plugin: remove the `--require-poetry` flag from the runtime options.
**NOTE:** See [Advanced Usage](#installing-alongside-an-existing-poetry-installation)
for more information.
**NOTE:** See [Advanced Usage](#installing-alongside-an-existing-poetry-installation) for
more information.
#### Locked Dependency Version Conflict Error
* **Status value:** `LockedDepVersionConflictError`
* **Cause:** Indicates that a dependency specified in the [`locked_deps`](#locked_deps)
- **Status value:** `LockedDepVersionConflictError`
- **Cause:** Indicates that a dependency specified in the [`locked_deps`](#locked_deps)
configuration option in `tox.ini` includes a
[PEP-508 version specifier](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#grammar)
(i.e. `pytest >=6.0, <6.1`).
* **Resolution options:**
* Use the dependency version from the lockfile: remove any/all version specifiers
from the item in the `locked_deps` list in `tox.ini`.
* Do not install the dependency: remove the item from the `locked_deps` list in
[PEP-508 version specifier](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#grammar) (i.e.
`pytest >=6.0, <6.1`).
- **Resolution options:**
- Use the dependency version from the lockfile: remove any/all version specifiers from the
item in the `locked_deps` list in `tox.ini`.
- Do not install the dependency: remove the item from the `locked_deps` list in `tox.ini`.
#### Locked Dependency Not Found Error
* **Status value:** `LockedDepNotFoundError`
* **Cause:** Indicates that a dependency specified in the [`locked_deps`](#locked_deps)
- **Status value:** `LockedDepNotFoundError`
- **Cause:** Indicates that a dependency specified in the [`locked_deps`](#locked_deps)
configuration option in `tox.ini` could not be found in the Poetry lockfile.
* **Resolution options:**
* Add the dependency to the lockfile: run
- **Resolution options:**
- Add the dependency to the lockfile: run
[`poetry add <dependency>`](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#add).
* Do not install the dependency: remove the item from the `locked_deps` list in
- Do not install the dependency: remove the item from the `locked_deps` list in `tox.ini`.
#### Extra Not Found Error
* **Status value:** `ExtraNotFoundError`
* **Cause:** Indicates that the [`extras`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-extras)
configuration option specified a setuptools extra that is not configured by Poetry in
* **Resolution options:**
* Configure the extra: add a section for the named extra to the
[`extras`](https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/#extras) section of
`pyproject.toml` and optionally assign dependencies to the named extra using the
- **Status value:** `ExtraNotFoundError`
- **Cause:** Indicates that the
[`extras`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-extras) configuration
option specified a setuptools extra that is not configured by Poetry in `pyproject.toml`
- **Resolution options:**
- Configure the extra: add a section for the named extra to the
[`extras`](https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/#extras) section of `pyproject.toml`
and optionally assign dependencies to the named extra using the
[`--optional`](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#options_3) dependency setting.
* Remove the extra: remove the item from the `extras` list in `tox.ini`.
- Remove the extra: remove the item from the `extras` list in `tox.ini`.
#### Locked Dependencies Required Error
* **Status value:** `LockedDepsRequiredError`
* **Cause:** Indicates that an environment with the [`require_locked_deps`](#require_locked_deps)
configuration option also specified unlocked dependencies using
[`deps`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-deps) option in
* **Resolution options:**
* Remove all unlocked dependencies: remove the `deps` configuration option in
* Allow unlocked dependencies: remove the `require_locked_deps` configuration option
in `tox.ini` or explicitly set `require_locked_deps = false`.
- **Status value:** `LockedDepsRequiredError`
- **Cause:** Indicates that an environment with the
[`require_locked_deps`](#require_locked_deps) configuration option also specified unlocked
dependencies using [`deps`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-deps)
option in `tox.ini`.
- **Resolution options:**
- Remove all unlocked dependencies: remove the `deps` configuration option in `tox.ini`.
- Allow unlocked dependencies: remove the `require_locked_deps` configuration option in
`tox.ini` or explicitly set `require_locked_deps = false`.
### Advanced Usage
@ -393,16 +394,16 @@ installed by this plugin the Poetry lockfile. Note that these settings will stil
applied by the default Tox installation backend when installing unlocked dependencies
using the built-in `deps` option.
* [`install_command`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-install_command)
* [`pip_pre`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-pip_pre)
* [`download`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-download)
* [`indexserver`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-indexserver)
* [`usedevelop`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-indexserver)
- [`install_command`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-install_command)
- [`pip_pre`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-pip_pre)
- [`download`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-download)
- [`indexserver`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-indexserver)
- [`usedevelop`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-indexserver)
All of these options are obsoleted by using the Poetry backend. If a given package
installs successfully using Poetry (using either `poetry add <package>` or
`poetry install`) then the required configuration options are already properly set in
the Poetry configuration and the plugin will automatically use the same settings when
`poetry install`) then the required configuration options are already properly set in the
Poetry configuration and the plugin will automatically use the same settings when
installing the package.
#### Reinstalling locked dependencies to a Tox environment
@ -423,23 +424,23 @@ excluded by Poetry itself. As a result these packages cannot be installed by thi
either as environment dependencies (passed directly to [`locked_deps`](#locked_deps)) or
as transient dependencies (a dependency of a locked dependency).
As of [Poetry-1.1.4](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/releases/tag/1.1.4) there
are four packages classified as "unsafe" by Poetry and excluded from the lockfile:
As of [Poetry-1.1.4](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/releases/tag/1.1.4) there are
four packages classified as "unsafe" by Poetry and excluded from the lockfile:
* `setuptools`
* `distribute`
* `pip`
* `wheel`
- `setuptools`
- `distribute`
- `pip`
- `wheel`
When one of these packages is encountered by the plugin a warning will be logged and
_**the package will not be installed to the environment**_. If the unsafe package
is required for the environment then it will need to be specified as an unlocked
dependency using the [`deps`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-deps)
_**the package will not be installed to the environment**_. If the unsafe package is
required for the environment then it will need to be specified as an unlocked dependency
using the [`deps`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-deps)
configuration option in `tox.ini`, ideally with an exact pinned version.
* The set of packages excluded from the Poetry lockfile can be found in
- The set of packages excluded from the Poetry lockfile can be found in
* There is an ongoing discussion of Poetry's handling of these packages at
- There is an ongoing discussion of Poetry's handling of these packages at
#### Installing alongside an existing Poetry installation
@ -447,8 +448,8 @@ configuration option in `tox.ini`, ideally with an exact pinned version.
The plugin specifies the `poetry` package as an optional dependency to support an
externally managed Poetry installation such as in a container or CI environment. This
gives greater flexibility when using Poetry arguments like `--no-root`, `--no-dev`, or
`--remove-untracked` which can cause Poetry to uninstall itself if Poetry is specified
as a dependency of one of the packages it is managing (like this plugin).
`--remove-untracked` which can cause Poetry to uninstall itself if Poetry is specified as
a dependency of one of the packages it is managing (like this plugin).
To have the plugin use the externally-managed Poetry package simply do not install the
`poetry` extra when installing this plugin:
@ -461,9 +462,9 @@ poetry add tox-poetry-installer[poetry]
poetry add tox-poetry-installer
Note that Poetry is an optional dependency to support this use case _only_: Poetry must
be installed to the same environment as Tox for the plugin to function. To check that
the local environment has all of the required modules in scope run the below command:
Note that Poetry is an optional dependency to support this use case _only_: Poetry must be
installed to the same environment as Tox for the plugin to function. To check that the
local environment has all of the required modules in scope run the below command:
python -c '\
@ -473,16 +474,16 @@ python -c '\
**NOTE:** To force Tox to fail if Poetry is not installed, run the `tox` command with
the [`--require-poetry`](#--require-poetry) option.
**NOTE:** To force Tox to fail if Poetry is not installed, run the `tox` command with the
[`--require-poetry`](#--require-poetry) option.
## Developing
Local development requirements:
* Python version 3.6+ ([install](https://www.python.org/downloads/))
* Poetry version 1.0+ ([install](https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation))
* GNU Make (optional, required to use the makefile)
- Python version 3.6+ ([install](https://www.python.org/downloads/))
- Poetry version 1.0+ ([install](https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation))
- GNU Make (optional, required to use the makefile)
Local environment setup instructions:
@ -511,55 +512,53 @@ when developing the project. Alternatively, many `git` commands will need to be
outside of the environment shell by prefacing the command with
[`poetry run`](https://python-poetry.org/docs/cli/#run).
## Contributing
All project contributors and participants are expected to adhere to the
[Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct, v2](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
([external link](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct/)).
[Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct, v2](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) ([external link](https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/2/0/code_of_conduct/)).
The `devel` branch has the latest (potentially unstable) changes. The
[tagged versions](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/releases) correspond to the
releases on PyPI.
[tagged versions](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/releases) correspond to
the releases on PyPI.
* To report a bug, request a feature, or ask for assistance, please
- To report a bug, request a feature, or ask for assistance, please
[open an issue on the Github repository](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/new).
* To report a security concern or code of conduct violation, please contact the project author
directly at **me [at] enp dot one**.
* To submit an update, please
- To report a security concern or code of conduct violation, please contact the project
author directly at **me \[at\] enp dot one**.
- To submit an update, please
[fork the repository](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise/2.20/user/github/getting-started-with-github/fork-a-repo)
[open a pull request](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/compare).
and [open a pull request](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/compare).
## Roadmap
This project is under active development and is classified as beta software, ready for
production environments on a provisional basis only.
* Beta classification was assigned with [v0.6.0](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/releases/tag/0.6.0)
* Stable classification will be assigned when the test suite covers an acceptable number of
- Beta classification was assigned with
- Stable classification will be assigned when the test suite covers an acceptable number of
use cases
### Path to Beta
- [X] Verify that primary package dependencies (from the `.package` env) are installed
correctly using the Poetry backend.
- [X] Support the [`extras`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-extras)
Tox configuration option ([#4](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/4))
- [X] Add per-environment Tox configuration option to fall back to default installation
- [x] Verify that primary package dependencies (from the `.package` env) are installed
correctly using the Poetry backend.
- [x] Support the [`extras`](https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config.html#conf-extras) Tox
configuration option ([#4](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/4))
- [x] Add per-environment Tox configuration option to fall back to default installation
- [ ] ~Add warnings when an unsupported Tox configuration option is detected while using the
Poetry backend.~ ([#5](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/5))
- [X] Add trivial tests to ensure the project metadata is consistent between the pyproject.toml
and the module constants.
- [X] Update to use [poetry-core](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry-core) and
improve robustness of the Tox and Poetry module imports
to avoid potentially breaking API changes in upstream packages. ([#2](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/2))
- [ ] ~Find and implement a way to mitigate the [UNSAFE_DEPENDENCIES issue](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/1584) in Poetry.~
- [X] Fix logging to make proper use of Tox's logging reporter infrastructure ([#3](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/3))
- [X] Add configuration option for installing all dev-dependencies to a testenv ([#14](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/14))
Poetry backend.~ ([#5](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/5))
- [x] Add trivial tests to ensure the project metadata is consistent between the pyproject.toml
and the module constants.
- [x] Update to use [poetry-core](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry-core) and improve
robustness of the Tox and Poetry module imports to avoid potentially breaking API changes
in upstream packages. ([#2](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/2))
- [ ] ~Find and implement a way to mitigate the
[UNSAFE_DEPENDENCIES issue](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/1584) in
Poetry.~ ([#6](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/6))
- [x] Fix logging to make proper use of Tox's logging reporter infrastructure ([#3](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/3))
- [x] Add configuration option for installing all dev-dependencies to a testenv ([#14](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/14))
### Path to Stable
@ -567,8 +566,6 @@ Everything in Beta plus...
- [ ] Fully replace dependency on `poetry` with dependency on `poetry-core` ([#2](https://github.com/enpaul/tox-poetry-installer/issues/2))
- [ ] Add comprehensive unit tests
- [ ] Add tests for each feature version of Tox between 3.0 and 3.20
- [X] Add tests for Python-3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9
- [X] Add Github Actions based CI
- [ ] Add CI for CPython, PyPy, and Conda
- [ ] Add CI for Linux and Windows
- [ ] Add tests for each feature version of Tox between 3.8 and 3.20
- [x] Add tests for Python-3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9
- [x] Add Github Actions based CI
Reference in New Issue
Block a user