
278 lines
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import enum
import json
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses import field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from typing import Type
from typing import Union
from kodak import constants
from kodak import exceptions
def _get_int(var: str, default: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]:
return int(os.environ[var]) if var in os.environ else default
def _get_float(var: str, default: Optional[float]) -> Optional[float]:
return float(os.environ[var]) if var in os.environ else default
def _get_enum_by_name(
var: str, enumeration: Type[enum.Enum], default: enum.Enum
) -> enum.Enum:
return enumeration[os.environ[var].upper()] if var in os.environ else default
def _get_enum_by_value(
var: str, enumeration: Type[enum.Enum], default: enum.Enum
) -> enum.Enum:
return enumeration(os.environ[var].lower()) if var in os.environ else default
def _get_path(var: str, default: Union[str, Path]) -> Path:
return Path(os.environ.get(var, default)).expanduser().resolve()
def _get_bool(var: str, default: bool) -> bool:
return os.getenv(var, str(default)).lower() == "true"
class DatabaseSqliteConfig:
"""SQLite database backend configuration options
:param path: Path to the SQLite database file
:param pragmas: Mapping of SQLite pragmas to apply to the database connection
path: Path = Path.cwd() / "kodak.db"
pragmas: Dict[str, Any] = field(
default_factory=lambda: constants.DEFAULT_SQLITE_PRAGMAS
def from_env(cls):
"""Build dataclass from environment"""
return cls(
path=_get_path("KODAK_DATABASE_SQLITE_PATH", cls.path),
class DatabaseMariaConfig:
"""MariaDB database backend configuration options
:param hostname: Hostname or IP address of the host running the database server
:param username: Username of the account to use for connecting to the database server
:param password: Password for the account to use for connecting to the database server
:param port: Port on the host that the database server is listening on
:param schema: Database schema that the application should use
hostname: str = "localhost"
username: str = "root"
password: Optional[str] = None
port: int = 3306
schema: str = "kodak"
def from_env(cls):
"""Build dataclass from environment"""
return cls(
hostname=os.getenv("KODAK_DATABASE_MARIADB_HOSTNAME", cls.hostname),
username=os.getenv("KODAK_DATABASE_MARIADB_USERNAME", cls.username),
password=os.environ.get("KODAK_DATABASE_MARIADB_PASSWORD", cls.password),
port=_get_int("KODAK_DATABASE_MARIADB_PORT", cls.port),
schema=os.getenv("KODAK_DATABASE_MARIADB_SCHEMA", cls.schema),
class DatabaseConfig:
"""Database backend configuration
:param backend: Enum selecting the backend to use for storing data
:param sqlite: Container of SQLite settings
:param mariadb: Container of MariaDB settings
backend: constants.DatabaseBackend = constants.DatabaseBackend.SQLITE
sqlite: DatabaseSqliteConfig = field(default_factory=DatabaseSqliteConfig.from_env)
mariadb: DatabaseMariaConfig = field(default_factory=DatabaseMariaConfig.from_env)
def from_env(cls):
"""Build dataclass from environment"""
return cls(
"KODAK_DATABASE_BACKEND", constants.DatabaseBackend, cls.backend
class ManipCropConfig:
"""Settings for cropping an image
:param horizontal: Size the image should be cropped to (in pixels) in the horizontal direction
:param vertical: Size the image should be cropped to (in pixels) in the vertical direction
:param anchor: Image location anchor that cropping should be done relative to
horizontal: Optional[int] = None
vertical: Optional[int] = None
anchor: constants.CropAnchor = constants.CropAnchor.C
def from_env(cls, key: str):
"""Build dataclass from environment"""
return cls(
anchor=_get_enum_by_value( # type: ignore
f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_CROP_ANCHOR", constants.CropAnchor, cls.anchor
horizontal=_get_int(f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_CROP_HORIZONTAL", cls.horizontal),
vertical=_get_int(f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_CROP_VERTICAL", cls.vertical),
class ManipScaleConfig:
"""Settings for scaling an image
:param horizontal: Horizontal scaling dimension. If ``strategy`` is ``ABSOLUTE`` then this is
the pixel measurement that the horizontal dimension will be scaled up or
down to; if ``strategy`` is ``RELATIVE`` then this is a percentage modifier
that will be applied to the image's existing horizontal dimension.
:param vertical: Vertical scaling dimension. If ``strategy`` is ``ABSOLUTE`` then this is the
pixel measurement that the vertical dimension will be scaled up or down to;
if ``strategy`` is ``RELATIVE`` then this is a percentage modifier that will
be applied to the image's existing vertical dimension.
:param strategy: Strategy to use for scaling the image. Use ``ABSOLUTE`` to scale to an
absolute pixel measurement and use ``RELATIVE`` to scale relative to the
existing dimensions.
horizontal: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None
vertical: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None
strategy: constants.ScaleStrategy = constants.ScaleStrategy.ABSOLUTE
def from_env(cls, key: str):
"""Build dataclass from environment"""
strategy = _get_enum_by_name(
f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_SCALE_STRATEGY", constants.ScaleStrategy, cls.strategy
if strategy == constants.ScaleStrategy.ABSOLUTE:
parser = _get_int # type: ignore
elif strategy == constants.ScaleStrategy.RELATIVE:
parser = _get_float # type: ignore
raise RuntimeError("This path should not be possible")
return cls(
strategy=strategy, # type: ignore
vertical=parser(f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_SCALE_VERTICAL", cls.vertical), # type: ignore
horizontal=parser(f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_SCALE_HORIZONTAL", cls.horizontal), # type: ignore
class ManipConfig:
"""Image manipulation configuration settings
:param name: Name of the manipulation that will be accessed in the URL
:param crop: Contaienr of settings for cropping an image
:param scale: Container of settings for scaling an image
:param formats: Set of image formats that the source can be dynamically converted into
:param black_and_white: Whether the image should be converted to black and white
name: str
crop: ManipCropConfig = field(default_factory=ManipCropConfig)
scale: ManipScaleConfig = field(default_factory=ManipScaleConfig)
formats: Set[constants.ImageFormat] = field(
default_factory=lambda: constants.DEFAULT_SUPPORTED_FORMATS
black_and_white: bool = False
# TODO: Implement support for these settings
# brightness: int = 0
# contrast: int = 0
# sepia: bool = False
def from_env(cls, key: str):
"""Build dataclass from environment"""
return cls(
name=os.getenv(f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_NAME", key.lower()),
for item in os.environ[f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_FORMATS"].split(",")
if f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_FORMATS" in os.environ
f"KODAK_MANIP_{key}_BLACK_AND_WHITE", cls.black_and_white
class KodakConfig:
"""Global application configuration settings
:param database: Container of database backend settings
:param manips: Mapping of manipulation config names to image manipulation configurations
:param source_dir: Path to where source images should be loaded from
:param content_dir: Path to where the application should store generated images
:param expose_source: Whether the original image should be exposed to clients
:param private: Whether authentication is required for accessing the server
database: DatabaseConfig = field(default_factory=DatabaseConfig.from_env)
manips: Dict[str, ManipConfig] = field(default_factory=dict)
source_dir: Path = Path.cwd() / "images"
content_dir: Path = Path.cwd() / "images"
expose_source: bool = False
private: bool = False
def from_env(cls):
"""Build dataclass from environment"""
manip_names = set(
key.replace("KODAK_MANIP_", "").partition("_")[0]
for key in os.environ
if key.startswith("KODAK_MANIP_")
manips = [ManipConfig.from_env(name) for name in manip_names]
return cls(
source_dir=_get_path("KODAK_SOURCE_DIR", cls.source_dir),
content_dir=_get_path("KODAK_CONTENT_DIR", cls.content_dir),
expose_source=_get_bool("KODAK_EXPOSE_SOURCE", cls.expose_source),
private=_get_bool("KODAK_PRIVATE", cls.private),
manips={item.name: item for item in manips},
def load() -> KodakConfig:
"""Load the application configuration from environment variables
:returns: Populated environment configuration
return KodakConfig.from_env()
except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError, KeyError) as err:
raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f"Failed to load configuration: {err}")