--- openapi: "3.0.2" info: version: 0.1.0 title: Fresnel Lens description: >- A simple HTTP service for mucking about with images. This is a super basic HTTP service for autogenerating website-ready banner and preview images from full-size source images. The generated images are automatically cached with deterministic URLs. license: name: MIT url: https://mit-license.org/ x-anchors: DefaultHeaders: &headers-default Server: $ref: "#/components/headers/Version" OptionsResponses: &responses-options '204': description: "Available HTTP verbs in header, per RFC 7231" headers: Allowed: $ref: "#/components/headers/Allowed" '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/InternalServerError" ImageHeaders: &headers-image <<: *headers-default Digest: description: SHA256 hash of the provided image content schema: type: string format: sha256 example: sha-256=f2bf647325d5a6ad2d7ca138293f9cb224dd863fde0e3fa46bc5c15b43fece5c Content-Type: description: Content type of the image being returned schema: type: string enum: [image/jpeg, image/png] Cache-Control: description: Cache settings for the image to prevent unnecessary reloads schema: type: string example: public, max-age=604800, immutable paths: /openapi.json: get: summary: Retrieve the OpenAPI specification file operationId: OpenAPI tags: ["meta"] responses: '200': description: Contents of the OpenAPI spec file headers: *headers-default content: application/json: schema: type: object /heartbeat: head: summary: Check whether the service is online operationId: Heartbeat tags: ["meta"] responses: '200': description: Server is operational headers: *headers-default '500': description: Server is not operating correctly headers: *headers-default /image/{image_name}: head: summary: Returns metadata about the image request operationId: ImageHead tags: ["meta"] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageName" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageFormat" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/ImageMeta" '401': $ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthenticatedError" '404': $ref: "#/components/responses/NotFoundError" '405': $ref: "#/components/responses/MethodNotAllowedError" '410': $ref: "#/components/responses/DeletedError" '422': $ref: "#/components/responses/UnacceptableError" '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/InternalServerError" '501': $ref: "#/components/responses/NotImplementedError" get: summary: Retrieve the image resource with the specified ID operationId: ImageGet tags: ["image"] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageName" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageFormat" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/Image" '401': $ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthenticatedError" '404': $ref: "#/components/responses/NotFoundError" '405': $ref: "#/components/responses/MethodNotAllowedError" '410': $ref: "#/components/responses/DeletedError" '422': $ref: "#/components/responses/UnacceptableError" '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/InternalServerError" '501': $ref: "#/components/responses/NotImplementedError" options: summary: Retrieve available HTTP verbs for the selected endpoint operationId: ImageOptions tags: ["meta"] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageName" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageFormat" responses: *responses-options /image/{image_name}/{alias}: head: summary: Returns metadata about the image request operationId: ImageAliasHead tags: ["meta"] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageName" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageFormat" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageAlias" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/Image" '401': $ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthenticatedError" '404': $ref: "#/components/responses/NotFoundError" '405': $ref: "#/components/responses/MethodNotAllowedError" '410': $ref: "#/components/responses/DeletedError" '422': $ref: "#/components/responses/UnacceptableError" '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/InternalServerError" get: summary: Fetch a pre configured version of the image operationId: ImageAliasGet tags: ["image"] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageName" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageFormat" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageAlias" responses: '200': $ref: "#/components/responses/Image" '401': $ref: "#/components/responses/UnauthenticatedError" '404': $ref: "#/components/responses/NotFoundError" '405': $ref: "#/components/responses/MethodNotAllowedError" '410': $ref: "#/components/responses/DeletedError" '422': $ref: "#/components/responses/UnacceptableError" '500': $ref: "#/components/responses/InternalServerError" options: summary: Retrieve available HTTP verbs for the selected endpoint operationId: ImageAliasOptions tags: ["meta"] parameters: - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageName" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageFormat" - $ref: "#/components/parameters/ImageAlias" responses: *responses-options components: schemas: Error: type: object properties: event_id: type: string format: uuid message: type: string data: type: object example: event_id: 0de388ae-8277-49ba-b225-3ef7f5b9d084 message: Website go brrr data: {} headers: Version: description: Application name and version schema: type: string example: fresnel-lens-1.0.0 Allowed: description: Comma delimited list of valid HTTP verbs schema: type: string parameters: ImageName: name: image_name in: path description: Image resource name required: true schema: type: string ImageFormat: name: Accept in: header description: Content type indicating what format the image should be returned in required: false schema: type: string default: image/jpeg enum: [image/jpeg, image/png] ImageAlias: name: alias in: path description: Name of the image config alias to use required: true schema: type: string responses: Image: description: Image content for the specified ID headers: *headers-image content: image/jpeg: {} image/png: {} ImageMeta: description: Image content for the specified ID headers: *headers-image InternalServerError: description: Internal server error headers: *headers-default content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" NotFoundError: description: Image with provided ID does not exist headers: *headers-default content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" MethodNotAllowedError: description: The request's HTTP method is not allowed on this endpoint headers: *headers-default content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" DeletedError: description: Image with provided ID was deleted headers: *headers-default content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" UnacceptableError: description: Requested image format is not supported by the server headers: *headers-default content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" UnauthenticatedError: description: Resource requires authentication that was not successfully provided headers: *headers-default content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error" NotImplementedError: description: The server does not support retriving the full resolution image headers: *headers-default content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Error"