[tox] envlist = py36, py37, py38, lint, typing, security, docs isolated_build = true [testenv] description = Run the unit tests (pytest) deps = marshmallow == 3.5.0 passlib == 1.7.2 peewee == 3.13.1 pytest == 5.3.5 pytest-cov == 2.8.1 toml == 0.10.0 commands = pytest --cov={envsitepackagesdir}/keyosk --cov-config .coveragerc tests/ --cov-report term-missing [testenv:lint] description = Check code formatting against black and pylint deps = pre-commit == 2.1.0 pylint == 2.3.1 astroid == 2.2.5 commands = pre-commit run --all-files pylint keyosk [testenv:typing] description = Check type annotations with mypy deps = mypy == 0.761 commands = mypy keyosk --ignore-missing-imports --no-strict-optional [testenv:security] description = Check security vulnerabilities (bandit) deps = bandit == 1.6.2 commands = bandit --recursive keyosk [testenv:docs] description = Build documentation to check RST syntax (sphinx) deps = sphinx == 2.4.2 sphinx-autodoc-typehints == 1.10.3 whitelist_externals = rm commands = sphinx-apidoc -o "./docs/" "keyosk" rm "docs/modules.rst" sphinx-build -M html "./docs/" "./docs/_build" -W sphinx-build -M latex "./docs/" "./docs/_build" -W